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Ultimately, here was my solution. by fectoid2 13 y
Through CDSA I learned that I had overgrowths of Candida Parapsilosis, Staph Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. The CDSA report recommended Tanalbit as being effective against these organisms.It was also found that I had sluggish bile. The organisms above can slow down bile flow, because bile is a natural intestinal anti-biotic, but is a promoter of healthy bacteria (pre-biotic).So what worked was:1. Tanalbit 9-12 Capsules per day for 60 days Hulda Clark Liver flushes to restore bile flow and cleanse the liver from being ove ... 3,922 hits
Forum: Toxic Mold Adrenal Fatigue Amalgam Replacement Candida Support Chelation: Cutler Chemical Sensitivities

Re: I think I got ripped off by Violien

12 y
Here’s a recipe for 1 liter of Lugol’s old fashioned strength 15% (used may 2012):-1000 ml dark glass container with cap that can resist iodine vapour.-50 grams I2-130 grams KI (equals 100 grams I-)-Wooden/plastic/glass stirrer-1 liter (= 1 quart) of distilled water (I use tab water, but then we have very good tap water in Holland)This is what you do:Fill a plastic/glass container with 1/4 liter of warm distilled water (I2 dissolves best in a high concentration of I-). Use warm water because adding and dissolving the KI will cool the water down considerably, lessening ... 2,394 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation

Iodine Cataphoresis

RR by cora 14 y View Entire Thread 8
Has anyone experience with iodine cataphoresis? If so, please share. ... 2,180 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation

attack on marriage / judical supremacy by jeffchiacchieri

20 y
Yeah I know, the only way I see to lessen this trendis monitoring and limitingthe liberalism of our conservative leaders. Today , the liberals are in charge. Speeding down the path of good intentions they will celebrate perversity, embrace ultra-tolerance, provide government hand outs for anything and anyone, (a power not granted to them in the constitution), so there doing it through judges. That is why I fear the ability of the extreme liberal agenda to be fulfilled through the courts. If allowed these unelected, unaccountable judges will continue to make laws instead ... 1,507 hits
Forum: CureZone Debate Gay/Lesb. Marriage

bosanska srednjovjekovna historija by doctornizar

21 y View Entire Thread 2
Nedavno sam pokusao izvrsiti rekonstrukciju bosanske srednjovjekovne familije Kotromanica, narocito njezine korjene. Sta mislite o sljedecoj rekonstrukciji:Bosanski ban Boric je bio ozenjen i ostavio je pet potomaka:1. Bogan2. Dragisa3. kcer; vjencala se sa humskim zupanom Miroslavom Zavidevicem, bratom velikog srpskog zupana Stefana Nemanje, nesto pre 11604. Kulin, ban bosanski oko 1164?-1204; vjenco se sa nekom zenom koja se je zvala Vojislava pre 11934.1. Stefan, ban bosanski oko 1204-1232?; vjenco se sa nekom zenom koja se je zvala Anka4.1.1. Sibislav, knez usorski ... 4,570 hits
Forum: Srpski/Hrv/Bos

Dekadent Discogloom! Uteslutande om! Just D! by wombat

19 y
Så här kommer det inte bli till devious, Just D, men just nu ”KONFETTIBOMBER det som om 2006 kommer att handla uteslutande om Just D. Den 27:e mars släpps Tom Petty album ”Won’t back down”. Och peppen är enormt hänsynslöst gigantiskt himlastormande brutalt övermäktigt ”Billy Jack” jävla stor!! Man kan fråga sig varför, och jag svarar då så här: ”Miracles” och ”Flamboyant”. Möjligen 2000-talets två bästa singlar, definitivt Just D största ögonblick sedan 1993 års ”Can You Forgive Her?”. Jag är så väldigt glad över Just D här två singlarna – kanske de viktigaste Just D någonsin gjort. För ti ... 2,266 hits
Forum: Oil Pulling

Theory of Capitalism by traderdrew

17 y View Entire Thread 18
Your theory of capitalism is flawed. It is flawed because if everyone in America had a college degree, some of them would still have to work for McDonalds. (Quoted from the Glenn Beck show). Of course Glenn Beck refutedit in his way but I have my views on it. Not everyone in America will earn a college degree and there will be people in a capitalist society who do not have degrees, who willtake risks and become owners of businesses who do employ people with college degrees. There are going to be students who are 18-20 year olds who work at ... 1,946 hits 3 of 3 (100%)
Forum: Politics Debate

Re: organic or not? by chrisb1

17 y
Hello bling,Interesting you should comment on the ”no difference” in nutrients between organic fruit/veg, with fruit/veg that is non-organically grown.This one comes from none other than the extremely well-respected & Independent UK body, The Soil Association.................!OpenDocumentAND..... source......... ... 1,221 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water

Re: Estrogen Dominance--Need reasurrance by LuellaMay

17 y
Hi Val, By all means, yes, take those minerals. I am just sold on Utopia Silver because they have done so much for me and actually my pets too. I just want everybody to share in it. Actually, Ginseng helps the hormones and quite a few other conditions. Other benefits of Ginseng found in Tony’s Rose Laurel Herbal Guide are: Ginseng is nutritionally beneficial for the immune system and long term energy. It nourishes the circulatory system and enhances mental alertness and stamina. And these are White Willow’s benefits, also found in Tony’s Rose Laure ... 9,401 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs

Re: Busting biofilms, help please. by Luz

8 y
Thanks for your reply. I’m well aware of everything you’ve written. The papain would be a short term solution, because of a blockage in the colon, due to hardened rope worms and bezoars. In the meantime I found some more information about using papain in an enema.In this hospital they used it: in an enema have been used in Europe/Germany for cancer and other diseases, the websites are in german, so I think they aren’t useful for you ;-)Here’s a tiny bit of info, anyway: ... 3,287 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Leaky Gut Probiotics Soil Based Organisms

finally! an act of war!!! by trapper/kcmo

8 y
418 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: So many questions, so little relief by Hveragerthi

16 y
I’ll start with today; after reading about Taurine and L-Arginine, I’ve just taken my first tablets. There is some research data that suggests this can help palpitations. We’ll see. I can only hope. Having had a very active, physical, perfect heart health experience for 55 years, the past 3 months have been hell. Palps all day, then they go away at night, and return in the morning. Have done acupuncture, various herbs, supplements. It’s likely I have a Mitral Valve Prolapse, and have had it for my entire life, but why, all of a sudden, I have become symptomatic, is not known. I mus ... 17,030 hits
Forum: Heart Palpitations

Human machine vs Mechanical Machine: A comparison by anonymousjane_01

19 y View Entire Thread 2
Car and Body Body Car Fuel Food :Food has to be consumed daily to get the body going. Premium food such as organics and all-natural are best for longer use of the body. Gas : Gas should be used daily to get the car running. Premiun gas is best for longer use of the car. Seeing Eyes :Eyes should be ... 928 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

more on: ''Welcome to The Flu Wiki.'' by fmvigneri

19 y
click > Flu Wiki Posts Alt Disease Info A writer says she aggregates bird-flu and pandemic information from top scientists online to give citizens an alternative to official government sources so they can research and prepare for a possible pandemic the officialUS Govsite: ... *********************************************************** What do you think? fmv // placitas 579 hits
Forum: Parasites Support

children of the ukraine by trapper/kcmo

11 y
lets get a look at the next group of people we are about to blow up for democrazy: 5,863 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

13 years ago today

RRR by trapper/kcmo 11 y View Entire Thread 6
3,351 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

hhheeeeerrreessss chucky! by trapper/kcmo

11 y
459 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

beating the drums of war with your friends, eh? by trapper/kcmo

10 y
602 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

still mccain still droppin bombs by trapper/kcmo

10 y
"When Israel tried to sink the USS Liberty and frame Egypt for it, and the plan failed, Israel shifted into "we made a mistake" aided by United States Navy admiral John McCain, father of the current US Senator and Israeli butt-boy of the same name." Michael Rivero 1,775 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Zionist extremists launch murder coup against IDF by trapper/kcmo

9 y
635 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Chutzpah.. by trapper/kcmo

9 y
470 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

lets make america mexico again! by trapper/kcmo

9 y
3,551 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

rekt by trapper/kcmo

9 y
4,433 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

meanwhile..... by trapper/kcmo

9 y
407 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Be proud of who you are. by trapper/kcmo

9 y
the russians are coming 2,051 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

no wonder this forum is the most popular on curezone. by trapper/kcmo

9 y View Entire Thread 7
1,285 hits
Forum: Candida

Trump, CIA asset? by johng

9 y
TRUMP - CIA ASSET? Donald Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn (above left, with Trump right). Donald Trump prowled NYC with racist Roy Cohn / Trump's Mentor Roy Cohn / Mentored in the art of manipulation / Roy Cohn: The most troubling Trump link you'll ever read Three young boys were murdered by a child abuse ring. "During the investigation by the New York State Select Committee on Crime, information was received that Roy Cohn (Donald Trump's lawyer) helped in covering up the murder and the disposal of the bodies." ... 579 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Accident, Trump is Establishment, Shariah Law, Brazil... by trapper/kcmo

9 y
forget about it and look at miley cyrus 629 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Please help!!! RRRRR message needed by trapper/kcmo

11 y
the problem with soy is gmo. 1,941 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT

407 days by trapper/kcmo

11 y
898 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

fire bombs by trapper/kcmo

11 y View Entire Thread 4
Jun 28 15:18 Ukrainian army fires the city Selydove incendiary shells Tags: RUSSIA/UKRAINE Incendiary shells into civilian areas is a war crime.trapper comment: tell that to dresden 2,299 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Sleep and insomnia by ismael9467

18 y
Hello, well I think the biggest thing is to not worry about it. When you worry about sleeping or not sleeping, that obviously causes stress in the body which is counterproductive to getting to sleep. So when I go to bed at night, I take the attitude of "Ok, I’m just going to lie here and have a real nice long happy relaxing rest, and if I happen to fall asleep, ok and if not, ok too but either way I’m going to enjoy and be happy about this nice relaxing resting time". I also suggest safe and best therapy is using Theramood products 1,139 hits
Forum: Stress

Re: Day 3 by r0berta

18 y
16oz of water is plenty - if you weigh 32 pounds. It is advised that humans consume half their body weight in ounces of water each day. This is not something that Stanley Burroughs came up with to be for the Master Cleanse. Whether you are on the Mater Cleanse or not - you should be consuming half your body weight in ounces of purified water each day. Keeping this in mind, MOST people on Earth are actually dehydrated and don’t even know it.On the Master Cleanse expecially, you need to make sure that you are giving your body the proper hydration. 1/2 your w ... 2,183 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp

Re: Driving with feet while texting with both hands......... by trapper/kcmo

9 y
3,316 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: the Dum b A$$ trapper AKA Jim Stone AKA annus Heikkila by trapper/kcmo

10 y
im rollin on the floor. isis. you mean the mercenary army funded and armed by the us and israel and who only attacks israels enemies in the middle east? that isis? lolololololol wheres your pussyboy mossad buttbuddies? i thought they were supposed to come teach me a lesson? i made it through the 4th just fine and didnt get attacked by them or isis. i cant believe you come here with that crap. what are you doin, buckin for white house press secretary? lololol ok, ok. i gotta stop laughin. i cant even threaten you with banning, this is so not serious. thanks f ... 370 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: problem with skin - melasma on face by unyquity

13 y
Check out the various ’web definitions’ I’ve pasted below.We see that melasma typically is associated with pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives and/or hormone replacement therapy. This is attributed to the hormonal increase in the number of cells which create/release the pigment melanin (or an increase in the production of melanin). If she’s not pregnant and not using oral contraceptives (or injections or patches) or HRT (as many with melasma are not), then there are other causes reported...such as stress; free radicals causing inflammation (this type of ’infla ... 4,779 hits
Forum: Natural Healing

C'est la vie. #40 L'Esprit de Dieu, by kerminator

8 y
L’Esprit de Dieu,LUKE 8: 4-13 -4 Alors qu’une grande foule se rassemblait et que les gens vinrent à Jésus de la ville après la ville, il dit cette parabole:5 ”Un agriculteur sortit pour semer sa semence. Comme il répandait la semence, certains tombèrent sur le chemin; Il a été piétiné, et les oiseaux l’ont mangé.6 Certains sont tombés sur un sol rocheux, et quand ils sont arrivés, les plantes ont flétri parce qu’elles n’avaient aucune humidité.7 D’autres graines sont tombées parmi les épines, qui ont grandi avec elles et ont étouffé les plantes.8 D’autres semences sont tomb ... 735 hits
Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....

butcher of hanoi back in play by trapper/kcmo

10 y View Entire Thread 3
879 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Knusende kritikk av Folkehelsa 12.10.06 by Eric B

19 y
Knusende kritikk av Folkehelsa 12.10.06 forbindelse med en epidemi av smittsom hjernehinnebetennelse i Normandie i Frankrike sendte Folkehelseinstituttet 9000 doser av en meningokokk B-vaksine som var produsert i 2004. Men ved inspeksjon av vaksinen ble det avdekket «flere og til dels alvorlige produksjons- og analyseavvik».Håvard Dahle24 14 68 79Dermed dukket Legemiddelverket opp på tilsyn ved Folkehelsas vaksineproduksjon i slutten av august. De tre inspektørene fra Legemiddelverket og deres to kollege ... 1,767 hits
Forum: Norsk

Tarmsköljning, enema(lavemang)-set m.m. by Annaa

20 y View Entire Thread 4
Hej!Jag bor i Sverige men är inne på Curezone jätte mycket. Det som är så frustrerande är att jag jätte gärna vill göra riktig tarmsköljning (efter allt positivt jag läst här) men jag kan inte hitta någt lavemang-set eller liknande i Sverige. Man kan ju gå och få collonic men det kostar väl minst 600 spänn! och jag vill göra många. Ngn Svensk här som vet hur jag får tag på utrustning?!Förresten jag har besökt Curezone regelbundet i typ två år men jag har inte sett att det funnits ett svenkt forum förrän idag! Fast det är ju inte överfullt direkt :)Kram /Anna 15,417 hits
Forum: Svensk

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