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DOI:10.1042/BSR20070004 - Corpus ID: 23677750
@article{Nelson2008The6K, title={The 67 kDa laminin receptor: structure, function and role in disease.}, author={John Nelson and Neil Mcferran and G{\'e}raldine Pivato and Emma Chambers and Caroline A. Doherty and David Steele and David J. Timson}, journal={Bioscience reports}, year={2008}, volume={28 1}, pages={ 33-48 }, url={}}
- J. Nelson, N. Mcferran, D. Timson
- Published in Bioscience Reports 1 February 2008
- Biology, Medicine
The current understanding of the structure and function of the 67LR is reviewed, as well as highlighting areas requiring further research.
192 Citations
Figures from this paper
- figure 1
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- figure 6
192 Citations
- Vincenza ElenaAnna Rea N. Montuori
- 2012
Biology, Medicine
Le infezioni in medicina : rivista periodica di…
The 67 kDa high affinity laminin receptor (67LR) is a non integrin cell surface receptor for the extracellular matrix whose expression is increased in neoplastic cells and directly correlates with an…
- 23
- A. FatehullahC. Doherty D. Timson
- 2009
Bioscience reports
Results show that 37LRP has some of the biological activities of 67LR, even prior to the conversion event, however, the conversion affects the sites of interaction with both laminin and heparan sulfate.
- 18 [PDF]
- Vincent DiGiacomoD. Meruelo
- 2016
Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical…
An in‐depth description of the complexity surrounding this multifaceted protein across functional, structural and pathological aspects is tried to convey.
- 118
- G. CloutierAmélie Sallenbach-MorrissetteJ. Beaulieu
- 2019
Biology, Medicine
- 22
- A. Pesapane
- 2010
Medicine, Chemistry
A computational screening of a diversity library of small molecules using the recently solved 67LR crystal structure identified a lead compound that was characterized for its effects and could be the basis for the development of a new class of anti-cancer drugs, specifically targeting tumor invasion and metastasis.
- T. KhalfaouiJean-François Groulx J. Beaulieu
- 2013
Biology, Medicine
PloS one
Findings indicate that 37/67LR regulates proliferation and adhesion in normal intestinal epithelial cells independently of its known association with ribosomal function.
- 21
- Highly Influenced[PDF]
- R. GopalakrishnaU. Gundimeda W. Mack
- 2018
Biology, Medicine
Biochemical and biophysical research…
- 16
- A. PesapaneC. Di Giovanni A. Lavecchia
- 2015
Chemistry, Medicine
The 67 kDa laminin receptor (67LR) is a non-integrin receptor for laminin (LM) that derives from a 37 kDa precursor (37LRP). 67LR expression is increased in neoplastic cells and correlates with an…
- 30 [PDF]
- R. GopalakrishnaN. BhatSarah ZhouW. Mack
- 2019
Medicine, Biology
Neural regeneration research
Recently, it is found that soluble laminin (laminin-1 isoform) as well as its YIGSR pentapeptide corresponding to the 67LR-binding sequence present in the β1-chain of laminationin, which can induce internalization of 67LR (Gopalakrishna et al., 2018).
- 3
- A. BernardJacqueline Gao-LiC. FrancoTahar BoucebaA. HuetZhenlin Li
- 2009
Medicine, Biology
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Yeast two-hybrid screening using PEDF as bait discovered that the non-integrin 37/67-kDa laminin receptor (LR) is another PEDf receptor that mediates PEDFs angiogenesis inhibition.
- 163
135 References
- E. ArdiniG. Pesole S. Ménard
- 1998
Biology, Medicine
Molecular biology and evolution
A phylogenetic analysis indicated that all of the protein sequences derive from orthologous genes and that the 37LRP is indeed a ribosomal protein that acquired the novel function of laminin receptor during evolution.
- 147
- S. MénardV. CastronovoE. TagliabueM. Sobel
- 1997
Biology, Medicine
Journal of cellular biochemistry
The data suggest that acylation of the precursor is the key mechanism in maturation of the 67 kD form, and the function of the membrane receptor is to stabilize the binding of laminin to cell surface integrins, acting as an integrin‐accessory molecule, although hom*ology of the gene encoding the receptor precursor with other genes suggests additional functions.
- 141
- S. ButóE. Tagliabue S. Ménard
- 1998
Biology, Medicine
Journal of cellular biochemistry
Data suggest that the 67LR is a heterodimer stabilized by strong intramolecular hydrophobic interactions, carried by fatty acids bound to the 37LRP and to a galectin3 cross‐reacting molecule, which is likely a palmitoylation process.
- 128
- E. ArdiniBarbara Sporchia S. Ménard
- 2002
Biology, Medicine
It is reported here that the 67LR molecule also functions in the proteolytic cleavage of laminin-1, a relevant event in basem*nt membrane degradation and tumor dissemination.
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- 1995
Biochemical and biophysical research…
The results suggest that binding of laminin by cell surfacelaminin receptors induces synthesis of the 37LRP and mature 67LR, with a consequent delivery to the cell surface of more laminIn binding proteins for potentiated attachment of the melanoma cell to the basem*nt membrane during invasion and metastasis.
- 22
- T. LandowskiS. UthayakumarJ. Starkey
- 2004
Biology, Medicine
The interaction of the 67 kDa LBP with basem*nt membrane matrix appears to involve a complex series of events including multiple adhesive sites and tight regulation of cell surface expression.
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- 1991
The Journal of biological chemistry
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- E. ArdiniE. Tagliabue S. Ménard
- 1997
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Co-regulation of 67LR and α6 subunit expression, together with the physical association between the two receptors, supports the hypothesis that 67LR is an auxiliary molecule involved in regulating or stabilizing the interaction of laminin with the α6β4 integrin.
- 86
- M. KarpatováE. Tagliabue S. Ménard
- 1996
Biology, Medicine
Journal of cellular biochemistry
This study demonstrates that the 67LR, a cell membrane‐associated molecule exhibiting high affinity for the basem*nt membrane glycoprotein, laminin, is effectively shed by cancer cells, and could play an important role in modulating interactions between cancer cells and laminIn during tumor invasion and metastasis.
- 27
- V. CioceI. MarguliesM. SobelV. Castronovo
- 1993
Biology, Medicine
Kidney international
The binding site on laminin for the 67 kD metastasis-associated laminationin receptor is identified as a region on the long arm of laminIn close to the intersection of the four arms.
- 20
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