Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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TUESDAY APRIL 26 1983 II FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM 1 3E 800 Boats and Motors 806 Airplanes 808 Boats and Motors 802 Campers Travel Trailers 804 Motorcycles qqii 904 Autos Trucks Wanted 804 Motorcycles Equip l9bIHdrIeyIdSOfl FLA Her Rage Classic Edition Special custom paint blue gray custom pipes saddle seat plus lose rifler seat full type leather bag 3500 mi extra clean UAW 292-9164 alter 6 ask for ay IMMEDIATE PICK UP CASH tor CARS-TRUCKS Any condition 24 hrs Day Days Weak 6214121 If no answer 625-5864 $75 UP CA AND TRUCKS 923-3281 40 HP-Johnson outboard motor $508 927-0061or atter 5924-0995 5-2 ft tri aaleboat ral ler '82 model for quick saleS30009238742 Now Paddle Boats Pe9ularly: 5995 Sell for S695 572-0361 tyger2tark3sallboat 599 12 Pt Aluminum Jon boat with trailer $500 731-0973 13-11116erglass boat 5550 834- 4270 atter 5 any time weekends co Boat Minor repairs 51050 920154 291-2598 15 ft PG Boat ig 8550 923-9106 $3300: Must Sell' KAWASAKI II SPECTKA Less than I yr old 6400 mi Ex mi cond Grandbury 513-8533 nights weekends or 897480 ext 272 days Ask or John 198 Yamaha 750 ta5o or trade for car or boat Call all day Sun after 6 weekdaYs 469-6957 10 Suzuki good cond garaged all winter needs minor repair S450 Cell 795-6945 Likenew '79 Honda twin star 185 only 1900 mils mint cond 8645 15214569 Soringtown 1177rPc-inda 750 fully dressed new tires battery 14000 miles $1300 571-6965 '78 011000 fairing stereo cruise backrest bars $2995 834-7053 R) Suzuki rod condition needs itTinfilt5or reolarif all wire 1981 YAMAHA YZ 465 greaf bike Must se113900Call536-1237 after 801 Motor Homes )981 2 ft Sports Coach with rear bath sleeps 6650nan2 roof air conditioners microwave food Processor and blender storage pod remote control Spotlight CB tilt cruise 454 Chevy very nice The best buy In town $34800 5 year financing available Wilson-Mck Inney 870-1090 19 Mobil Traveller i2995 'ioratcnritaX ii94(50)'3 ft Champion 150 Alt Mansfield Hwy 478-6071 7ro ET(RUTIVe II 31 ft 42k mi dual overhead air plus dash electric door step microwave blender cruise new Interior nearly new tires 65 generator S21 000 214-641-3794 '79 COBRA Motor Home Low mileage 1 owner bathroomshower 512500 cash 531 Danny Skies used Cars inc -3322 536-6449 WINNEBAO0 Brave-22 ft new Mmictvlin tires battery brakes etc 43000 miles self contained 1973 model excellent cond 59 995 249-3571 SAYE MONEY Insure your motorhotne with Lis Ring Walker Agency 2117-9383 TRY ME tor MORE CASH On Your Dati or Alive liAniciAi Thank you for calling 831-3e75 ICE For JUNK CARS Call a pillup samedav Day or night 834-6 1 SPOT CASH FOR extra clean cars andpickuos AA Conditt Mu torCo330 Henderson 335-I 76 I tOP Dollar tor late model cars Call Larry Luke Pontiac 315- 3374 Arlington Too For Clean Cars Century Chevrolet-335-4614 902 Auto-Truck Parts 4 soiled Camaro trans 5125 Id bolt pos-trec S100 3 speed stand Camaro trans $6 496-1294 '75 Buick Century VS sticker driveable complete car $250 after 53925 Parchman Apt A Weather Guard Ladder rack adjustable LW0 $150 firm 6400155 After 6 4654454 Cow ml '77 I-Bird front end damage $750 firm 814-4332 days 431-1006 after 6 weekends Aluminum top with dooriVrril Wwor Toyota $125or will trade for anything 817-627-5126 tearl radials 2 se-If95)(1 4 75 each 1 set t275X6OX 15 $12 5 4 G78a14 $90 2-0734 Individuai wants bed for 1976 Ford anger Pickup Must be In good condition 595-2753 LP ga)for pickup two 48 gallon tanks converslon kits $900 47847 3 Parting out '78 Lincoln Town Coupe Call OL8313549 after 5 038-3035 '77 Chrysler 318 engine good cond hear run S300 ClOYS 814- 7359 for Doug Nights 536-5347 sor also 2 new I atires chan- nel CB like new Call -5395 350 Chevy trans $130 Front rear bumper windows for Chevy pickup 265-0088 '69 Firebird hood with 326 emblems (2) 14' wheels make offer 232-0488 '83 Spa rtan 30 ft like newbeautiful trailer selfcontained ClUeenSiZe bed lots of extras ex- cogent comiltien retail 510095 reduced to $6995 In Kennedale 1201 Mansfield Hwy Cali Carl at 478-8221 '71 36 ft American Traveller Sth wheel stereo IvAtem large re-frig microwave deep freeze rear bath double bed front couch large awning $10500 Kennedale Campers 478-6071 TiftiCIDGE Xplorer Extended Van Chassis Drop floor cornplete kitchenbreakfast areafull bed air On engine on shower commode holding tank 22000 mi $11000 334-20 4514130 WR IGHT'S Casita PlayMor Rockwood DI ernOnd rarts supplies sales service in NE 28th 838-6672 '83 Travel trailer 32 ft self contained sleeps 6 air emergency sale Reasonable Exit 35 north Melody Hills Dr 4901 Mobile Dr 1979 8 ft Trek pickup camper electricgas refrigerator heat- er stove air4M9Ks immacu- 'Mei clean after 5 weekends BEST otter buys 1975 self ontalned travel trailer 25 ft sleeps 8 good for camping or fob site can see at KOAWeatherfordI lot 19 '81 Coachman 16ft trailer full bath air sleeps 5 like new '79 Scout traveler 4wd towing packageair AM-FM cassette cruiseCBS6500each4517499 EiTitirt Brake Hookups Hitches and Trailer Repair TRAILER HITCH INC 284-3215 -1 762 arm s-La ndsRanches 2043 Acres secluded iver ranch 4 milesColoradok iver frontage San Saba County Texas Deer turkey fishing and pecans cen trally located to Dallas-Fort Worth Austin Midland Odessa Texas Tremendous development potential Owner finance all 915-32-5156 af ter 6Dm call 372-3869 372-3434 or 72-5243 OR SALE BY OWNER 155 AC HORSE RANCH located 60 ml SW Ft Worth in Stephen villa on Hwy 377 19 stall De barn round 2 arenas walker 4 tanks stocked with catfish bass coastal pastures 4080 sqft luxury home 3 bedrooms '(game room) pool outdoor bar becue plus more! Must SPO Terms negotiable 817-968-3372 Horse Farm Wanted We are looking tor a horse farm within I hr drive of the Metro-pies Must have large home rest quarters barns lakes all Madly Hoffman 14-698-J7 6 or Clifford Ann night 81 -482-3950 Lloan-Morgari Mill 1 hour from Ft Worth 15 acres fenced crossfenced Oaks tur keys coastal livecreek 2barnl gas well with some royalty Paved hwy frontage Showplace S1500cter acre Owner will carry WAYNE ORR REAL ESTATE 834-8174 Monica 834-4352 ESTATE AklE DEVELOPERS REAM-145 ACRES Paved road Weatherford schools Located NE from Weatherford $1900 per acre 10down releaseclause Bobby Dolton Real Estate 441-8850 After hours: 1-594-8325 1-594-2967 1 762 04r-r-kz 4mliest San Sat turkey trally I Worth 4 sa Texa ment Call 915- 3R312193 0-0 155 AC1 60 mi ville on round tanks 5 bass sqft lu: '(gamer becue Termer We are I within 1 Mex rest ce all Ma 14-698 Knight 1 hour Sr fenced keys co gas we Paved place carry WAYNI 834-8174 DEVEI ACRES ford sch Weathel ItHedom Aft 12 Wash*ta Bass Boat 45 Evinrude81250Enginebad 834-5272 Air Boat 15ft Corea Ir Snider engine trailer $1475 261-0'779 Kingfisher1982 1t9HP en- gine trailer $1105 261 79 20 HP Sea 1ing '2trodelclean $400 or best offer 923-3267 WANTED: 25 Pt Cab- riAser Or Larger 460-0921 Or 737-7207 4511 boat trailer 85hp vire rude motor 737-5679 -kilt BOAT aOhp engine moo 737-1825 Al's Boat Motor Reoalr 293-1197 We come to you day or ght '78 Glasstron 18 ft walkthru 115 hp Mercury outboard with Dower trim 1980 Trailmaster custom trailer dry docked excel cond $6400s 281-5172 1512 ft Trihull 15hp outboard Skipper-13 heavy duty trailer rig has less than canooy like new cond 14500 Must be son 236-14144 16 ft fiberglass Monark bass boat with 85 ho outboard fully eoulooed never in water Bestoffer over 58030 Cali 738-524 or 738-4452 after 7PM To 16 it Thundercraft with Dilly trailer 100 ho Chrysler Just tuned kis litelacketsektra as tank ell Cond First WOO firm 23749790 2379430 977 Bass Cat 16 ft 1151-0 Mar cury 12-24 trolling motor oad- master trailer fully loaded! 54750 297-4523 after tom 42 ft Irl-Cabin motor yacht 2 heads with showers wetbar: cent HA 320 actual hrs BY owner 565000 4987323 ONLY USET1-I Carlson boat tette has 115 Mercury motor ex- cel cond 488-1741 after 5PM wood marine engine recenf ly refinishe custom drive on trailer $2995firm 737-3076 1977 Tahiti let boat 19ft 455Olds engine Jacuzzi drive on trailer good ski rig fast 55500 214-264-6873 214-641-1027 16 Skeeter Wrangler 17 150hO Mercury 2 clo rs th finde I graoh 2 stainless proos 15000 2444476 after 6om weekdays 196 30 fiChris Cratthvin Chevy motors New refinish generator 0 and air conditioner OYS 560-0550 nights 738-3087 1978 Honda 400 Hondamatic ing crash bars luooatoe rad( dean low mi S950 244-887S '74 Yamaha 650 bored out to 850 $900 or best offer 831-29e6 after 4:30 19 0-T957-1-c WIndlammer fairing excel cond $1800 921-2715 Like new '02 Honda Goldw4000 senior citizen mi les Loaded with eoulpment81 Yamaha XS180 Special Supernim and Dienty fast '80 Yamdha 650Maxlm 4 cyl shaft drive Peal nice Phone Joe 2953532 or 335-6173 1981 Honda CM400 Custom 1306 miles windshield and luggage rack $15 1981 Honda 70 Deluxe Passport 570 mi lesS500 Both in newcondition 485-1496 after 5 0m HONDA C8750Custom 1980 red Original owner very clean 1800 miles 624013 or trade for complete cement driveway work 534-3947 156 Motocross Park Grand OPening April 30Try us we're new we're close Sign-in 8arn 8 10 ot Loop 820on Hwy156 Sag' now Tex 831-0242 834-4879 '77 Harley Low Rider new too end kick electric lots of extras $3250 firm Serious induirles only 336-2075 between 9-6orri or 783-847 After 6 LEAR TO tLyi Special $99 FREE GROUND CHOOL 20 Dual 20 ALPINE AVIATION foie 1-641-5452 afore the hail season Bouriand Fleidwill offer enclosed hangars with skylight Privacy wails apron and sliding doors white Meth with brown trim $85 737-7956 New WEEOHOPPER Zero Time American Eagle Sall Fender Brakes Lock throttle Instruments and extras Extra nice you'll like the Price! Cali Wacke-498-3042or ilm439-3141 Multl-Engine Rat ME Simulator S24hr Single Engine Simulator 612hr Quality traininglov Coiar Aviation Training Center Metro 647-1103 FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AT BEST RATES Instruction: $10 00per hour Intro nights1500595-1294or595-7719 1978 CESSNA 172N white with blue and red trim 160hp Narco radio IFR rated fully loaded 1400 hrs $20000'firm 2170229 Mon thru Fri or 860-0509 and Drops 3500 total time WR good paint and 131rior Bridgeport Tx 817 683-4 after 7PM 683-4311 or 683-208 NEW ULTRA-LIGHT CLUB 1 Instructions Safe Fun Easy to fly For appt 429-3141 27-1319 NEW 'III PIPER Tomahawks Full warranty with tease back available excellent tax shelter 831-0684 or 237-2955 2 lots 4 acres each on 3100 ft grass runway underground utli Hies near Sanger (TheBarV-K $25000 total 817-775-4296 '48 CESSNA 140 90 HP all metal nice with excellent maintenance history1050 SMOH Feb Annual 4857741 will trade our $18000 equity in 3 yr old 3-2-2 In Bedford wbfp for 1FR 1-0368 plane Payments $574 me 57 905 Auto Truck Financing Divorced Single No Credit No Problem SIftwART MOTORS 3018 Lancaster 531- la15 PROTECT YOUR CREDIT Will assume payments on any 51-81 cartruck 1117-573-41im after 6 BOAT REPAIR Inboards lio let 496-0247 BOAT REPAIR Inboards I0 let 496-0247 1512 ft bass boat hull no hardware $250 Metro 39-6644 FOR SALE: 15 ft fiberolas boat with trailer S600 281-54m 15 ft bass boat fully loaded 838-5958 350 Honda 360 Scrambler both with fairing windshields 3 cycle trailer $1195 781-8043 1977 full dress Hondamatic S1500 Consider trade for '75 or latermodel car 246-0655 244-9532 it Yamaha Maxim 650 2400 4Ktual mi excel cond must sell immediately 283-1000 '79 Yamaha XS 1100 Special 6000 mi like new $2500 Call 294- 9850 beiween 4 om 3 7 pm 1980 Yamaha 650 Snecial excel cond $1100 or best offer Call Tom 498-7855 after 5 574-7963 79 RM 103 Suzuki needs clutch $300 6240354 before 3 pm or after 9 pm 906 Auto Truck For Rent-Lease 1977 T5OK HONDA Aero fal ring crash bar trunk new front tire good condition i 200478-M1 atler 6 pm AC Unit for Detsun various Chevy engine Parts 431-1191 12 VW Fastback flood engine drive train body damaoe 8200 292-2096 For Sale 198114 in Thunderbi rd spoke wire wheel covers one week Owen) 536-9395 810 Sailboats HONDA C13750K 7500 Miles Fairing Backrest Cruise Control Luggage Rack Excellent Condition $1650 731-6497 TEXAS CLASSIC AtiTO1 WE LEASE LL MAKES MODELS tirYPES oF VEHICLES CALL THE OTHERS THEN cALL US (817) 870-2720 Metro 429-3657 We Buy Used Travel Trailers CARAVAN RV CENTER 6301 Airport FrwY (121) 838-0021 DODGE-45W-- 1977 RV near perfect condition completely loacied 24000 miles $14500 firm 732-7525 '76 GMC motor home 23 ft 40 000 original miles 300 original miles on generator A-I condition $28500 Call 236-1338 WILL PAY CASH for used Motorhome or trade for Harley Davidson 8314328 MOTOR HOME INSURANCE LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES 1-800-4424204 1979 24 FT Iloga mini motor home fully self contained $15000 318-929-1406 FOR SAL E'79 ITASCA Luxury Motor Home microwave awnings much more 460-4055after 5 '81 Winnebago built Itasca 29 ft loaded $3175011ke new 817-293-5553 817- 294-9672 1976 27 ff Titian fully self contained excel cond $145CO 489-2934 '73WinnebagoChlettainClass A 25' rear bath sleeps 6 5000K Generator 927-2472 292-5704 '77 23 ft Cruise Air roof 8 dash air generator 22K mi $12500 enneda le Campers 478-6071 1975 BMW 46000 miles fully eguippodexcel 0:410 1-433-5280 after Som 74 SUZUKI 550cream puff adult owned 15000 miles loaded fairing luggagerackextras $695 498-5922 1975 Honda 750 S800 see at Champion Tire 1901 White Settlement Mon thru Fri 332-2323 ask for avid IS Olds motor trans- mission Good working orcier Asking SSW 8384733 23-5470 For Sale: Stock Chevrolet leaf spring 4-1613 rear end 10 bolt Ask for Tim 44 NEW headers for 13 Coda 318 S50624-0354before3pmor after 9 pm 907 Utility Trailer AWASA1Z-1 '82650 CSR perfect cond 3k ml must sell S1500 S89-7974 267-6921 80 HONDA 7SOF Windlammer Iv perfect cond must sell $1600 924-0949 GLEN ROSE Camo Tres Rio this beautiful and historic camo site located on the Brazos Paluxy and Squaw Creek is for sale Aoorox 66 acres with swimming pool new brick home lodge and many other buildings Jack Bridges Jr 817-8912937 office 817497- 218 0 home Camp 1 and hist the Bra Creek I acres brick other Jr 817 2180 hor 15 ft Bass Boat 40 HP evinrude Eagle troll motor Humminbird new drive on trailer Show extras $2200 2954518 or 2954371 VERY SHARP 18 ft TAYLOR SS Jet 455 Olds Berkley sump Mint cond S6903 call 249-4383 16 ft Powercat12LHP Johnson Must Sell S1875 477-3125 CONSIDER any cash offer for 26 ft Prowler EXTRA qEAN1 4118 NE 28th St Oak roveMo- bile Home Park Lot a At 22 FT 5th wheel Arabian travel trailer central air and heatawnIng TV antenna In exceotionallY good cond $6500 236-7504 1978 Nomad travel trailer self-contained no air single axle clean 345O 793-1732 days 281-646 nights SPECIAL SPRING SALE Al Pierces Ski Rack sailshoct Rental Lessons Through May 1st Windsurfers 5895 Prindie 16 $3195 Prindle 18 $3795 Sunfish $1095 Force 5 $1995 Trac 14 $2695 Prindie 16 Demo $2795 Used Sunfish with trailer $750 Free instructions when you buy284-0057 or 792-5290 HOWE CATS FOR SAILIII All sizes 8 colors In stock O'DAY Daysallers Yachts BIC Sailboards Boat Storms Also USED HOBIES store FrAYORTH SAIL MARINE 82001 20W (Cherry Ln) 246-6677 746-6677 BUCCANEER 210 galley head 7 hd outboard AM-FM new paint S5500 will de- liver (817) 777-1569 Custom buiit 2 wheel utility tral er with tool compartments all around Loaded rack on tOP heavy duty springs 8 tires litt down tailgate 731-1002 WELLS CARGO TRAILERS Now in Ft Worth! Complete tine 2001 Loop 820 8 between Ramey Rosedale 429-438e litilitytral ler 15inwheels in wide 6 ft 6 In 626-7010 78 YZ125 Yraha in great 46-11a 5 125 not running $75 7 Honda Gold Wing 1000 '78fully dressed see to tot reolate as-sw 838-6523 after 4: 283 BLK 3 sod transm and bell housing heads and crank S100 624-8354 before 3 orn or after 9 ASSORTED '65 Chevelle body and Interior Darts excel cond 624-8354 before 3 0m or after 9 62 Ford truck Steoside am-fm stereo cassette body In excellent condition $500 284-8105 after 3 I set of Ford le In mags with raised white letter tires $200 5515547 after 5om 1980 Yamah50 custom pipes Ing-Gueen seat like new615001 See to appreciate 834-0189 838-7572 1981 Honda 5002 5800 miles airing rack ice shapeS l900 Ask for Bill Younger 461-1222 or 265-2611 1982 Suzuki GS 650 GL mag wheels di rect drive windshield engine guards less than 300 miles 52400 465-5757 '78 Kawasaki KZ650 4-cylinder battery paint new runs excellent getting married must sacrifice 6650 28441387 Save $1000 on a NEW ROTEC-RALLY 28 Ultraiight For details call 49S-3042 Weekendsor nights cal1560-0337 '111172RO Partner wanted for 14 share570TTAill IPRDMEexcel cond 22000 down $495mo 261-7371 or 2614X60 Rent our helicoptersfor S69hr1 Quality helicooter training by ker Aviation Training Center Metro 647-1103 Plight instructions $31 hr Ground school US Solo $22 hr Bouriand Field 737-7956 Maintenance shop available at BOUR LAND FIELDOfficeolus area for 4 planes 737-79S6 CASH for usedbikes Prefer Harley Davidson 831-4378 '8) Yamaha 650 Special mod shape 81511 735-8418 KOMFORT ROYALS CAR I-LITE CARRIAGE Authorized Dealer 214-436-3525 1-35 at Fox Ave Lewisville WINNEBAGO Travel Trailer 27 ft self-osntained roil down awning excellent condition $3850 923-8911 BARGAIN '8332 ft travel trailer fully self-contained air much more Priced to sell Call anytime 838-7653 802 Campers Travel Trailers NEW iStt tandem utility horse stock trailers 2819 17 New 3 ft tandem utility US Others available 444-3792 5x 16 ft covered metal gooseneck Stock trailer 379-543 One ton GMC truck motor for sale Call Dennis 332-2293 17 Honda Goidwing 13 000 mi like new $2100 534-6841 79 Honda CX 500 Custom many extras $1500 283-4687 18ft PO Tangerine sal lboat with auxii lane motor $3750 Wi ll take some trade weekdays only eu-als-nol FUN TIME 1976 GoldwIng canary yellow garage-kept full custom dress AM-FM tape light bar spotless $2650 834-2748 76 YZ 250 good condition S350 Cali 448-e05 19110 Gt4400 Suzuki 175 Yamaha Endure 3A6-0678 after 6 NEW TO THE ARTA! 38 ft double sildeoutst Room with movability 626-8679 605 Northside Or 76 lastron GI ISO with cover 135 Evinrude power tilt trim custom slipper On trailer with moos 53500 2751535 '74 POWER CAT 70 hp Evinrude power trim and tlit deoth finder trolling motor excellent cond S3000 923-2168 floss tracker III like new 50 hp Mercurywithtrimandtlitmany extras including full cover 282- '1022 after 5 and weekends CLEAN15ftfiberglassvhull80 Johnson dilly tilt trailer low hours garaged full cover extras i1550 577-1072 28 Ft Chris Craft Constellation completely restored everything new or retul it Sacrifice 236-1830 after 6 pm Keep trying 15 FOOf MAGNUM With85 HP trailer 35 mph Good family boatS1983268-4700atter 5PM Larson 18 ft Tr-hull Walk-through windshield 165 HP MerCrul ser Shoreline driveon trail-et 52100 249-5261 TrSVWR abblt oartIngoutor will sell whole 741-0698 USED MOTORS TRANS And Related Parts 927-2052 Parting out late mode Joel all Darts very good 1-641-2608 1973 Mercury station wagon sell Darts or all 6241080 after WANT to buy wrecked or damaged Mazda 838-2128 4 channel radio engine Never been used I Dian ready to go I half finished t4W 5234175 PILOT SERVKI1-011977F- psuction CHI-ME or 84-2424 ask for Lanny Exceotional1975lionda550fullv loaded adult driven garage kept under 15000 miles great mileage $1050 firm 485-3371 SOUTNCOAST 22 JOHNSON 6hp new interior head complete gear Evenings weekends 461-4809 Santana 72 race rLoged main spinnaker 4 'lbs Eagle Mountain Lake 18500 792-7113 Unbeatable orIce6 to 44 ft Sell-contained or cork custom orders Iloouts slideouts avail able Call Mary 62643629 '78 HONDA 100 XL trail bike runs good 8250 625-8389 82 GOLD WING totally loaded Cleburne area 817-641-6388 81 Kawasaki 75410 likenew owner 81850 625-0976 WANTED TO BUY 75-200 acres within At5 min of the Ft Worth area suitable for horses Prefer property with stall barns suitable fencing al readY in place 817-451-4513or 246-0316 105acreson Brazos Ivor native Pecan trees along 1820 river frontage 2 water wells I earthen pond 25 ac open land 80 ac coy- ered In trees Sandy type soil 3 bedroom house Good fishing deer turkey small game In area Less than 1 hr driving time south of Ft Worth Will divide 1-817-645-2066 RUGGED BEAUTIFUL 120 acres not far from Hwy 281 1-20 Lots of doer turinty About SS mi from FIWorth4790acre only $10000 down with IS yr terms 1014 Interest Some min- erals Bob Sudderth Real Estate 3364103 night 429-2214 158 AC oak timber pond wild game $85000 excellent terms 412 AC timber tanks good hunting hwy frontage 5500acre terms 65 ml of on 287 WHEELER REAL ESTATE (817) 872-5311 office Bowie Tx 872-5257 872-1750 140 ACRES lust off of Hwy 67 near Chalk Mt In Erath County large mountains with scenic view some Coastal weekend cabin good barn $975 per at Homestead Realty 817-968-5566 or 817-968-6935 We have others call for details NAP 75-200 Ft War es Pre barns inplace 105acre Pecan trontack pond 25 ered In bedroor deertL area Ls south of 1-817-64 RUG 120 acre 1-20Lot 55mi fr only terms orals Bob 336 158 A game 612 AC Ino he terms WHE (8(7) 87 872-5257 140 ACI near Ch large view cabin 1 Homest or 817-9 call for 6x16CoveredIraller 612x16Car Hauler Choice 1725 267-3276 14x8x6 ft tandem dump box tealler 11000 or best offer 536-7743 Jeep Utility Trailer setS' Of tires good cond S2W 7y2-421 6x16 ft wooden bed tandem taller 1650 478-7993 Utility trailercovereci 4x5x8a1 most new 1650 236-8406 Excel conctlights extended walls 1375 cash only 282-0747 Have 4 nice 4x8 utility trallerS from 1185 to 1225 45)-9105 4x6 ft utility trailer excel cohd 1350or bestoffer731-4240 after 5 20ft gooseneck trailer 11500 831-1861 225 slant 6 Dodge-WO 536-4145 Beech duch*ess twin engine late 11 4 seats loaded with radios take up payments 236-1447 520 Commander S18 500 firm 284-8601834-48 11-2844378 54 acres Private landing strip see Class 764 1981 250 Yamaha Virago excel cord loaded S2200 838-9468 Customized Honda 30S runs good 926-1115 1972 Shasta23 ft self -contained heat air tandem wheels spare awning TV antenna sleeos 513450 297-9986 20 ft Red Dale tandem trailer '75 cacidv tow car Sell or trade for mini home or camper van 237- 6932 Beautiful '81 Suzuki 550 adult drivengaragekeotonly6000m1 must sell this week Sacrifice 51350 or best offer 292-2388 REWARD FOR GREEN '81 KAWASAK I KX250 VIN JKAKXMA11BB504047 444-1660 or 469-8411 ext 205 '82 Suzuki 1100L Shaft drive mags triole discs case guards Low miles beautiful condition Sacrifice at $2495 268-6613 RV SKYLINE SHASTA NU-WA Two New Shasta Tent Trailer $100 over Invoice $366 Down $7729 per mo CLEBURNE Hwy 67 1 miles Cleburne Metro 477-5008 -OPEN I- I 1 IGRANi emen WRECKING 111) 18 LTD 80 Mustang 624-1211 Parts tor '75 Austin Marina or complete car 5369352 Want to Puy '71'72 442 Ram air hoocl IL other parts 292-4117 '78Suzuki750goodbikeSICO31 Mi-6015 MMIMINW IffEEMMN 79 HOB IE 16 Silver Streak ex- cel cond with trailer $3100 261-4094 246-6677 78 27 FT BAYLINER Day Sl ier Si 3750 540-0871 or after 7 am 7384)117 1981 la ft Prindie Cat and trailer and extras Excellent condition seldom used $2850 457-5193 30 lt Catalina 1593002000 Ex- tra clean Will take COMP trade weekdays only 817-838-7101 '78 BAYLINER 21 ft sailboat many accessories ask for Security Administrator 589-1234 MUST SELL like new Seidel- mann 25 tami ly cruiser new motor many extras 2364740 808 Boats and Motors 1949 Ford Pickup less engine trans S650 284-5952 Immaculate '63 Criss Cratt Cavelier 30foot crul ser Must see to le S15000 Al Lowry '80 Yamaha 400 Special low ml excel cond $1000 282-9740 79 CR 250 bought new In '82 new back tire $600 732-7174 MUST SELL FASTS 78 Kawasaki LTD WA new ev- erything must ride make an of- fer 277-3050 284-2299 77 blodt Trans Am Partingout 284-9787 Boat Garclen 7100 Jacksboro Hwy Worth Likenew'815thwhee130ftload- edextras2K mi5thwheelhitch hookups Must sacrifice $10500 1-817-693-5249 CAMPERS New Weekender TravelTrallers Built by Skyline in Mansfield 408 Mansfield Hwy 478-6071 10s ft Red Dale Cabover roof air tacks tiedowns shower commode furnace real nice $2100 572-0727 Sieekcratt ski boat IS 150ho Mercury new custom cover (mint seats carMand AM-F cassette 26 974 Want to buy late model wire hub caps Cali 457-9218 after ipm '800Iacit Yamaha cond 81300 211-0132 1981 Harley Davidson FLH Heritage Edition 817-5674936 Pickuo box trailer with fight All-steel enclosed 544 trailer 647-4250 Concession trailer 8x14 eoulooed 669-7296 after 6 Wantlobuyaxiespringswheels and tires for trailer 295-6644 79 KZ750 excel cond 8500 ml custom paint best offer 897-4881 Ext 772 or 573-6916 after 5 ask for Scott 3791 NN Wanted tan velour seat panetsfor '75to '71 Cutlass 6384164 '74 Pintg ood for parts needs trans IMO 658-2100 14 ft unabout with canorw3Sho Johnson trailer Best price See James at Benbrook Marina or call cAvner0214557 V9? '79 Suzuki 750 I- matching Pacific fairing verysnice bike Price reduced byPSO Must sell 237- 9979 237-9440 '76 Honda KICK) t42S New tires 431-2963 '80 Kawasaki 100 cc red excel cond low miles 6 '76 HONDA 750excel lent condi- ticc 7803 ml 2B44S60 Summer Fun in the Sunt 151s ft Dolconln Sr Sailboat $1000 2654622 after 5:30 weekends '80 HOME excei tent! $2600 284-1930 20 ft Gooseneck trailer Dual axle 225-0398 th0 4h0 10hp long shaft i5hp 25hp 35ho 60hp 12093 1595 1760 400 Want to buy Motorcycles running or not al so Darts and accessodas 732-8648 or 231-821 I 4X6 trailer with lights 45 -4 78 Enclosed wheel utility trailer S200 737-8264 64 Ford Ga laxie 5CO 4 door body 281-9539 4 wirq Jag wheels negotiable 294-7789 atter 5 75 Chrysler Hot Rod motor never started 1430 2848877 )80 Holley $15 theyy 1221olt 307 ring pinion 7v3-ml VW motors parts dunebuggy Darts 457-9470 536-4566 after 5 DOLPHIN cabin 17traller rno- tor mountnice12150 I-6414119i 21 ft Cat 31 3 salt outboard 1A trailer 13600 6417379 ITY-imehe 650 see to aopreclate 8500 others 478-0661 73 175 Yamaha Enduro txcel cond 8450 3500 ml 292-2107 MERCURY 908 BI0 Trucks-Trailers 82 HONDA ATC 200 '81 KTM 495 many extraS S1000each 284- 4442 or 274-8208 1982Harley oadster-1000black 8 gold 3V0 mi excel cond 41 Steve at 65-4973 '59 16 ft Lone Star Fiberglass canvas top 50hp Evinrude tilt trailer S900 or best offeritrade 246-9472 '82HydraSports X2708ass Boat with 150 Ko Mercury Road Master trailer graph 8 flasher completely rigged 295-4364 12 ft Aristocrat caboyer carroer setting on 1977 GMC Sierra Cies sic pickup loaded S4195 for born 28 1-8043 $1250 12 ft bass boat trailer swivel seats trolling motor 19 99 Evirtrude cover will separate 293-1690 2250 9tinp itihp 25hp 40ho 50hp CAMPERS NATION'SLARGEST DEALER FOR TERRY-TAURUS TARRANT OUNTY'S ONLY DEALER FOR AVION COLEMAN FREE CANOPY WITH PUR CHASE OF NEW DELUXE COLEMAN CAMPING TRAILER 8383 HWY 80 WEST 244-3066 Mon-Sat 9-6 12 Ft Sur Snark very stood cond $350 281-9027 20 ft Heisen Streaker with 1113 main sails $4000 626-6687 1395 1895 2295 DESPERATE Renovated barn 3-212 14 acs cent hie wood burning stove wbfp S1013000 Assumable Days 335-6253 Eve 1-433-5011 1815 ACRES Excellent orcoerty with Coastal Bermuda new 10 wire fence stock tank good location In Jack County on County Rd Pecan and oak trees deer and turkey 017- 567-3992 Renova cent wbfp51 335-625J 1 Excelle Bermul stock ta County oak trei 567-399' '79 Kawasaki SRI650 red perfect cond $1395 48541732 1981 Yamaha Maxim 650 Cleanfrit ring IS 74 Honda 360 $295 '74 SUZUKI 550 $395 283-7172 after 5 Kawasaki LTD250 1500 miles with helmet windshleidexcel- lent condition $750 297-4740 79 Wa Una 25 excellecit mod 571-1830 Savings on Larger PM tore! Propane gonversIon kit for pickup 5550 275-7658 after 4 pm WRECKING out 11 Impala 4 door '65Beial re4doorBU-3069 '69 Chevy pickup Ford picku0 parts 515-2265 19621 TON HOLMES WRECKER' Loaded with lots of chrome accessories list new S21000 will lake S17000or bestotter 916-523- 2823 after 6 PM 78 36 ft Mobile Villa 5th wheel rear couch center bath double bed elec lacks awning $9250 Kennedale Campers 478-6071 12 ft Cabover camper with Ice box stoveair conditioner very clean good cond S550Call John 1-594-1116 '72 SHASTA Travel Trailer 23 ft Cash Danny Sides Used Cars Inc 531-3322 556-6449 VIKING TENT TRAILERS! Rentals Sales New Used JIM'S Campers 738-1611 3145 Alta Mere 30 ff fully self-contained travel trailer Factory air heat Real bargain! 626-0708 '828 ft Cabover used Itirne 4cu ft elec refrigerator or LP lacks hold downs $2000 444-3110 '80 351t Shasta travel trailer perfect for young married single or lake lots S13200 1-783-2636 812 cabover Stove Icebox and air conditioner $650 Cali 293- 1902 after 5 '82 Custom Built 5th wheel 21 ft self-contalned air good condi- tion $4000 237-9873 Catalina 27 tall rig Inboard spinnaker S18750 926-7818 81 O'Day 14 Veigabond with tilt trailer 292-9472 Good 110 Mercury motor 19611 I ft Glastron fiberglass Little Dude drive on trailer $2100 924-6716 SAILBOATS: 23 to 78 rt For Sale Used 236-1387 Honda 360 windshield saddle- bags CiS5Y bar $350 924-0166 78 Honda 750 cc only 1300 mi 1980 Yamaha 430 for sale asking S1175or tradeforgickuo 465-5706 1980 Honda CB 650 custom Immaculate cond $1700 498-6524 1979 Kawasaki KZIOCO 232-8096 1974 Honda CivicS700aslswont run 246-6149 Parting out several old Mustangs 795-1703 Cash carry WANTED4chromerlmsfor 1ton Chevrolet truck 8364537 ice-aiii7- VANTED4chromerimsfor 1 ton hevrolet truck 836-9532 '81 Yamaha YZ465 excellent cond Raced only 4 times! Mei tier front tire $1100 430-1312 1980 Kawaskl KZ550 A-1 good condition many extras 81495 Call 281-7523 atter '80 Yamaha 650 Maxim fairing saddlebags other extras 81295 1-594-5532 Several good bikes for sale or trade 50 cc to 750 cc Yamahas Kawasaki Hondas 237-8211 79 amaha 750 Special less than 5000 ml always garaged 860-2615 after 5 MM OWNER 146 acres 3200 saft 4-3-2 brick 2 WBF off upstairs bedrooms 15 ml view easy commute to Metroolext $389000 1 866-2266 Grandview No agents Sell or trade a real mini-farm over 7 acres deers well storwf house orchard garden barn in- cludes stock hogs chickens rabbits mulpment $69900 Toler 1435-4673 146 acre WBFP rooms mute to 866-2266 Sell or over 7 houseo cludes rabbits Toler Viper IS or Lone Star IA ton condition SI175 each 494-3561 Pearson 26 I owner asal Is race- cruise Si6995 Call 469-9SW 12 Bass rocker 40 hoMercurY motor1665 Minn koata trolling motor kcal cond $3950 firm 1965- or 1968-4937 NEW ii USED BOAT TRAILERS Parts A Accessories RYLAN INC 3419 Grata 624-2188 BOB WHITE TOP HAM'S BOAT WORLD DIVISION OF AUTO WORLD Financing Available Indoor Showroom Hammond IMP itrboCirgart 2429 Lem 820 595-1500 Newell Business Palk 3 MI Of 1-30 Near new condition '79 Bayliner 25 tt cabin crul ser V8Command Bridge with Dual controls 262 TT Galvanized Easy load trail- Cr Eagle Mountain Lake silo available S18400 Consider trade Evening and weekends 236-7080 or 236-1136 1975 Tr-Sonic 19 ft men bow walk-thru 165 HP inioui Mercruiser excel cond skis ropes 'rickets cushions deoth finder custom taro dual tandem tilt trailer good buy $6000 281-1716 79 Kawasaki KC 650 runs like new S1500 Call 232-469 76 YAMAHA 1754000 miles pa-rage kept $500237-6073 22 Ft Southcoast trailer spinnaker7ho motor 34500 283-0101 Hob le 16 excel cond $1800 429-3717 AK RECREATION PROWLER ALIO Prices Starting at $4995 For new fully WI contained Travel Trailer Cleburne Metro 477-3031 1801 Main (twiv 174 Cleburne Texas Open Sunday-Friday 21tt Catalina extras trailer like new 429-9922 '80KDX 115 KawasakIdlribike S450 Call 24i41379 after 60m Good hunting ishing trailer stems 6 16 it stove latbox 5950 or best otter 625-2698 Buy of thf woek18Honda SupersoortS975Call atter6831-293 1982 Yamaha YZ aowater cooled Call after 6 295-3846 CRANBURY 3mliesfromtown Oversized 3 bedroom 2 bath brick on 3) acres hillside with Drafty view $132ksi WILSON REAL STATE 14-037) Nights 817-573-3700 BY OWNER 151 acres of Weatherford 1 bedroom 2 bath brick home 3 barns 3 tanks fenced cross fenced Owner finance $1200 per acre Call 1-594-1821 Oversit brick or pretty WIL 443-0371 BY Off Weathe brlck fenced finance Call 1-51 I 900 Automotive 14ftArkansasiraveller512Evinrude electric trolling decked carpeted bass seats 'WI channel CB 624-1554 '71 CHRYSLER 15 ft ts-1-Huli 40 ho motor AM-FM stereo death Roder reg $650 034-565i 16 ft Caddo fiberglass boat70h0 Mercury motor 1500 lb trailer 1st 52000 249-2055 15 ft trl-hull ski tishIng boat 70hp Evinrude good cond 1515W 451-6615 1980 ao CHEVY WRECKER 0000 mi loaded with heavy duty eouipmen air brakes etc List S45000 4 will sell $29000 or ord2506cylenoineGChear it bestoffer915-5232823after6PM un $325 47e-1148 1982 Peterbilt Conventional 400 'ord 200 6cy I engine GC hear it Cummins 13speed63 In we-n un 1250 4581b18 steeper pis 240 In wheel base artingout 64 FalCOn Goodbody arts 478-1148 90 rears black lots of chrome nine less than 30K mt See at 5117 Azle Ave Ft Worth or tall tartingoutl2GranTorinogood et7237)092 ody parts 470-1148 1955 Ford Fire Truck 500 9a thevy 307 engine hear it run tank pumps 94 cia per mint 275 47 a-ilea cornoietele at tio is- Pontiac 400enginecompiete vine Prison 4 years aces Call on 1350 478-1148 or Jimmy at877-1011 or 444-17 Power Glide trans $75 15 GmC single axle groln truck 478-1148 psMichelin radial ti res hydrau- tic ed Parting out '68 Chevy ump bed S7500 Owner ill 478-1148 evy Bei Air finance or lease 260-4892 '74 Ford LNT 900 318 De4roltA11 Used batteries 520 ea rebuilt from top to bottom 478-1148 $16000 or trade 457-8678 AttOr 6 Heavy Duty Pickup It 560-1723 481-3556 or 480-8165 '81 Chevycustom deluxe 1 ton box Wanted: Old cars or trucks van 19000 miles fully loaded DeadorAilve626-4784 237-5320 dual wheels dual tanks $10 000 PartIng out '68 Furyl I or cant -1 -14-71 I fixed Make offers 75-4448 '77 Freightliner CV 6V92 '73 Thunderbird Parts or whole 9-speed under 200000 miles Excellent cond 485-5901 since new ideal tor rock haulers Ford 2506 cyl engine hear it run $325 A7e-1148 Ford 200 6cy engine OC hoar It run 1250 Partingout '64 Falcon Goodbody Parts 476-1)48 Partingout 72 Gran Torinogood body Darts 478-1148 Chew 307 engine hear It run VS ti-Viaa 7 Pontiac 400enginecompiete $350 478-1148 Power Glide 478-11411 '77 Freightliner CV 6V92 9-speed under 200000 miles since new Ideal for rock haulers Kawasaki 1100touringbike fully loaded less than 1000mi priced to sell Call 485-5154 after 1980 Suzuki PM 125 Per fect cond less than 313 hrs on bike $700 795-2118 1982 YAMAHA VIRAGO 750CCfow milea9eS2700or best offer Call 281-6673 after 6 PM UAW Deo 000 cc 8400 mites showroom cond fairing rack bag $3000 firm 551-5410 1979 Harley Davidson Snortsfer metallic blue low miles asking S3100 336-2110 901 Auto-Truck Services 8 ft Cabover Camper stove Ice box sleeds 4 with iacks $5 53143628 68 19 ft Fans self-contained shower commode sleeps 4 $2250 572-0727 '74 SHAFTA 24 ft roof air sleeps 6 rear bath like new 268- 0562 '83 Travel Trailer loaded Must see to aporeciatet Best offer or trade 83k9944 '79K Z400-etcol cond SOGOcasti 295-1033 '79 BMW Bid- 10000 mi $2700 Call 1-599-7202 '79 Honda ca $2000 237-2'038 '80 YAMAHA 400 Special 11 $950 926-0465 78 Honda CX-500 )2000 mi mint cond call 460-5044 $1200 1980 DUCAT1 900 483-1899 Near Weatherford 32acres with largecustomhome designed by well-known Ft Worth architect coastal barn corrals $245000 Principals on- ly 1-594-1329 1-594-7442 32acres design4 Worth corrals ly 1-59 14 Ft Runnabout 28 no rt- rude elec start lake readY1595 656-116 or 214-796-1502 CAJUN Bass Boat55hp Johnson motor and Dilly trailer S2600 638- 7408 80 ac Santo $94 000 water Coactal pecans 79-5771 80 ac Coastal AveS USED TR Excellent used trudts gas diese4 Try before you buy a orogramContact John Purcell: 714430-8231 or metro 2634444 ENGINES-New models Replacements Wrecker Mo-5842 LATE MODEL engines transmissions Installation-warranty Wrecker service available 411-3131 weekdays '8216ft-SeortsBassBoat 115 ELPT Mariner SS prop 2 depth finders trolling motor custom drive-on trailer Like new must see to appreciate S8995 294-1175 after 6:30 pm weekdays Must sell by April 30th WOO or best offer 1977 Ranger Bass boat pad hull design 150 hp Mercury with tilt trim Wishbone trailer 164 hrs on rig lake ready loaded with accessories 732-1471 or 249-5569 MONARK STARCRAFT CHARGER MARINER 2-200 HP FIELD'S MARINE 209 Irving Blvd 12 Irving Tax 214-25445 1981 KAWASAKI 250 helmet 2000 miles extra clean 447-0728 Must sell '71 Yamaha 750 double overhead cams runs good but needs minor work $700 834-0425 GS 1000E Suzuki 1979 excel condmanyextraLAskingS2501) Call after 5 om 444-5021 Anyotter considered 30 it Trailer Like New Oak Grove Mobi lo HomePark4118 NE 28triStCI-A 31 FT Airstream '78model travel trailer vice for Quick sate 57500 923-8742 79 Honda XR185 This bikt nice! S725 Work 834-9006 764 Real Estate to Trade 764 I 1 Wanted: front end tor '78 Grand Prix 282-0384 CARAVAN RV CENTER 5301 Alroort Frwy (121) 834-2291 838-0021 Authorized Dealer For MONITOR by Holiday PROWLER ROAD RANGER ELKART TRAVELER ALIO ALY FAN COACH Complete Accessories KOMF9RT NO 1 KOMFORY EALER IN THE SOUTHWEST Large Selection of Travel Trailers 5th Wheels Register for Free Color TV UNITED Recreation Supply loo Division 4600231 v265-3551 Hours 8 6 Mon-sat I 5 Sun Super Perowwithbulit in trolling motor Sell or trade for I2or boat trailer No Punk 451-2710 20 hp Chrysler outboard low hrs $375 Call after 5 orn 5774378 76 Sea Sprite 16 ft i20 Mercruiser excellent conditiortsee to appreciate 84695 29241V7 1711 '74 VIP 65 ha Mercury 011- trailer lilt trim ready for wa- ter $2750 4414211 '80 Honda CB650 low ml Wade 431-1337 1980 SUZUKI 750GS perfect cond MOO ml $1495 444-2155 'DO HONDA CB750 Custom 31450 Call 295-1033 Wrecked '68 Corvette make offer 2844604 AUTOMOTIVE Detailing Professional Clean Do Wholesale Retail 838-0622 '76 Honda 550-49oodcond sel I or consider trade od Honda GLR 900 657-2826 14 Mustan91 I 307en0Ine Call Ken 9736076 7am-20m '81 5th Wheel-35 ft Prowler WasherDryer electric lift ex- cel cond $12500 595-1327 1972 20 ft Fan self-contained trailer tandem wheels very clean S3500 firm 595-0772 ft cabover camper icebox stove S300 or best offer Also camper shell $30 457-1446 54 acre private landing strip miles from metroplex S268000 Sell or trade for apts or large modern home and pool Keller area? Also small business location Grapevine Hwv Richland Hills 1169500 Sell or trade for home 284-8601 or 834-4811 or 254- 8818 54 acre miles Sell or moden area? (Ion GI Hills I home: 8878 SLivek's Wreciter Service LoceieullS185024hrs535-6555 2 CHEVY van seats 237-5880 Muncie 254 4 speed $125 and 12 bolt rear end Si25 531-2297 1981 SUZUKI 850-G fairing bags stereo 4K miS2650or bestoffer551-1014 1978 Harley Sportster 'how-room cent 5400 actual mi 297-9048 902 Aute-Trudt Parts la ft v-ootrom Wooden hull 40 ho Evinrude trailer Must sell S500 55I-522 pood 300 Ford 6 engine with 3-saeed trans $550 282-1784 81 Honda Interstate extras $4250 282-5768 '79 Kawasaki LTD 1000 clean 5705 mi $2000 After 5 275-5409 '83 MAICO 490 never raced ex- cel condS2500295-1682 after 5 11 Yamaha 175 dirt bike excel cord $250 275-7208 '77 Yamaha 750 fairing sidle bags good cond 51500 281254 1975 Kawasaki Z1 900cc must sell $750 or best offer 460-8532 CR250 Elsinore 1 yr old mint cond $808 295-1697 16 FT Razorback fiberglas hull need seat and hardware SIONI OrolectS250923-9773afier5om 16 ft Altex Alumna Craft As is withag HP JohnsonMotor little dude trailer 731-9097 1973 Pontiac Le Mans use for owls $250 624-2454 Kansas Jack tireoost form machine extension 268-4068 '74 Intl lir ton 440M new trans racing beads Intake 4WD train (4) 1205 mud tires reverse rims 5-bolt Sei I all or part 534-6530 after oweekdays ail day Sat Sun 'Y3 CHEVY PICKUPS lo New reinforcementfixes broken sides and makes hood fit fenders again Special price S35 installed 1715 Roberts Cutoff 625-7671 or 457-5029 USED BOATS LET US SELL YOUR BOAT INewill pick it up poll sh demo sell itfor 10off our 157t Airport Frwy lot-where 30 people drive by daily HERITAGE MARINE 540-3865 4984349 18 ft Venture bass boat Brown metal flake El Trail drive on trailer 175 hp Mercury motor depth finder Double Eagle trolling motor excel cond $1500 4176-91115 17 ft Ryan Craft Bass Boat 50 horse Mercury 23 lb thrust trolling motor Lowrance 175 depth finder Bilge pump Alraerated live well Custom built drive on dilly trailer $3300 293-7756 Let GLP help you exchange your notes or property for other real estate In or out of Texas GLP Inc Metro 572-2561 TRADE GRANBURY Ctffice Bldg with 201( yearly Income for Ft Worth Income bldg or farm Give or take 1-573-3050 Denton Co acs log home-good welltrade for Tex land Im provedunimproved 1-482-3950 Trade 2 bedroom on large lot close to GO Carswell for duplex prefer Mid-cities 246-0453 Let GL notes 12 uttfst TI Office come I or fare Dentor welltr Prove Trade close plex 1980 Kawasaki 1000 shaft fuli dress withextras 7500 miexcel cond S2950 560-0604 evenings 1967 Harley XLCH Soortster needs minor work to get running $1700 735-8325 1979 PE 175 1980 MX 80 3 rall trailer excellent condition $1250 4691426 MUST Sell '82 450 Honda Nighthawk likenew277-1862 ask for Rich Custom parts tor vans pickups-new ctleao 746-5524 S14503 cash 540-0151 $13000 '81 Internat'l 212 ton 9 liter diesel 16' bed 5-speed trans 2-speed rear end 6 wheels air Metro 256-2707 Tandem dump '80 international 13 speed 446 engine clean 4ow mileage $15900 281-8877 1-435-W17 1973 GMC diesel dump truck 318 rebuilt engine new trans new rear end about 40 rubber $14000 Mark after 5 795-0234 OFW Wrecker for sale fully equipped ready to go asking $5500 Slevenville 817-965-4921 after 7PM '74 Freightliner 318 twin screw 60 rubber tubeless tires rains real good 57500 268-4892 '78 Afiac tandem dump along with 3 mci state 100 starttngMayi 1-641-3529 One owner '76 Chevy 3ton 44K mi19ftboxV85sodmustsell best offer 267-7238 282-2370 Used Trailers for (1) 40 ft 1969 Fruehauf (2) 27 ft 1971 Brown with Liftgates 5892410 Want to trade 1 ton '79 Chevy truck for ton pickup One owner 236-1458 '80 Kenworth Cabover trOck tractor mins engine 430-1371 1977 CHEVY 212 ton flatbed dump 2 weed 350 $6300 (6) '785Whtliners COE VT 903 10-s only $11500 each cash 151 Good 483-SW '69 Chevy a-cyl trans 69 Impala wreck left front good 327-PG trans all-part 498-4246 69 GM 307 motor $125 124 Hurstvlew Hurst 1983 Spring Special BENNETT'S CAMPINGCENTER Financing Available Authorized Dealer For STARCR AFT A NOMAD FULL SERVICE DEALER Parts Service A Supplies Hwy377EGranbury1-573-214S Fort Worth Call 443-0237 1978 Chevuoickup frontend assembly 1971 Chevy 1 ton frame 1978 3 4 ton front suspension 1978 Chevy 3 1 ton large drum rearenci Also other truck parts 268-40613 MUST SELL'81Suzuk1750Aero fairing new tires 451-3116 Motorcycle pa rts accessories riding gear 732-8648 237-8211 76 XR 75 Honda great shooe extras $275 295-6222 293 8748 '82 Suzuki GS 650L blue excel cond Call for details 469-9310 1982 HD Soortster like new 900 miles extras $3575 429-2003 800 Recreation 71 Firebird parts car headers goodtrans5203forad589-2357 '64 Super Sport body reasonable cond best offer! 923-8406 Rebuilt 6 cy18 autotranslrom '66 Mustang 293-3516Ron I MEIIIMIMM IIMMEMINIOR 1 16 Cutlass bracket car street legal HP 350 Chevy 4 sod too much to list S3C00 or best offer Days 735-71'95 nights 292-1666 for details HAVE 1976 SUBURBAN' NEED Fully Self-Contained' Camper Trailer Call 332-4105 1977 1112 ft Midas cabover camper has everything Sell or trade 246-3172 '82 Wilderness trailer 19t ft bath full kitchen air sleeos 6 S5500 656-2016 '71 23 ft Winnebago travel trailer Coleman ac shower Arlington $3100 277-7441 or 461-3114 76 Fields cabover camper 912 ft sleeps 4 $1300 days 834-1978 nights 838-6664 '79 Del Ray 11 ft cabover camp- er fully seitcontained Likeriew 76160sage Lake Worth 237-1549 '130 8x32 Sportsman fully self- contained mint condition! $79013 Ask for Dennis 551-1420 '79 Coachman Travel Trailer 22 ff clean excel cond many ex- tras $59150 572-2859 75 22 ft Mobile Scout self-contained loaded clean 834-2726 1-523-5136 AMF Scamper aft Pop-UpCabover Camber stove sink icebox real nice $95 831-3067 PARK MODEL 39 FT with 4x10 tipoutairwasher and dryerde- luxe consider trade 732-8230 7031ft Airstream loadedext ra clean new carpet tires $7995 (214) 937-8725 72 Coleman tent trailer sleeps 6 good cond some extras $1200 292-2096 801 Motor Homes 801 Lake Worth Marine 6612 Azle Ave 237-6411 TIME TO SUWAERIZE We now offer FIBERGLASS REPAIRS Immaculate 25 ft '78 Century flberglas cruiser loaded 350 Chevrolet 260 hp Mercrulse sleeps 5 standup head platform stove relic' 924-7404 924-2200 1978 18' GLASIR ON open bow dee0Vpoweredby'79Evinrude 150h0 -6 tilt trim depth sounder Dilly drive-on trailer See to appreciate 589-0502 STARCR AFT TENT TRAILERS Special Savings On AU in-Stock Oast 3 Rail Trallechlg wheels wod tlresperfectcoodS250923-E33 '78 Yamaha OT-100-E adult ridden $ACO After 6om 249-3062 18ft Lone Star aluminum boat 90 hr cower Evinrude motor 236-1458 '79 Glastron Carlson CB X16 115hp Mercury shoreline trailer $4575 237-5811 232-0290 72 Model 18 ft Chrysler IO GOOD SHAPE I 13450 294-0389 after 5pm Anytimeonweekends 14 ft Starcratt with 65 Mercury motor $2000 or best offer 715-8745 SO HP EVINRUDE 1973 great cond asking $1150 Make offer 292-4765 after 6 pm 12 ft Gamefisher 75 hp very nice $750 or trade for nice travel trailer 838-0774 14 Ft ALUMINUM HULL 18 HP evinrucle runs great $600 Call 478-9518 Grumman 12 ft 6 In aluminum boat with tralfer perfect cond $950 834-0705 Divorce Sale 1791 Scorplan let-boat Jacuzzi pump tandum trailer as Is $4500 282-5152 )2 ft Garnefisher fiberglass trailer 9 12 hp motor Cali 346-1892 27 ft Revel Craft cabin cruiser completely redone see to aporedate $5000 237-6423 237-1050 18 ft Viking Deck Boat 115 hp Johnson tandem trailer 1350 465-3325 Parting out '78 Chevy pickug less front end 926-8125 i973 Subaru good bodytiresin- tenor Needs motor 478-481o '74 Ford 41:13 engine 8 trans 136K ml Runs 457-5942 after 7 Om '80 Yamaha 650 Special )1200 Extras After 6pm 249-3062 Boat Garden 7100 Jacksboro Hwy Ft Worth 237-4691 FOUR new white spoke wheels with center caps removed from '82 Ford F150 pickup cost SA40 will take S175or best offer Call 6pm 244-6745 Chrysler Heml 4 spd pro- shifted only 20 runs-after to Chevy clutch disk Misc Muncie 4 sod parts gear275-5442 465-7959 Parting out '74 Toyota Corolla Station Wagon no motor '77 Courier pickup no motor 284-5941 903 Automotive Repair PAINT BODY Work High ouality stuaranteed at low prices custom Automotive Repair 1817 Bomar 877-1644 1980 LID 1003 Kawasaki new Paint lob perfect condition $2350 265-6626 78 Honda 0(500 faking AM- FM stereo luggage rack 51000 5 Call after 926-8213 '79 Yamaha 650 may wheels backrest runs good ist $1 000 249-2829 MUST SELL '78 Yamaha XS400 mag wheels runs great $575 93-3371 1980 SUZUKI 550E cylinder perfect cond $1100 or best offer 870-3213 or 763-0963 '79 Honda 250CR bough new last Ackil boots helmet $450 246-3208 '81 Kawasaki 550 LTD 2400 miles Crashguard excellent condition $1500 860-1016 '78 Kawasaki 1000 like new I ownerga rage kept 3000 miles $1950 261-5192 1982 Honda 750 Nighthawk ex- cel cond see to appreciate! $2400 292-599 '75 Husky 400 WR 6 speed very strong excel cond manyextras $595 237-5205after 5 weekdays '82 CR 125 Honda S850 '82 M125 Suzuki MO both in excellent condition 534-7423 1979 Z400 perfect cond crash bar other extras $700 cash 246-5956 after 5 PM '79 Yamaha XS1100 10IC mi custom paint seat new tires 731-1857 serious inoul ries only 1979 400Hondamatic motorcycle new tires good condition $800 560-2147 81 Harley Pure's new paint chrome 8554JU 249-3062 after 6 1915 KAWASAK I 100 new rings very good bike 8215 4319018 '79 Yamaha 750 Special low mileage 81800 or offer 465-9261 80 Honda CM400T low mL clean 1 owner 346-1197 79 HARLEY Fat Bob 4100 mi very clean 83150 232-0641 81 SUZUK I RM125 new bore and piston fast 8650 236-7920 '81 HONDA CX500 Coston $1800 sell or trade 7389046 Wrecking out Olds Startire 1600 mt on 231 ti6 engine over hauled 350 Turbo trans 2 new tires 43-01134 Auto reoalr at my home Quality work reasonable rates call anytime 834-5339 FACTORY 2NDS Last change to buy fiberglass Pickup covers at a steal Limited twangy Almost every size In stock sale April 21 thru 26th Blue's Camper Sale 9632 PaloPinto toldHwy80W1 244-3530 79 29ft Eldorado Sth Wheel Trailer New Queen size bed 2- door extra large refrigerator like newcond -Will considersallIng '76-4 door 34 tonChevy trudt with trailer has propane sys- tern new custom paint to match trade all new interior Must sell 834-6888 or 834-9927 '78 Duro Craft outboard 1-6 ft Hull metallic blue sliver 150 HP Mercury cruise with custom Esvg trailer ski equipment 332-2617 '74Fisher Marine boat 15 ft alu- mlnum swivel seats 20h0 mo- tor trolling motor gastank battery factory trailer $1150 after S30anytimeweekends '82 SYLVAN DEEP BASS BOAT reat for stripper or coast fishing 16 60ho Evinrucie SST oroo depth finder trolling md for Loaded! $4850! 246-9828 Slierline bassboat 65 hp Evinrude trolling motor deoth-finder fully eoulooed 1981 drive on trailer All excel cond $3000 to first buyer 737-7975 I diesel saddle tanks two 38 gal 2lordbatteryboxes frlme moonLall like new $150 VS- 6222 773-8748 TRANSMISSIONS Rebuilt $179 Installed Free 451-3061 Anytime TRANS Overhaul6 mos or SOW mi warranty Christian shoo 534-4060or metro799-5627 after 6 VALVE auto repal at my 46-2531 home call Larry atter 3pm 2 Ll Ala aluminum camper shell paneled light Excellent cond $350 Call 924-9070 '79 40ft Sunflower Park Model double tipout 2 roof airs $6995 enneda le Campers 478-6071 '83 Travel Trailer 35 ft self con-tamed Lot 58 6200 Carswell Ac- cess East Gate Park Camper cover for lon9 bed pick- up roll-out windows $225 or best offer Call 838-7627 IS ft aluminum boat trailer 954hp Evinrude 10 vrs old but used very little $650 4434316 Wanted 1637 ft Tri4ull70 HP or larger OMC good cond reason- able 792-740 after 6 '63 Corvette Hood4200 '63-67 Corvette Dash loanel 8 12" Corvette Wheel s-S30 ea Muncie 4 soeeds-S125 ea 793-9463 74360 High Performance Motor with transmission $150 '73 340 Miscellaneous Darts Call anytime 633-1226 '75 Kawaski 900 good cond runs greatS1050orbestoffer 457-6853 78 PE 250 Suzuki excel cond good for trail $750 649-2239 '80 Honda CX500 fairing adult ridden 7000 mi 51600 429-7586 1967 BSA 650 Lightning 281-0000 weekdays after 5 (3) '73 Frue4ufS 45 ft reefer trailers 67500 cash each 540-0151 (5) '73 '74 Fruehauf ft Dryvan Trailers 63500 cash each 540-0151 77 Freightliner-350 74 reightliner-290 '74 HC290 '68 Ford 250 65 Ford-rt0 498-0132 8-6 1973 GANC 8 yd Dump very etred cond rebuillengine sacrifice at $5800 572-3178 1982 Chevy I ton truck 454engine 4 speed 4011 1982 mini-float trailer 659-2229 OWNER OPERATORS GET rr CHEAPER American Trucker Ins Agency 268-1389 '68 2 ton Chevy 14 11 Sidebdard Dump Bed S3450 '74 2 ton GMC sarneeouioemnt54250 292-1136 75 Intl Twin Screw 318 Deiroit 10 sod 28 Dunham Or vel Trailer 295-5109 1973Chevy truck with hopperbottom grain trailer 610500 1-4193- 5819 78 INTI212 ton 18ft steel dun) $10000 2814483 '63 COnventiona I 270 Curiim'nos 10-soeed 1-445-3858 68 Ford Dumo Truck clean runs super goodS3795 1-594-1501 81 Ford F-35057300 4032 James Ave after 630om ISM Bass Boat50 HP EvInrude good troller Al o3ndition 4731513 1981 Kwsak1 GPZ 550 650 miles $1400 295-9581 302 Ford engine low mileage new bottom end Hear it run SAM Wrecking out '73 Chevy olciwo 536-3668 Carburetor repair and tuneurt service your home or mine Reasonable 626-6753 Body Work My Home 20 vrs jkDerience reasonabie 531 -86its Needyalve iob? Buy heads anytime 814-0641 VW Parts I motors $325 Up installation free 927-9826 793 HONDA full dress sell or trade 291-3337 5th Wheel 73 9t seTFcontainkt root air nice S6950 261-0979 '75 Starcratt tent trailer 834-0574 489-2774 '79 17 ft Sterling tunnel ski boat 235 hts Evinrude 1 owner Excel cond $6495 4574583 '80 Del Magic Infinity 16 ft al I the goodies 115 Kg Mercury with hit trim 15300 572-4935 '64 Corvette factory exhaust manifolds used on 427425 hp big block iIke new cond SISO firm 465-5193 after 5 pm EXTRA clean 17 Vs ft Prowler ac awning self-containedS4150 781-0764 '73 Love Bug 13 ft made for small cars fiberglass sleeps 1 $1395 7388701 77 Shasta 20 ft fully self con tained roof air tandem wheels excel cond S4900 473-6348 '82 31ft Terry Taurus usedonce loaded small equity take over payments 457-0779496-3965eve RV SERVICE on The SPOT Guaranteed Call Red 2821624 81 SkamperlIfttootoup trailer sleeps 3-4waterelec451-7676 19 Nomad trailer 28 ft fully self tont ained al must se11654-5805 Camper Wooer for long bed foreign truck $200 06-4611 '78 Yamaha 750 low mileage $1700 626-3929 626-8851 1980 Honda 750 $1350 or best offer 496-1811 429-7143 1977 MFG 16 FOOT WALK-THROUGH Boat with '77 85 HP Evinrude outboard 10 Model oversized trailer Many extras $3700 or best offer 551-5676 riFT cruiser Chrysler In-out exterior and Interior Honduras mahogany head galley dinette deck enclosures extras $1500 927-7324 18 ft Kona let boat seats 4 enclosed 460 Ford Berkiey pump beautiful 3 tone metalflake Roadmaster trailer $4695 29i 6222 293-8748 1981 Chris Craft Cavalier 28 ft twin Chevy 305 low hrs head and shower elec stove refrigera- tor sink Ship to Shore 295-3626 1-641-6816 Professional mockmit work done in my garage 738-004S '78 Kawasaki Z650 excel cond new tires battery head- er $1000 or best 496-0189 '80 Yamaha XS850 Soecial'82 Suzuki RM 125 Honda XR80 Make offers 26i-0386 Auto repair ratortabki Your houseor mire Cal i ay535-1448 81 Yamaha 650 Soecial good shape 81450 1354478 SUBARU Brat fiberglascamoer shell $500 4319401 '72 Steury Poo-UpTrallersleeos 132tablesIcebovS1500 1-897-2503 '7219 ft RV Air $2450 or best offer 4118 NE 28th St 834-9944 Rockwood tent trailer $1650 834-6474 478-6490 '69 Sil verst reak 29ft some metal damage $4250 923-7894 '80 FLT Harley Davidson amfm-cassette-ds $499 244-1650 after 78 Honda real clean lot of extras Woo cash 400cc 923-5831 For sale Yamaha 125 MX 6225 Call 261-8885 69 Camaro Unibody I stock hood I rebuilt turbo 350 I 10v rear end front radiator suobort 738-5387 Bo's Rebuilt Starters Alternators (guaranteed 90 days) S15 uo exchange 923-1154 WRECKING '75 El Camino '67 'Camino '77 Mal ibu 4door624- 1211 Wrecking '78 Monte Carlo 77 AkonteCario'75MonteCarloand '70 Monte Carlo 624-1211 904 Autos Trucks Wanted MONITOR bv HolidaRambler CLASS A MINI CARAVAN RV Center 5301 Airport Freeway 1121A1 838-0021 834-2291 '82 Monaco 29 ft Ciass A coach Chevy power train 18K mi ex- cal cond 2 roof airs 2 water tanks 2 holding tanks 2 gas tanks 65 onan power plant ra- dar range color TV cent vacu- urn Queen bed stereo new michelin tires many other ex- tras replacement cost $67500 will sell $47500 metro 572-4320 '75 Winnebago 27 ft 10k rat roof airs power plant $15500 Kennedaie Campers 478-6071 Camper bus rebuilt engine pan- eied Insulated loaded $1850 645-4640 Motor Home Rentals Kidd Co Days 460-6457 Nights 261-1375 WANTED Used Motor Homes Any sixe-cond48-6071572-0144 Rent 2 motor homes 12cents per mile plus 263-2586 572-2749 MOTOR HOMES FOR RENT METRO 261-5673 Rentlinotor homes A 284-7530 After 60m 431-1439 RENT 2 new rnotorhomes Individual 498-0594 MCL RENTS MOTOR HOMES 265-7263 ENTMotor Horne-Taking res- ervations No checks 624-2458 '72 Dodge Champion good run- ning cond $7000 573-1691 78 El Dorado 24 ft 15000 mi good cond $14950 379-5252 RENT 24'sleeps 8 S45 per day15per m1732-6033927-767 I Southwind 26 feet low mile- age $15000 214-357-0862 1978 Winnebago ChlettarT747013 mi sleeps 6 $16000 9710148 Rent '82 Mini Motor 924-1642 atter '72 Mobile Scout Rini-Motor Home $5495 237-3261 3325318 18 97 Beige 26 ft G-mit-RovALE COACHMAN $30000 540-3820 1982 30 ft WINNEBAGO FOR RENT 457-6713 '73 xecutive 27' Motor home cellent cond 831-2159 282-6243 '73 Explorer Motor Home nice $6250 498-4566 281-7658 '79 Trans Van sleeps 4 kitchen $6500 834-8312 1971 18 ft Ford motor home good cond 24500 638-6445 13500 Duo-Therm AC factory warrantee S450 485-0033 '70 Ford motor home 314 ton $3200 281-1363 '77 GMC Kingsley Motor Home 60 000 mi 525000 282-9978 MOTOR HOME RENTAL Individual 2133161S RENT 2 MOTOR HOME T- 540-0868 18 Mt mobile traveler 161( miles $10900 Boyd I-4332633 75 Executive 25 ft extra clean Dodge 440 S13500 1-573-8155 5301 838-1 '82 Mc Chevy ceLcc tanks tanks dar re um i miche tras will s( 75 0 roof Kenn Carng eied 645-9i Moto Days WAN Any' Rent mile MO" Rent A 28 RI Indly EN erval '72 0 fling '78 good RE day '78 age 1978 '72 Horn 1978 COlk -7 FOR '73E celle '73 5625C '79 SON 1971 cond 135C wari 'lot S320( 600( Ind 75 Dock 19 Suzuki GS-1000 showroom cond low ml 834-0646 after aom 16 ff Imo V-hull 150 hp Omc In- out S2850cash 817-677-2042 after '81 RANGER 275-1 140 Johnson fully equipped 01995 Can 451-964 after 5:30 '77 Del Magic 16 ft trlhull s5 hp Evinrude $2850 237-2443 anytime For Sale: 17 ft Formula Boat vitt 115hp EvinrudeGoodcond 293-2032 12 ft Glass Magic 9 HP electric start 74 VIP 50 HP 15ft Aluminum Craft 624-9029 or 624-1998 1982Tidecraft15ft Pass boat as hp Suzuki Loaded garage kept $5500 465-3619 50m 50m i I I 71 II 3 II i I 4 13 in PS )1 rf 1 SS 1 1 it II 3 I I 1- 4 I )1 2 13 in 9 75 7n 11 rt 1 SS 1 76K AWASAk 1 900 AskineS11300 Call 274-9054 after 5pm '80 Honda 900 Shaft door good cond S30000m1 11395 267-4373 '79 Harley Davidson Sportster $2600 817-478-1793 812 idie Time cabover hydraulic lacks Potty tiedowns 834-2502 Heavy duty trailer in mint cond 6x 10 with 3 sides 838-6322 72 VW Poptoo camper $2650 Frank 336-2010 80 YAMAHA 1100 SPECIAL Low miles 500 miles on tires excel cond garaged 282-3096 '18 Yamaha XS 750 fully dressed excel cond 100 732-1914 '74 C-60 16 ft van also 20ft van body Call 265-869 '73 Chevy 1 ton towing wrecker works great $2250 261-4864 1965 2 ton Chevrolet 5th wheel transport new motor 293-1246 67 Ford2V2 tonleft tie racks $1875 485-0426 198i GMC Dooley 8 20 It flatbed Gooseneck Excel 478-7721 24 ft GN dual tandem clovela II loading ramps 647-0056 Used 20 ft GN tandem axles trailer 647-0056 Drive Your Car Or Truck TO MERRITT MOTOR CO 2100 Lancaster Ft Worth 3324707 OPEN SUNDAY Immediate Sale TOP PRICES PAID AllMaionModdisti Condition a BUYERS ON DUTY Moos (2) 151n (2) 161n tires free 5 hole with lugs $125 478-3499 After 6PM 74 Buick Centure door good Darts car or work car runs but needs work $275 467-0432 '80 Honda CR80 S400 195-8233 14 ft bass boat 20 hp motor trolling motor depth finder new turf Dilly trailer excellent shape Lake ready Must sell Will sell separately 2949519 trulsers-HouseboatsSkiBoats BOAT BROKERS 236-8041 We sell flberglas materials do boat repairs 626-8297 Used boats motors trailers Sei or tr ade814-2334or 834-0437 18 ft Hydrosonlc 160 hp Merc IO trailer cheap 488-7191 Alrboat hull 12x7 fiberglass 682-4226 78 31ft Elkart traveler loaded excel cond 88550 560-1042 8ft cabover new Interior must sell 451-4297 LWB 8 ft cabover Loaded 52450 441-8518 16ft travel tral S900fIrm 594- 2016 WANTED: lacks for cab-over camper 447-0728 after 5pm WANTED UseriTravalTrallers Anysitecood478-6071572-0144 2 travel trailers new Onan 4500 watt power plant 834-4789 21 ft Trallblarer fully self-contained air 52450 83841774 19 FOOT APACHE many extras extra nice 838-8933 Individual wants to buy travel-trailer will pay cash 794-9721 ALUMINUM camper shell for Iwb $175 491-7919 Small pickup camper carpet A 1400 244-7318 2492507 Would like to buy fishing boat with or without motor or trailer 496-0256 478 Toyota carts 1603 motor WOO mt wheels doors etc D8YS 244-1360 Eve 244-2260 Sod V-oate shifter Moroso chrome valve covers Small bik Chevy 62498359 Must sell Jon Boat motor er S500 447-1901 12 liondaCB 900 custom with accessories S2600 737-8264 1980 CB650 Honda Work -days 458-3332horne 467-5527 '80 Suzuki GS850L full touring backage $2800 249-1539 1977 Yamaha XT500 4 stroke S575 negotiable 923-2i43 LIKE NEW '80 Honda 500 KR 480 actual miles 268-1985 '79 awasak1 SR -850 exce1cond with new tires IL battery 237-4414 '8IK awasaki KDX 175exceld1rt bike 237-4414 1979 Suzukl M125 dirt bike extra clean $400 732-2238 '17 Harley Davidson kti-H 1000cc 498-1503 79 Honda CR 125 '80 Honda CR80 Just like new 797-9130 72 Suzuki 500cC 9zoci Condition 5450 447-0627 '74 Honda 360 Good Condition S500 923-4643 Camder shell for LW8 lights insulated $150 282-4658 Fiberglas camper shell for Iwb Used 3 months $350 282-2370 8It ft Cabover refrig box lacks dotty $800 838-5825 '78 self-contained travel trailer 22 ac $5500 460-41465 INT'L Travelall only 26000 actual mi air metro 430-3251 Bumper pull 20 ft triple axle trailer -crawler hau ler 647-0056 Handy tandem ax le tractor scar hauler 16x6Vt 647-0056 30 GMC 1 ton 12 ft steel bed $5400 or trade 923-0310 '67 Runabout Sea King boat 50ho ski or fish $1095 485-185 tt Kingfisher bass boat $1200 Cali 118-9884 16 Ft boat 40 ho motor with trailer first 8495 265-8898 14' aturninum Semi Flu trail- er 25ho vinrude 1625 415-2590 Must sacrifice new Lowe industries Canoe 543 543 543 SPOT CASH WE BUY a- AN CARS and TRUCKS GIVE US A CHANCE! Stop by 2123 Jacksboro Hwy YATES BROS 623197 WE BUY and PICK UP JUNK CARS-Call 834-6044 Cash oald tor lunk cars any cond 24 hr wrecker service 534-8797 Call Shirley we buy running or not 536-3287 or 483-4530 80 Honda 750 CB Customextras nice S1650 738209 '77 ri-Hul walk -th ru trailer S1000 834-2334 834-0437 Jon boat llittiquachitaed trailer $700 834-7334 834-0437 13Bassmaster 15f150hp Johnson 52500 lake readv 418-9772 Wanted small boat trailer Call after 5:30 732-0873 68 GMC diesel tandem dumP 14 eds 84300 cash 268-3480 77 GMC 14 yard dump 427 13 speed S11000 282-9069 '79 DODGE High Cube Van 40000 mi 84975 292-5947 804 Motorcycles Equip V2125K 9 wks old Answer muttlernewcond S1300295-377) 82 VW Trike 52250 or best otter 237-7612 '78 Susuki 750 resh tune-up new safety rear tire 834-7243 '82HondaCR -125 radi ator leaks must sell $600 1-645-8185 8100 to 82000 fOr cars in need of reoair 911-9331 921-8141 Fmaa JR bass boat trailer cover2mtrsoastank498-6088 16 It CalUn bass boat 90ho Ev1nrude 531-2363: 535-21(6t rer6IasMagtcwithLiI Ductotitt trailer $450 496-0089 909 Pickups 9X28 5 slicksS100450 Holley 325 457-4I 78 Wanted: '76-79 Toyota without motor or Wrecked '78 Toyota Pickuo Parts or all 793-3630 Parting out '73 Dod ge Cornet gcod 360 trans 478-1)48 '64 Chevelle Darts 1 478-1148 Chevy 250 engine transmission $250 Call 478-1148 1978 FORD 200 engine 3275 Call 478-1148 PARTING OUT 70 MALIBU CALL 478-1148 PARTING OUT OLDS GOOD 425 ENGINE 478-1148 OUT '68 OLDS GOOD 455 ENGINE 478-1148 IUR BO 350withshifIlilt aisoC4 C3 Co 200 TF 623-4136 1 Parting out 11 Comet k2 engine trans 4294183 16 ft Lone Star boat 75 ho JohnsonDillytrallerS1295 281-8043 IT Aluminum Jon Boat with motor trailer 737-0973 195I Army canoe Ilft 573-4958 Fiberglas boat for sale Chew 732-7816 WE BUY OLO CARS running or not 536430i WE BUY CAR -Any model anY condition 650 uo 295-4596 78 GS 750E good cond garage kept new fires 500 244-318 82 Yamaha 750 Virago low mi excel S2150 or offer 1-433-5012 Honda Dirttike CR 250cc good condition extras $450 294-0609 Yamaha Champ 80 cc 19 78 street legal oil bikeS425 294-0609 ENDURO so '81 Yamaha street legal S700 451-9412 HARLEY Davidson buddy seat never used rnakeoffer 478 6454 80 HONDA Goldwing fully loaded $3150 or best offer 237-7241 '76 Honda 3 wheeler runs good new tires 431-2963 8 ft slide-incamper notcabover good cond $300 731-8959 '73 Williams Craft trailer 22 ft sleeps 6 air $3900 268-5526 10 Ft Cabover Camper self-contained 132-3826 atter 5 PM 1977 VW camper excellent cond 50200 mi 55200 431-3184 1969 ARROW Flight travel trailer 793-1946 ibergiassamoer hell for small Pickuo $300 534-8138 '29 16 le ft SellContairtedLaCastta S2585 4526E Bel knap Lot 38 1'74 Capri 17 self contained sleeps 6cleanS2400 2329610 Airstream '69 30 ft AmbassactirexcellentcondCal14629194 aclorv-made camper cover for short bed 875 281-8625 g3Chevv Sliverado SW9 Way- to air arnfm-casselle velour Interior chrome roil bars low mileage S3950192-9373 806 Airplanes '79 YAMAHA YZ80 8350 282- 9717 '75 Can Am 250 ready to trail ride 8350 485-1875 79 Yamaha 1-7175dirtbiketoluet StoodcondMakeotter534-0530 '80 Honda CM 400E 2 helmets 5950 496-9403 81 Yamaha Virago 750 Harley Dims excel cond $1900 itiCk 1230 '79 $uzuki GS50 owner extras 485-6275 '79 Yamaha 65051000 284-2369 American Jet Insurance Ail Types of Aircraft 4299073 4 Aircraft engines and Parts After 5 pm 246-0597 V6 ft bo Larson 120 HP $2395 Days 101-0142 nights na-osea Jon boat ho motor both like new 5550 626-6060 T5-tt Coleman Canoe Oita occeS sore $150 496-8539 775 Infinity low profile 105 Chrysler stereo 128541 044659 63 Invader with 5V--mAlo trailer S10011 275-1 5 $50 to $100 FOR MOST JUNK CAPS 231-6650 We buy used Or junk cars ub to $200 478-1143 1buy cars runningor not ay125 on um 94497 Wanted older model tlatbed clumo truck $340013 Guaranteed fiberglass boat re-Pairs free estimates 1972465 112 bd Johnson 5525 924-4042 5 HP Sears outboard $100 25-1013 Fr-tit ASAILS Custom Avail now S895 2140454010 anytime Good Ole Trucks! 1258 Arkansas Lane Art We sneeial Ize In '58-19 Chevy Pickups parts eKcessories 2614194 F100 Lariat nice LI NGAR FORD 201543 MULTI-ENGINE RATINGV39S LECLARK Metro 4100325 WanIegtotwyiplaceDianeunOer SISK Call 535-1100 or 246-1663 '75 KAWASAKI 400 adult 9a ra9alowm1mtntS600 I 4.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.