Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

Legal Notices Antomobfle Agencies A Automobiles 11 Sports ana Imported Cars 11-Ai THE HARTFORD COURANT: Saturday, October 1965 23 STAR I I Mobile HoiTJM 12A By CLAY 95 MA. 22 tour Doily ABSOLUTELY 40'X12r bedroom, lVt ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOOKKEEPEW bath New and used. 1 Mobile i Experience foe- small office. Route 5, East-South Windsor. I tied duties.

Fringe benefits, and paid 269-9433. holidays. Apply New England Alloy A SPECIAL-BRAND NEW 10 WIDE 1 Casting Corp. 540 Flatb-jsh Hart-bedroom, fully furnished. $3,495.

Ask! ford. K. POLLAN MtA MPT. OCT. 5-2S4VM7IT1 569-84-85 MJ Koemo 2A OCT.

24 Aettvjfy Guide According to rite Start. To develop message for Saturday, rood words corresponding to numbers of your Zodiac birth $iga I Gm 31 Or 41 DmKc 43 Your 64B 45 Dispute 66 And 67 Friandl 6SGt 69 If 70 Good 71 Received 72 Into 73 Pockdbook 74 Changes 75 Now 76AffoW 77 Sweet 78Fovom NOV. 21 1-15-30-5641 K2-7C-8346MJ UeiTTAtlUl 1671-79-90 CArtJCOeM OK. JAN. 8-10-13-34 T1 3- 7-26-31 33-43-67 2iptoM 32Wim I iX HAY JUughNr 4A 5 Com oLoveej 7 For Romance's Kmp 10 In UDoi 12Mfrimnt 13 Th 140an 15 Your 16 Or 17 Let 18 Aggravate 19 Yon 20 Or 21 Conditions 22Nd 23To 24 May 25 Your 26 Receiving 27 Activities 28 Anyone 29A M9 22 23-3d 'JtMl-74 ft?" 455-75 50 Moke 51 A 52 Indicated 53 Welcome 540f 550therm 56 Af fain 57 Out 58 Some 59 Lift JULY Aul 11-18-26-38 68-72-81-83 AUi 14 33VTn 34Air 35 Linger 36K 37 Today 38 39YiMr 40 Private 41 Bestow 42Meam 43 Lrf 44 Blessings 45StHe 46Step 47 Help 48 Close 49 Celebration 79Tofce 60 May sspt.kI 30 4- eVlMd ()Good (js) Adverse Another Star Gazer Tomorrow Dempsey Urges Purple Garb to Honor Columbus Gov.

Dempsey in his Colum bus- Day proclamation Thursday urged wearing of purple, and appropriate ceremonies. "History indicates that purple was the color of garments worn by Columbus on his epic Toy- age. I call to public attention the custom of wearing purple in connection with the observance of Columbus Day, and I urge that appropriate ceremonies be conducted throughout Connecticut: in tribute to this eminent explorer," the governor wrote. Iri designating Tuesday Colum bus Day the governor said "Christopher Columbus had the courage to question the accepted scientific theories of his day, risking the ridicule of his con temporaries. He was a man, however, who had faith in God, faith in his own capabilities and the; determination to perservere against overwhelming odds.

His imagination, vision and daring have provided inspiration to mankind to this day." Unknown Patient Responsible for VA Laboratory A $9,000 radio-isotope laboratory has been built at the New-ington Veterans Administration Hospital thanks to a patient no one can recall. The will of Mrs. Florence W. Buchanan of Hartford, who died April 28, 1962, left $9,376 to the hospital. The gift was to commemorate the excellent care given Mrs.

Buchanan's half-brother but no one can remember the patient or the cir c*mstances. NORTH END BRANCH LIBRARY WEST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT CARPETING INVITATION TO BID Ids for the construction, delivery and Instillation of carpeting for the above- named project will be received by the Purchasing Division af the Town west Hartford In Room 101, of th Town Hall, 21 South Main Street, West Hartford. Connecticut, up until 2:00 p.m. E.D.T. an October 15, 1945.

at which time and plac bids will be publicly opened and raad aloud In Room 225. Specifications may be obtained from th Architects, Sinclair, Austin and Mead, 7 South Main Street. West Hart ford, Connecticut, Room 201, on or after 9:00 a.m. E.D.T. October 7, 1965.

A Certified Check or Bid Bond, writ ten by an approved surety, in an amount equal to ten (10) per cent of the bid shall accompany each proposal. The suc cessful contractor shall be prepared to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond, written by an approved surety. In th full amount of the contract. Bids shall be firm and cannot be with drawn within thirty (30) days after the bid opening. ALCOTT R.

HART, Assistant Purchasing Agent, Town of West Hartford. Dated: October 4, 1965. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION THE TRACY ASBESTOS COMPANY Notice is hereby given that The Tra cy Asbestos Companv, a Connecticut corporation having its principal place of business hi Hartford, has been dissolved as of September 30, 1965, by resolution duly adopted by Its directors and share holders. A certificate of dissolution has been filed with the Secretary of State as requirea oy w. All creditors of said corporation, it, any.

warned to. preset their claim, against said corporation to Alcorn, Bake- well I Smith, One American Row, Hart ford, Connecticut, 04103, on or before March 15, 1964. All claims not presented within said time will be barred as by statute provided. Dated at Hartford, Connecticut, this 30th day of September, 1945. Th Tracy Asbestos company By: Alcorn, Bakewell 4 Smith! Its Attorneys TOWN OF BURLINGTON ASSESSORS NOTICE All persons owning taxable Personal Property In the Town of Burlington, Connecticut, on October 1, 1965, are hereby notified that lists must be filed fhgn Noyember jay.

fait not later than ure to do so results in statutory penalty of ten per cent (10). No lists need be filed for Real Estate or Connecticut Registered Motor Ve hicles. Lists may be filed at the Town Clerk's Office In said town from 9:00 a.m. to a.m.. each Monday to Friday dur ing October.

Those receiving cards by mail are requested to return sucn cards by mail or bring such cards to office If declaring property in person tan- Dated at Burlington, Connecticut, this th day of October 1965. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. CECIL B. TURTON, Chairman. TOWN OF EN FTE Department of Finance Invitation to Bid for Designing and Printing Town Annual Report Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Director of Finance, Town Hall, Thompsonville, Connecticut, until Wednesday, October 20, 1945 at 10 a.m.

at which time they will be publicly opened. Bids received after the time set for the opening will be considered Informal and will be rejected. Specifications may be obtained In the office of th Town Manager, Town Hall Building, Thompsonville, Connecticut. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive defects in same it be deemed In the best interest of the Town of Enfield. VINCENT E.

SANTACROCE, Director af Finance, Enfield, Conn. Dated October 7, 1965 By virtue of default in a conditional sales contract made by Lester Wilson to First National City Bank, I will sell at public auction October 15, 1965 at 10 a.m. at 19 Greenhouse West Hartford, Conn. 1961 Pontiac No. 161P-44711.

Assignee reserves the right to bid. K. E. COLMAN, Auct'r. Classified Advertising ANNOUNCEMENTS Personal HAUNTED HOUSE.

WANTED FOR RESEARCH Write me of your personal true experience concerning ghosts, poltergeists and the supernat ural in any house within 100 miles of New York City. Write Box 657-R Courant. Business Personals 7A A FUTURE IBM TRAINING Learn the famous speedwriting shorthand. Hartford Plus Business School, 31 Lewis St. BILLS PRESSING? LET US Consolidate your bills, pest due or not.

Into one low payment you can afford. Garnishment avoided. For ample: IP YOU OWI PAY AS LOW AS $1,000 SIS per weed 12,000 SIS per week $3,000 S3S per week Remember This Not A Loan No Co-Slaners Needed All you need It sincere desire to get out ef debt. CREDIT ADVISORS. INC.

1512 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL BLDO. 983 Main St Hartford 527-7247 Evening office or home appointment can be arranged. 10 FOUND Male pup, rust with white markings, Bishops Corner, w.H. can Cheshire 272-1425. LARGE GRAY SHEEPDOG TYPE In vicinity Ashford, Connecticut.

Has brok en left lower canine tooth, answers to Sam. $50 reward for return, or information concerning recovery. Call 1-429-1551 evenings or write Box 167, Storrs. LOST Pass Book No. 5404.

Application made for payment. Farmington Ave. Branch, The Connecticut Bank It Trust Co. LOST-RED KANTHOOK AXE. Avory store, Granby to Hughes Farm, Bushy Hill Rd.

Reward. Louis Carnes, 453-2444. LOST DOG, co*ckER SPANIEL Male, blonde, old, deaf. Last seen near Dillons Market, Windsor, Sept. 11.

Reward. Call 481-2554. LOST Near Trinity College. 4 month Ger man Shepherd, "Max." Call 249-6059 after 5 p.m. LOST Pass Book No.

114273 Mechanic Savings Bank. Application made for payment. LOST Pass Book No. A-15553, Mechanics Savings Bank, Farmington Ave. Branch.

Application made for payment. LOST SUNDAY MORNING Between Curtiss Street and St. Lawrence O'Toole Church pair of glasses in black flowered case. Finder please phone 244-3607. Reward, icwisnrni 1 ic "1 'virinitv naiiarrf Drive and Bainbrldae Road.

Male-sa- ble and white, small scar above nose. Tag No. 106438. Answers to Saber. Reward.

Call 233-7636. AUTOMOTIVE Automobile Agencies jHRYSltR-Imperial Plymouth, vat- iant, sales, service. Eastwood Chrysler Plymouth, 227 Main. Portland. 521-4115.

Open Eves. CHRYSLER IMPERIAL Plymouth, Val-lant sales, service, parts. Burnside Motors, 141 Burnside Avenue. East CHRYSLER ImperlaTTplymouth, VaTfanl Dealer In Hartford It's J. R.

Johnson for better deals. Unexcelled service. 424 Homestead Avenue. 527 1156. CHRYSLER Plymouth, valiant, "imperial, at Chrysler Plymouth of West Hartford mc, 30 Raymond Roa''.

West Hartford, 521-3320. COMET LINCOLN MERCURY Continental, Willys Jeep Mori arty Brot.iers. 301 Center. Manchester 443-5135. DOWNTOWN DODGE Hartford's New-est Dealer.

Sales-Service Parts, 132 Al- lyn Street, Hartford Tel. 278-2222. IEEP Sales Servlcearts, Hartford, Willys Motors. I ay lor St. (Corner Open evenlnos, 249-474, MANCHESTER PI YMOUT" Valiant Sales and Service Always good deals Rt.

13. Taioottville 443-2701 open evenings. BENZr 19-lTfMl-W raoio, 4 on the floor, $2,495. Paul w- niaiiif mail rvi tvr ter. 649-2881.

MERCEDEZ SENir94590DleseC Automatic low milage, excellent con-dition. Best offer. 1-345-4850. MERCEDES BENZ, 193 190Cseden: Gasoline extras. $2,000 firm.

Water-ford, 442-1297 after 6 p.m. MERCEDES, 190SL, 196) Meticulously malntalMri Lu Mnu ki i. U.OT.H, rm earner, all extras. Best offer veri $2,500. Call 1-536-4413.

MG MIDGET, 1942 Extra sharp, only ttj. raioiii rooie, yrf wethers-field 246-2531. MG 1941 Gray roadster, 1400 scries with wir wneeis, radio. Many extras. Only $995.

Meriden Motor Sales, 215 West wain Meriden. 235-4343. MG'S AND TRIUMPHS-Wanted. Top cash paid Immediately. Meriden Motor Sales.

215 West Main Street. Meriden, 235-6343. MGA 1959, Excellent condition, wire wheels.Rl,H,$675. 223-S901 after 4. MG 1960 Blue roadster.

Wire wheels, good condition. Only $845. Meriden Motor Sales, 215 Wast Main SU Meriden, 235-4343. MUSTANG 1945 Convertible with V-l anq 4 speed transmission, has many extras plus 2 year warranty. Or.

-inal cost $3,300. Asking $2,450. 1-583-4758. PORSCHE. 1964 Model 911 rxi "roi.

black interior. 4 Solex carbs, SP tires, AM-FM radio. Low mileage. For immediate sale. Meriden Motor ais, 285 west Main Meriden.

235-6343. PORSCHE, 1941 lo00Normal. carhas been well cared tor and is in excellent condition. Asking $1750. Call 1-267 4581.

RENAULT CARAVELTErT96ir conveVtT- ble and hardtop, 4 speed transmis- sion1521-4026. SAAB 1945 Tan, fully equlppedTTxcif lent condition, 14,000 miles. Owner get-tingcompany ar. Only $1,495 458-4357. SAAB, 1960 S93 Blue, new engine-tires.

Excellent condition. Asking $395 or best offer. After 4 p.m. NA3-3019. f-BIRD, 1940 2-door hardtop, fully equipped, immaculate.

Dillon Ford, 31 Main, Manchester, 443-2145. THUNdErbTrd; 1951 Hardtop, repos-v session, take over payments. No money down, $5.50 weekly for 24 months. Dealer, 289-1254. Ask for Bob Munson.

THUNDERBIRD 1954 Classic, two tops, full power. Nlcel Dillon Ford, 319 Main, Manchester, 443-2145. TRIUMPH, 1945 TR-4. Britlshraclhg green, micneiin tires, radio. Absolutely Immaculate.

$2,395. Pallottl 1, Poole, 549 wetnersfieid 246-2531. VOLKSWAGEN, 1945 Tan with radio. Ex ceptionally low mileage. Dealer.

Take1 over payments, balance $1,295, $10 week. Call 522-1021 ask for Mr. Edelson. VOLKSWAGEN 1942 $1,000. 563-0807.

vLiunwcn itm one owner, IOW; miln walls, raaio, scot Reus, new snow tires. $1,525. Winsted 379-5455. VOLKSWAGEN, I96rroo7rmanye)f tras. very clean, excellent condition.

Moving abroad. 322-3441. VOLKSWAGEN, 1943 SunrooTTiueTlow mileage, excellent condition, radio, 267-9227. VOLKSWAGEN, 1962 2-door, very clean. panotti Poole, 549 Wethers, field 244-2538.

VOLKSWAGEN 1941 and 1959 I sedans'. Buy now, big savings. R. E. Parsons Farmington.

477-1431. VOLKSWAGEN 1944, Convertlble7Blue finish. -One owner, low mileage. Call 527-9141, ask for John VOLVO, P-UOO-S Late 1964 "Grand Tour- iw oin.riminanng.1 Black with red leather Interior, eye- catcher, a hioh nerformmce rar economical, 21 miles per gallon. A-l snape.

S4.300 new, asking $2,700. 1-272-3871. VW MICROBUS, 1965 Deluxe, sunroof, baggage rack, 1,000 miles. Must sell immediately. 477-1201.

57 MERCEDES BENrWsL converF Ible. $1,295. Perfect condition throughout. Wagner Ford Sales, Simsbury, 658-445J. AUTHORIZED Volkswagen dealer.

New It Used cars Trucks Hart Volks wagen, 470 New Park West Hertford, Conn. Open 111 9. 234-0864. Trncki CHEVROLET, 1953 Wrecker, twin holst -mi Kalmat WI. A.I rnmtmnn Maple Hill Automotive.

451 New Brit-ain Newjngton446-9181. 6ILLON FORD stop In todayTor a deal. Backed by ever 30 years of selling and serving Ford Dillon Ford. 119 Main St Manchester, 643-2145 DODGE, 1944 Brand new half-ton picT-up, heater, defroster, signal lights, 11.145 delivered. Dennett Popp Dodoe, 10-12 Connecticut East Hartford, 289-4331.

ECONOLINE, 1942 Ford, $99S7Whlt. Wagner Ford Sales, Simsbury, 458-4451. FORD, 1962 Vi ton pickup, excellent condition. Dillon Ford, 319 Main, Man chester. 643-2145, open eves.

GMC. 1959, 200 HP, VI engine, raed for 32,000 MGW In use now Will be available November 15th. Call Nutmeg Hardwood Co.289-9379 GMC, 1965 'brand new pickup, plus Conn, sales tax. Soulen GMC, 605 Conn. East Hartford, 289-5445.

TANDEM DIESEL TRACTORS (J) 1959 MACK B-61 ST (3) 1959 MACK B-41S Ideal for oil hauling, freight, dump trailers, low-bed. MACK TRUCK SALES OF PHONE 1-413-733-1134 INTERNATIONAL 1954 narrow cab steel hauler, R-194 model, 20 steel body, 110x20 tires. Good condition. Shepherd Steel Co. 525-4444.

JEEP, 1964 CJ-5 4-way hydraulic plough, deluxe cab. Many exras. Excellent buy. 175-0457. MONACO'S Your franchtsed Ford deal er.

New Ford trucks, good used trucks. New London Turnpike. Glee tonbury, 633-9403. OCTOBER IS The lasTmonth of our fiscal year. All used trucks In stock must be sold, no reasonable offer refused.

International Harvester 130 Brainard Road, 249-8435. OIL TRUCKS 1952 Ford, wltrTUOO gallon tank, $1150. 1952 Chevy, with 700 gallon tank, $450. Call 747-5820. PICKUPS 1955-1954.

$150. Ford's. Wag ner Ford Sales, Simsbury. 458-4458. RANCHERO, I960 Ford.

Standard trans mission, red. Wagner Ford Sales, Simsbury. 458-4458. STAKE BODY F-350. Dual rear tires, I960 Ford.

Wagner Ford, Simsbury, 458-4458. VOLKSWAGEN, Van. 1941. Automatic transmission. Wagner Ford Sales, Simsbury.

458-4458. CHEVROLET ton fleetsize pick" up 1961 Ford Vh ton chassis and cab, short wheel base. 1942 Chevrolet a ton pick up. 1962 Vi ton pick up. 1961 Chevrolet 2 ton chassis end cab, 2-speed axle.

1959 Chevrolet chassis and cab 2 ton, has 2-speed axle will take 16 foot body. 1964 4-wheel drive eep pickup. 1951 Ford, F600, II foot van. 1958 Chevrolet 14 foot moving van. 1959 Chevrolet 11 foot platform.

1960 Chevrolet Vt ton panel. Choice of many more. Dworln Chevrolet, 476 Conn. East Hartford, 289.3441. WILLYS JEEP, CUSTOM CAB.

Hy draulic plow. Excellent condition. An- dover 742-7795. WHITE MODEL 30-22 2,500 Gallon cab over oil truck, 2 inch meter and pump, 135 foot I'A Inch hose recently overhauled, call American i-oai 10. 548-0110.

VAN FORD 1943, F-500. Wagner Ford, Simsbury, 458-4451. 1965 CHEVROLET-VANS. Vi ton. Fully equipped for any typ of commercial use.

Drastic savings at year end clearance. Ardery Chevrolet, Windsor, 688.3496 Mobile Homes Trailers 12A ABOUTTo MOBILE HOMES un one large oaved lot, featuring America's largest seller New Moon, fen Wktes, 12 Wides Expando's 20 Wises, and 14 Wides available. We can deiW anywhere. Aircraft Mobile Homes 441 Mam St East Hartford, 521-1117. Evenings open tit 9 p.m Saturday til 6 p.m.

iBOUT 30 CAMPERS And Travel trailers -On display, a cemo'ng snow, el week long. Featuring Shasta, Bolas-Aeru Oreamer and Spit Fire. Aircraft Mobil Homes, 441 Main St. East Hartford. 528-3117.

Open evenings til 9 a.m.. Saturday til 4 a.m. ABOUT A SPECIAL PRICE On mobile- homes, contact Vernon Mobilehom Park A Sales and leva. Kelly Road, Vernon, 444-1120. 1 i A A ABLE FORDS, FALCONS 14A Most ether mod els available.

Fitzgerald Ford. Windsor AvenuRrltvlllt, 643-2483; TR S-3349. FORDS 44-61. We only carry top condition models In stock. Priced to sell.

Call us. See us. Our cars are iuir. anteed. Hundreds of satisfied custom ers havt bought here.

Open evenings till 9 p.m. Frontier Ford Rt. 44, Winsted. FR 9-3304. JEEP 1964 Wagoneer station wagon.

Brown, 4 wheel drive. Power steering, brakes, radio, air conditioning. Sold new for S5.295. Selling now for $2,595 Meriden Motor Sales. Hi u.ct Main Meriden.

235-4343. MERCURY 1964. Parklane Breeze way; 4-door hardtop. Automatic, cower tna, brakes, windows, electric rear win dow, positraction, tinted glass, AM- FM radio. Luxurious quality through-.

out. $2,370, Meriden Motor Sales, 285 West Mair Meriden, 235-4343. MERCURY, 1963 COMET 4 stanf ard shift. 2 door sedan. Best offer.

289-4461. MERCURY 1940 Nothing down, $7 weekly. Car-Fa 230 Albany 249-7719. MODEL A FORD, 1931 4 door Excellent condition. Ideal for restoration.

$300. 267-2122. MUSTANG, 194Shardtop coupe, V4etv gine, automatic transmission, power steering, oversized whitewall tires. No dents or scratches, red with black Interior. Bank financing available.

523-4984, 522-0644. OLDSMOBOLE, 1954 Hardtop, automatic transmission, radio. Best offer takes it. 247-9301. OLDSMOBILE, 1964 "98" luxury 4 door sedan, all power.

$495 and take over payments or refinance. Call 521-7525 aner 4 OLDSMOBILE. 1945 Best deals. hUTii lection ever, including F-15's! Shop eany uon miss it! Hoffman Oldsmo- oiie, Conn. East Hartford, 521-6555.

OLDSM03ILE Sales. Service, Parts. Home of value rated cars. Manchester Motors. Siwer Lane Highway.

Man- cnester OLDSMOBILE 1957nWoorrt57Tioth1ng" down, $4 weekly. Car-Fair 230 Aioany 249-7789. PLYMOUTH, 1945, Belevedere t. v-a, automatic transmission, black, whitewall Full Ardery tnevroier, Windsor, 688-3494. PONTIAC, 1943 Catallna convertible.

Rh possession, balance' due $1,970. Will arrange financing. Stephen Pontiac caoniac, 450 Riverside Bristol. $82-7464. PONTIAC, 1965 Catallna, stationwaaon; Has everything including trailer pro visions.

under list price. Call piainvnie, 747-9945. PONTIAC, 1965 Grand Prix, automatic. power steering, power brakes, power wmaows, radio, heater, mao wheels, tinted glass. Drastically re- ouceo.

Dealer 575-9139. PONTIAC Sales, Walt Mitchell, Weatogu Garage, Sims' bury, 658-4431. PONTIAC, 1945 Catallna, 4-door sedan power steering, brakes, $2,695. Call 233-8913. TAIC 1963 Tempest LeMans 2-door sedan, automatic, radio, sharp) Paul Dodge Pontiac, 37 Main, Manchester, 449-2881.

PONTIAC 1945 Bfg savings-now-onfall new cars in stock. A. Hlnes, 189 Washington 522-0151. PONTIAC If you are looking for a good clean used Pontiac, take a short dirve to long savings to your direct Pontiac dealer. Balch Pontiac Buick, 47 Post Rd East Windsor Hill.

RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE, 1967Ra3ie, heater, white walls, set of snow tires, must sell. 1-582-0317. RAMBLER 1960 CROSS COUNTRY- passenger, automatic transmission, good condition. Private owned. $450.

236-1929 or 2 Sprue Lane, West Hartford. STUDEBAKER, 1945 All models, colors. Immediate delivery. Largest stock New England. Richard Motors, Wap-ping 444-1374 SUNBEAM ALPINET963 Must sell quickly.

Convertible, red, wire. Call Bob. 522-5889. THUNDERBIRD, 1958, WHITE Hardtop. Excellent condition.

Must be seen. SACrifice. Days, 528-4551. THUNDERBIRD, 1957 Classic. Black, very clean, must sell fx Immediate cask.

875-1822. "tilt tion. $2,100. BA 5-3830. THUNDERBIRD, 1955 Black, standard shift.

Excellent condition. $1,250. 232-4986. WILLYS JEEP, 1959 4-wheel drive with hydraulic snowplow and metal cab, good condition. Price 11,100.

Call PR 4-4302, Brooklyn, Conn. ANTIQUES 1915 model-T station wag on, best reasonable offer. 1-423-5978, 1-11 a.m., p.m CHORCHES AUTO SALES-For your Chrysler Plymouth Sales, Parts, Service. Turnpike Rd Windsor Locks, 488-3773. FOR DEPENDABLE And Guaranteed used cars See nanieis Cadillac-Olds mobile, Inc 1330 Albany 527-0174.

1965 RAMBLER AMERICAN Convertible. $1695 or best offer. Call FR 9-5296. between 9 a.m. 2 p.m, 1963 1961 GREENBRIER Automatic transmission and standard transmis sion.

Exceptional condition. Sold and serviced hv us. Ardery Chevrolet, Windsor, 688-3494. Sports and Imported Cars 11-A AUSTIN HE ALE 1963 Model 3000, Mark II, low mileage, excellent condi tion. Attractive price.

Call 521-1033. AUSTIN HEALY, 1959 Green, good eon- dition, going In service. New Britain, 229-7341. AUSTIN HEALEY, 1951 Good condition throughout. Must sell.

Call 521-2401 af ter 5:30 p. AUSTIN HEALEY, 1959 Sprite. Beautl- fut running condition. $395. Pallottl ft Poole, 549 wetnersfieid Z4-zms.

AUSTIN HEALEY, 1943 Sprite converti ble. Red, black Interior. Very low mileaoe, exceptionally clean. $1,150. Pallottl ft Poole, 549 Wethersfield 244-2538.

HEALEY, 1941 Good condition. Call Bristol 583-7937. AUSTIN HEALEY. MG, Alfa Romeo, Jaguar, Lotus, English Ford. All '966 models now on display Pallottl Poole, 549 Wethersfield Ave 244-2531.

ALeA POMEO Austin. MG Triumph, Jaguar. Porsch, Fiat, BMW, Faiola Brothers Imported Motor cars, inc Farmington Farmington, 477-1421, 2514 Berlin Turnpike, Newlngton 464-5668. CORVAIR, 1941 Station wagon. Auto matic transmission.

Exceptionally clean. $795. Post Motors, 250 Park $1249-2345. CORVETTE, 1942, 340 H.P. Positraction, excellent condition.

Must sail. Service! Call 225-4484. CORVETTE STING RAY 1943 Silver con- vertlble, with 340 hp, big carburetor, 411 rear end, Mlchelln-X tires. In beautiful condition, 12795. Meriden Mortors Sales, 285 Wet Win Meriden, CORVETTE, Fastback, fuel Elec tion, mags, must sen.

no reasonable offer refused. 88-9892 fORVETTE, 1964 Red, black 365 h.p.. 4 speed, wooden steering wheel, 2 tops, new tires, excellent con- dition. Only $3350. 1-469-2903.

CORVETTE, 1965 White, black Interior, 2 tops, 300 HP, 4 speed transmission. In excellent condition. Call 477-8278 after 5:30. CORVETTE, 1943 Convertible, red finish, 4 speed, real sharp. $2995.

Auto Discount House, 478 Center, Manchester, 443-9511. DAIMLER 1943 Jaguar product. VI, low mileaoe. Owner abroad. Best otter.

Dealer for Shelby GT-350 and Cobra. See Williams Ford, 50 Raymond West Hartford, 236-2525. FOREIGN CARS Repaired. Factory me-ehanlcs. United Sports Car, 1022 Bum-side Ave.

East Hartford. 289-2959. GRIFFITH SPORTS CAR, POWERED By 289 Ford. Sales and service, Bailey Motors, 111 Washington Middle-town, Dl 7-0200. KARMANN GHIA, 1963 Mechanically showroom appearance, many extras.

Must be seen. $1,400. Call 477-0134, KARMAN "GHIA. "1964 cnvertlWe. blue, excellent condition.

Call 443-8554 after 4:30, all day Saturday. MERCEDES-BENZ 1965 220-S Sedan LAST ONE! Gray, with red Interior. A low mileaoe executive car, never registered. Only $4390. Ask for Gordon Chase at Newman's, 923 Farmington Ave, West Hartford.

Phone 522-2144. RCEDES-B ENZ, 1962, 190C On own- er, light grey, red leatherette upholstery, full fluted, bucket seats. AM-FM Becker radio. Rear speaker. Stick, whit wlis, Incluies two new snow tires.

11,995. 163-0987. 51 19 f2' PONT AC Salts, service, parts. Russell Pontlac both tides ot New Parte Ave. West Hartford.

234-4501. TRIUMPH Sales-Sorvict-Parti. dls-counts all models. O'Meara-Triumph, 11) rmui Aluri rl ir nn BntV.r?- rueit.w icuiii ivsaiT, jj main aiM Winchester, 44-2Ml. Open evenings.

Automobiles 11 ANTIQUE TOURING CAR Original 1941 super, BUick model 51 -C 4-door, con- phaeton. To settle estate, Princltols only. 132-1064. BONNEVILLE, 1959 Hardtop, Saturday only S298. Dodge I960 Phoenix station wagon, full power air conditioned, S39S.

Ford Falcon 1961 deluxe tudoor, automatic 1308. Chevy 1959 V-t tudoor, S298. Ford 1960 S348. Chevy 1951 Hardtop $100. Ford 1959 Squire.

BKhtV "57. edin' Dod9i 1960 Phoenix, full power, $791 Plym outh 190 Fury tudoor hardtop. $277. Ford 1958 sedan, $65. Olds.

Hardtop, air conditioned, no rust, $91 Ford 1959 $298. Pontiac tudoor $45. Lark 1959 tudoor, stick, new tires. $149. Mercury hardtop, $100.

Plym outh 1959 v-a, full power sedan, $177. Rambler classic, station wagon, stick, $241. Rambler 1958 sedan, $100. Chrys ler 1957 hardtop, $57. Sacrifice sale.

Terms. Mell Motors, 437 Zion 746-7700. BUICK, 1959, 2-door Hardtop. A real beauty. Only $595.

Midtown Motors, 1469 Main 522-5086. BUICK 1959 Electra convertible. lrHaS Dealer. BUICK, 1962 Elect ra convertible, loaded! Immaculate. Bourne Buick, 285 Main, Manchester, 449-4571.

Open eve- nings. BUICK, 1959 Convertible. Excellentruiv ning shape, white, red Interior. Dealer. Take over balance $365 at $3 week.

Call522-102task for Mr. Edelson. it: h.i. convertible, power steering power brakes. Ideal second car.

Very reasonable. Please call Own er, 451-7319 after 4 p.m. BUICKS 1965 plus a fine assortment of used Buicks. O'Neill's Chevrolet-Buick, Avon. 527-6087, 477-1464, CADILLAC, 1959 Coupe DeVille.

Repos session. Take over payments. Na money down. $7 weekly for 30 months. 289-1254, dealer.

Ask forBob Munson. CADILLAC. 1951 4-door hardtop, full power factory air conditioning, metallic blue finish, extra clean throughout. No money down, $4.25 weekly for 24 months. 2194254, dealer.

Ask for Bob Munson. CADIIUVC 1964 To 195a Detroit executive cars arrive weekly. Red's Auto Sales, 35 Newfield ve 525-2677. CADILLAC 1942 Convertible, powder blue, immaculate condition. New tires.

Call R. Nobert, 527-0171. CHEVROLET, 1964 Biscayne 4-door. Standard transmission. Extremely low mileage.

Ardery Chevrolet. Windsor, 488-3494. 1 CHEVROLET, 1941 Bel Air 4-doorT'l' automatic, very clean. Dillon Ford, 319 Main, Manchester, 443-2145. CHEVROLET, 1942 Impala converflf ble, 327 V-t, straight shift, radio, heater, whitewalls.

$1,495. Mather Motors, 30 Central St. and 139 Broad Wind-sor, 688-3434. CHEVELLE, 1964, MALIBU, Maroon Sports Coupe, automatic 4, new tires, $17B5, 433-4893. CHEVROLET, 1963, IMPALA SS Convertible.

Silver Blue, Black Top, new white walls, original owner, extra equipment. Call 232-5775 between 7-9 p.m. or Saturday nd Sunday afternoon. CHEVROLET, 1943 4-door sedan, exceptionally clean. I cylinder automatic transmission.

Take over payments, no cash needed. Phone between 4:30 and 10 p.m., 247-1973. CHEVROLET, 1940 Hardtop, white, 6 cy Under, automatic radio, heater, new tires. 488-3311 CHEVROLET, 1951 Impala convertible, V8, good condition, radio, heater, snow tires. $425.

633-1770. CHEVROLET IMPALA 60 Blue converti ble. Excellent condition. Priced at only $950. 875-3639; CHEVROLET, 1961 GREENBRIER Radio, belts, good condition, very roomy, $800.

Owner, 1-547-8815. CHEVROLET 1942 4 speed, 409. Must sell. CHEVROLET I960 4-door, $795. Nothing down, $9 weekly.

Car-Fair 230 Albany 249-7789. CHEVROLET, 1944 Impala super spoff. 4 speed transmission, excellent condition. 433-2280 after 5. CHEVROLET 1959 Convertible, reposses sion, take ever payments.

No money down. $4 weekly for 24 months. Dealer, Bob Munson. CHEVROLET, 1941 Impale 2 door hard top. Black, V-t.

Standard, very clean, 433-2414. CHEVROLET 1943 Bel Air 4-dbor, "I' automatic, very clean. Dillon Ford, 119 Main, Manchester, 443-2145. CHEVROLET 1959 Impala, $495. Nothing down, $1 weekly, Car-Fair 230 Al bany 249-7789, CHEVROLET 1951 Impala" $495.

Nothing down, $4 weekly. Car-Fair 230 Albany 249-7789. CHEVROLET 1960 Automatic transmis sion, 6 passenger station I cylinder. 633-5324. CHEVROLET, 1959 Impala convertible.

V-l. Choice of two. One standard transmission on floor. One automatic Full balance only $475. Tak over pay.

ments $4 weekly. Call Finance Man ager at Bank Finance Co. Repossession Lot. 249-2530. CHEVROLET, 1962 4-door sedan.

$195. Dealer. Take over payments weeic. Call 522-1021, ask for Mr. Edelson.

CHEVROLET IMPALA 1962, V-l, auto matic 2-door hardtop. A-l conoirion. $1,350. Bristol, 582-1589. CHEVROLET.

1940 Impala 4-door, V-l, automatic. $195. Paul uoaqe rontiac 373 Main, Manchester, 649-2881. II, 1964 Super sport, Silver blue. 4 cylinder, radio, heater, 13,000 miles.

$1775. 1-449-2903. CHEVY 1943 cylinder, radio, automaP Ic transmission. Low mileage. Excellent condition.

Must be seen. 11,475. Call 443-4407 after 4 p.m. CHEVY IMPALA, 1962 2 door hardtop. 327 automatic, low mileage, excellent condition 242-5966 CORVAIR MONIA CONVERTIBLE 1943, maroon, black top.

3 speed, radio. Fe-male owner. $1,300. 525-0337 DODGE, 1964 Immediate delivery, most models. Chorches, 10 Oakland, Man chester, 443-2791.

Open evenings, DODGE DART Sales and service. Allen Motors, Rf 5A, one mile north of Windsor Locks Center, 527-1064. FALCON, 1940 2-door sedan. Radio, automatic. Showroom condition.

Dealer. Take over payments 24 months, $4 week. Call 522-1021 ask for Mr. coei- son. FORD 1944 2-door sedan, standard shift, economy plus) 11495.

Paul Dodge Pontiac 371 Main, Manchester, 449-2881 FORD, 1945 Country Squire, 10 passenger, luurlously equipped. Must sacri fice, owner 473-2900. FORD, 1963 6 pass, country sedan, "f1, automatic RH, cleani Dillon Ford, 319 Maln, Manchester, 443-2145. FORD FALCON, I960-Station wagon. Automatic, 4-door, Real clean.

Repossessed: Take over payments of $5.00 weekly. Can dealer, 522-4912. FORD-COUNTRY SEDAN 1960, 4-door, VI, Cruisamatic, power steering, ra dio, heater, excellent conoinon. htt. Call 175-6303.

FORD, 1941 4-door sedan. Full balance only $431. Take over payments weekly. Call Finance Manager at Bann S. Finance Co.

Repossession Lot. 949.9(111 FORD ROADSTER, 1929 Body tni engine perfect. Upholstery done, need canvas for top. winsieo jt-vhj, FORD, 1944 Galaxle 500 convertible, I cylinder, automatic power sreering. Dillon Ford, 119 Main, Manchester, 443-2145.

FORbMUSTANG, CONVERTIBLE VI, automatic excellent condition. Many extras. Owner going in service. Very reasonable. 583-5004.

FORD WAGEN, 1958 fudor, good running condition. First $100 takes It. 488-5090. FORD FAIRLANE, 1964 Guardsmen Blue, 2 oor, standard 4. Excellent condition.

Low mileage. Getting company car. 244-1131. FORD 1951 Station Wagon, $95. Nothing down.

$1.50 weekly. Car-Fair inc 230 Albany 249-7789. FORD, 1959 Custom 300 sedan. V-l au tomatic, radio, in excellent running shape. Dealer, $295 balance.

Take over payments $3 week. Call 522-1021. Ask for Mr. Edelson. FORD GALAX IE, 1965, 500 LTD, 4 door hardtop, dark blue with vinyl top.

Power steering, brakes. Automatic V8. All nylon interior, wood trim. Many extras. 1959 7-dcor, $395.

Nothing down, $." weekly. Car-Fair 2:0 Albany 249-7719. i I Help WanTed, Femals' 32 ACT NOW! SELL CHRISTMAS Cards, Wraps, stationery, free imprint album. commission. 247-9511.

1 ali eka i iun wuwan sreaay run time work tor very experienced person. Good salary. 527-2193. AN rxCEPTrONAL OPPORTUNITY For a career in doctor's office In Manchester. Hours are from 9:30 a.m.

to 2:30 p.m. on 5 days a week. Applicant need not have previous expert-ence but should be a good typist, neat end accurate In her work end able to meet the public References both personal and business required. Reply to Box 721-R Courant. BOOKKEEPER Full time through trial balance.

Excellent opportunity, with) well established firm. Good starting salary. Apply Eastern Bowling 135 West Service Rd. or call J25-I43I for appointment. CASHIER For restaurant.

Some expert ence preferred. Permanent position. Apply Employment Office, 4th Floor. Brown Thomson's. Challenging Positions Can be attained if you qualify as: Transcriptionist; Typist Clerk Stenographer experience preferred, but not essential.

Our personnel department will be glad to see 1 a i 1 YOU between 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. THE PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANIES 61 Woodland Hartford CHRISTMAS HELP NEEDED $3 per nour. women, men or college students. Car necessary.

Fullr Brush Cow 233-9424 or 444-0202. CLERK-TYPIST Must have own trans-portation. Apply 1834 Silas Dean High. way, Rocky Hill, 9-5, 5 days. CLERK TYPIST, AGENCY COtC CERNED With area social problems.

Small office, variety. Adequate salary and vacation. Fringe benefit available. Located at 41 South Main West Hartford. Close to stores and transportation.

Call Mrs. Wuelfing at 521-4620. CLERK TYPIST For small downtown ef-flce, must have aptitude for figures, varied duties. 5 day week. Recent high school graduate preferred.

Electric Suooly 417 Church Hartford. Mrs. Devita, no phone calls. CLERK-TYPIST FOR VARIED Duties 9-5, Cummins Deisel Engines, Hartford 527-9156. CLERK TYPIST Asylum Avenue, new air-conditioned building.

Fringe benefits. Shorthand unnecessary. 525-3444. COOK AND VARIED DUTIES As as sistant to director of Kings Oaughtera Home, 614 New Britain Ave. Live 1 good salary and privileges.

522-1835. COSMETIC AND DRUG CLERK time, evenings and weekends. Refer-encev apply in person. Thrifty Drug, 1074 Main Newington. COUNTER CLERK For cleaning and laundry store.

days, 10:30 to 4:30. Experienced. Apply Asylum Ave. JisylumAve. COUNTER GIRL 3-7 p.mTl daysa weefc Vlto Drug, Wethersfieli Hartford.

CUSTOM SEAMSTRESS Able to make fine finished blouses and dresses in high priced bracket. Good salary. 527-2193. DEMONSTRATE TOYS, WORK NOW? Xmas. Earn $100 per week for If hours work.

Car necessary. Call today, 473-3207 or 473-3455. DEPARTMENT MANAGER Women's R.T.W. experience preferred. We offer many employe benefits.

APPLY MR. FIELD LERNER SHOPS 277 Main New Britain DINING ROOM HOSTESS Full time. Lunches and dinner, (12 to 2, 1 to 9). 5V day week. No experience necessary, we are willing to train you.

Apply In person only. The Clam Box Restaurant, 1291 Silas Dean Highway, Wethersfield. DRAPERY "SEAMSTRESS TO Work In small shop. Must be experienced. Call 244-2054.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY To down-town businessman. Typing, some steno. Challenging opportunity. $100 to start. Please write full details to Bex 718-R, Hartford Courant.

Our office knows of this ad. EXPORT Our export 'department requlrei responsible Individual to prepare and invoice product shipments, export experience oreferred, but will train. Opportunity to de-velooe broader secretarial skills. High school graduate. day week.

Permanent employment end employe benefits. THE MERROW MACHINE CO. 28 LAUREL STREET HARTFORD, CONN. EXPERIENCED Dining room waitresses. Apply in person.

The Corner House, Farmington, 477-2121. EXPERIENCED AIDE to II shift, run time. Cromwell Crest Hospital, 344-9413. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY Junior end misses better apparel, good start. Ing salary, Wethersfield and Manchester, part time or full time, call for appointment, 443-2128.

FULL TIME SALES LADY Woolworth'l, Bishops Corner, West Hartford. FULL TIME EXECUTIVE Secretary" sales office, steno, typing end filinq. Willing to train recent business college graduate. Congenial modern office. Call 477-1174 weekends, 246-4571 week days.

FULL TIME SALESWOMAN Waited-for small appliance sel'ing. Salary plus commission. Earn dollars for Christmas. Call 466-0795 ask for Mr. Larkin, between 9:30 a.m.

and 1 p.m. GIRL GENERAL OFFICE WORT? Good typing, shorthand not necessary. Small office, 5 day week. Apply Subscription Bureau Limited, Suite 404, 983 Main Hartford. GIRL FRIDAY Local office, 4 p.m..

I p.m. daily. Telephone 525-5401 for appointment interview. GIRL TO ASSUME Bookkeepers duties. and handle salesmen reports.

Apply Subscription Bureau Limited, Suite 404, 983 Main Hertford. GIRL FOR GENERAL Office work, go? typist, light steno, good opportunity for the right person. Attractive office, fringe benefits. Call 132-4411. HAIRDRESSER Experience, neat as.

near iull and part time needed. Call 289-4113. HAIRDRESSERS' Apply In person. Plaza Hair Stylists. 466 Farmington Avenue, Bristol.

All reolies held In strict See Mr. Ralph, formerly of Penthouse Beauty Studios. HOMEMAKER TO CARE FOR 3 chil dren in home, live-in, call 521-306S after 5:30 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER Hartford city rectory. priests.

Box 704 Courant. RlFiMut- hevegootl handwriting, good with figures, run 10 key adding machine, Monday Jtirougfi Friday, 40 hours. additional benefits. Mechanics Overall Service, 151 Frt. Av East Hartford, 2194421.

about our no money down- plan to qualified Buyers. Liberty Mobilehom Sales. 61 Cook Plainvllle. 747-5501. P1 c.DJr ii? t''wi ana truck campers.

No reasonable offer refused. Turnpike Travel Trailers, Inc. Route j. vernon, conn. 1-175-0643.

DEALERS In travel trailers exclusive ly. Yellowstone and Gold Seal Franklin, Green Acres Park, U.S. Route 1, Westbrook, between Conn. Turnpike Exits 45 A 44. CAMPER 1944 Vista Liner Deluxe, mounted on 1944 4-cylinder 14 ton pick up.

449-9447. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF Buying mobile horn or Interested looking at them or wonder what they ar like, now is the time to visit ur lot and look them over. We have a tine assortment of both 10 foot and 17 foot wide in a wide ranoa of prices. We also have good parks to set them up tn. Brewer Route 5, South Windsor.

Next to Ten Pin bowline elley, 289-1547. Open 2 to 9, 10 to 4 Saturdays. SPENCE CRAFT" 28x8, fully equlaped kitchen-living room combination, complete bathroom, separata bedroom, excellent condition. On site in East Hart ford. $1,400.

1-775-3930. 14 FOOT 1944 NOMAD Travel-frailer, sleeps 7, self contained. Gas-electric refrigerator, heater, gas stove fc thermostatic oven. Like new. Used on year.

$1945. 99 Burnbrook Road, East Hartford, 289-0889. 1957 HALLMARK Mobile home, 10 45, tumisneo, can 525-1347. 41' CHEVY 44 cab over camper, exceptional condition. 289-0571 57 STEP VAN CAMPERSleeps 4.

Best offer. 143-2691. 1951 ROYCRAFT, excellent condition, located 5 minutes from UConn at Storrs. Very reasonable. Call 429-9232 after 5 p.m.

Auto Accessories 13 BUY Your genuine Chevrolet automobile and truck parts at Orody Chevrolet. Rsymlnd Read. West Hartford. 3-501- Motorcycles Bicycles 15 BMW, 1957 250 cc. Good condition.

East Haddam, TR 3-9220. uAviuQun, ivm spare parxs included, good condition. Call 223-10U HARLEY DAVIDSON. 1953 Spare parts between 4 and 6 p.m, 1965 HONDA 50, Mileage, 900. Call 242-1590 after 9 p.m.

HONDA. 1965 Super 90. Very low mtlh age. $295. Pallottl Poole, 549 Wetnersfieid 244-2538.

HONDA 1944. 50 cc. Reasonable. 643.6734 HONDA 150, 1965 Excellent' condition, many accessories. $350.

1-423-0371. 1965 HONDA 250 SCRAMBLER Low mileage, excellent condition. Owner go ing into service. Very reasonable. 583-5006.

Wanted Automotive 17 CASH Turn your late model car Into cash. See Berry Botwick or Joe Slonlm We will buy your ear out right or give you a good trade-down deal. Capitol Motors. Inc. 1114 Main St.

SELLING YOUR CAR? Grody want, to buy clean, late model, useq cars. See S. r. Montgomery. ruAriV rucuom CT trUL7T ntVKULtl Reymond Road 234-5401 nanrora tenter WANTED Clean used cars.

Highest prices ever paid. Haber Motors, 645 Main. East Hartford, 289-8254. SERVICES OFFERED Services Offered 18 DRAFTING And tool design services In greater Hartford area. 233-1031.

HELP STAMPOUTTransrnlsslon troll- ble. Watch for oil leaks Indrive noises not shifting properly For free road test and diagnosis. Call Curtis Automatic Transmission, 246-1535. PLANNING On having" a well drilled? Are you having problems with your present well? Know the quality of your well, learn the proper techniques of water well drilling, or guarantee th craftsmanship of the well by having Its construction properly supervised with your Interest In mind. For unbiased consulting call after 4 p.m., 747-5302.

Concrete Construction 18G ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE Work. In-eludes floors and patios, in and outside foundations. Call 527-1398. Floor Refinishintj 21 ALL FLOORS New. bid expertly sanded and reflnished Guaranteed workmen- ship, insured.

Mazlanis, 247-9976. General Contracting 21B SUFFIELD CONSTRUCTION CO. Re- modeling also new custom homes on prospective lots, individual designing, financing. All light commercial work, Ameslte, gravel, sand and fill, loam. Windsor Locks 423-5971, 1-11 a.m., p.m.

Home Office Cleaning 22B SPECIALIZING In window washing woodwork, wall cleaning, floors. Rea sonable rates. 522-1045. Tree Removal 23A TREE and land clearing. Fully insured.

Estimates free. Our prices can't be beat. Call 233-5394. otirv 24 A MASONRY All types of masonry, stone walls done drv and we', hatchway, steps, chimneys, new and repair, also waterprooflngLCal 527-7491 Moving Storage 26 ALL TYPES OF LIGHT MOVING In. eludes stove and refrigerator.

Call 527-1398. MOVING VAN Leaving for Florida October 12th. Barrleu Moving Storage. Movers of Fin Furniture 249-9377. A MOVERS Moving and storage Day or night Call anytime 289-1155.

6TEHL CRATING SERVICE Paekingi crating shopping, statewide moving. Trucking baggage transfer, 525-7285. JULES MILKIE Moving reasonable rates for moving or storage 247-5727 raitine Paperin? 27 EXTERIOR AND INTERIORPalntlng, papering. Pioors sanded and re finished. Fully insured.

Call 247-9976 Mazlanis. System painting decorating Interior and exterior, no lob too big. $17 per room. Guaranteed quality workmanship. Hartford 249-2410.

Rock-ville 175-1140. Phsterint 28 ALL-" TY FPLAST I NGTncludes ceilings and patches. Call 527-1398. Important Notice The 1964 Civil Rights Law prohibits, with certain exceptions, discrimination because of sex. It will now be necessary for our readers to read not only the usual female and male classifications but also our classification 34 (male and female).

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted. Female 32 ABLE GIRL Live In, general Roused work, child care. 527-0177, 473-9559. DOMESTICS Referenced cooks, housekeepers, companions, mother's helpers, general house workers, Day, supply help. United Employment, 42 1 ffj Asylum, 244-7225.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOOKKEEPER For a well established firm, congenial office, capability will be recognized. Opportunity, Write Box 741-R, Courant. I. 2D 4 P7-46-57 HJ SOT 81 FamXy 82 Go 83 Going 84 Need 85 Be 86 Over 87 Placet 88 Disputes 89Yourserf 90 Advantage AQUASSUS MAN. 21 feb! -27-32 P4-o3-73 mas MAR 21 109 Neutral and Every Day In The Courant.

65 Years Old, Finally a Citizen 0WENSB0R0, Ky. (AP)-For 60 years, Gabriel Fiorella had the mistaken impression he was an American citizen. Th restaurant owner finallw has received his citizenship pa pers after nearly two years of effort. In 1963, he and his wife planned a trip to Brazil where he was born in 1900, but to his surprise his passport was turned down. He was told he hadn't become a citizen when his father received his papers after com ing here in 1903.

It took Fiorella 15 months to prove his identity, but eventual ly all the pieces fell in place. Fund Started By Middlebury College Here Middlebury College has started its 175th Anniversary Challenge Fund drive in the Greater Hartford area. Charles J. Haugh of West Hartford, retired vice president of the Travelers Insurance Co, and chairman of the State In surance Commission, is chair man of the Special Gifts Committee. Mrs.

Ralph W. Erick- son, headmistress of Chaffee School, Windsor, and Dr. Cur- tiss B. Hickcox, director of the Department of Anesthesiology at Hartford Hospital, are co- chairmen. The college's vice president Walter E.

Brooker was in Hartford Monday night for a "kick-off" dinner at the Hart ford Club. He announced that $2.8 million has been pledged to match "2 for 1" a Ford Founda. initiated the fund drive. Middle bury College has set an im mediate goal of $6.6 million by 1967. DeCourcy Picked For GOP Event Dayson D.

DeCourcy of West Hartford was named Friday as arrangements chairman for a Republican statewide fund rais ing dinner Thursday at the Waverly Inn at Cheshire. Gov. Robert E. Smylie of Idaho will be the main speaker at the dinner. The appointment of DeCour cy was announced by Sterling T.

Tooker of Simsbury, dinner chairman. On the same night, another fund raising dinner will be held at the Long Shore Country Club in Westport, with Gov. John A. Love of Colorado as the main speaker. The two dinners are part of a nation wide GOP salute to former President Eisenhower on his 75th birthday anniversary.

Beef Flown Abroad FRANKFURT, Germany (UPI) A shipment of 2,100 pounds of Texas prime beef for a "Texas week" at Cologne department store arrived Friday from Dallas by jet clipper. Legal Notices INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for the purchase of one roro wump irutu or cquoi iitoo, Model) will be received by the Town of East Hartford at the Office of the Director of Public Works, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut until 10:00 a.m. Mondy, October IS, 1965 and will be publicly opened and read at that time and place. Information for bidders, specifications and proposal forms are availabgle at the same location. The right is reserved to reject any or all, or any part of any or all bids when such actions are deemed to be to the best Interest of the Town of East Hartford.

TOWN Or EAST HARTFORD. ROBERT J. MATHIAU, Director of Public Works. TOWN OF SUFFIELD SELECTMEN'S OFFICE INVITATION TO BID The Town of Suffleld Invites sealed bids for: One (1) 4-5 Cubic Yard Two Wheel Dump Information for Bidders, Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the First Selectman, Town Hall, Suffleld, Conn. The Town reserves the right to releet any bid or all bids.

All bids must oe suommao at trie First Selectman's Office not later than 3:00 p.m. on October 25, 1965 at which time bldt will be opened. DANIEL F. SULLIVAN First Selectman Suffleld, Conn. "We tried to find someone grant of $1.7 million that thank," said hospital director Reed L.

Clegg, ''but she left no family in this area. The i gift came as a complete sur-June prise." Radio-isotopes can be injected into patients and their course through the body followed, by special equipment because of their very slight radi oactivity, THE GIRLS By Franklin Folger "It would be much more effective if, when the autumn leaves fell to the ground, they wouldn't shake the whole theater!" HEALTH CAPSULES "bv Michael A. Petti, M.D. WHAT CM VOU'PO f0 pTKP FROM GATING THIN YOU Cikow vutis PRIMKT KflM MILK PAILY ANP EXERCISE KGVLMVt, VEM IF IT If) A LONG WALK, HON PAYS WRINKLE. Health CtW fives hWul Wemiaflo att is net intend ad I ef i diejnoiti oatuhl i -r I ii!.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.