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THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Sunday May 31 1987 238 -P5 36 T3T HT 136 T5T T33T Cadillac COFVfttt rss Buick 624 BMW a5 Buick '84 7334 Low mites like new every possible option leather interior Make otter 3765269 '84 3 )8i sunroof cassette 50000 mi 1)0400 704-865-123 65J? 635 CSI Perfect cond Lomi 09000 ml) Every possible option toctog AT 6 5vr50WO mi warranty Delohln gray (charcoal) wbik teath Ini $34500 704 '274-5959 '15 635CSI Silver New LUXURY IMPORTS 704-933-1264 704-938 2644 nights '86 BMW 325ES Red wblack In! Loaded All records $2 1500 Cali 7357858 or 732-0817 '87 528 never tilled '85 735 27 Or $2555 826 000 118500 116200 '000 5 red 20 000 ml-IS 30000 mi fop ml Hwv 528 35000 mi 1161 BAGWELL AUfS SALES 1 2) By-Pass 803-366-6 131 626 i Buick '80 RIVIERA Loaded Sunroof $4995 545-1029 536-1245 '81 BUICK REGAL Limited fully equipped 373-1483 563 2996 81 LeSabre Ltd Landau lop 2dr extras cc 6 ail electric new tires good cond $2600 568-6371 '82 LESABRE LTD 2 dr V-6 OD 58K air VGC $4400 366-4944 '82 REGAL Limited luxury 2-dr sedan Low mileage 35000 Power ac wire wheels Must see Best Otter 892-4939 '83 Le Sabre PB amfm stereo cruise 8379SBO 3W 3911 '83 REGAL LIMITED 4 door white finish burgundy vinyl roof burgundy valour interior automatic transmission power steering power brakes air condition amfm stereo cassette power windows power door locks power seats fill wheel cruise control only 50000 miles Stock 4058 96395 HENDRICK ACURA 6824 Independence Blvd Dir 12373 563-7800 78 LESABRE amfm ac cruise pood cond $900 536-3000 HENDRICK BMW '84 RtVIERA beige metallic tew 6950 Independence Btvd 535-0897 DLR 1370 1-800-222-2)47 Electro 4 Door Wtan-1450 5M-3909 76 Buick Century 4dr Maroon Top condition Call 375-4866 '74 LESABRE- 40K ml AC Exc cond $1)00 535-8867 '77 BUICK RrH 4dr ulq PB air amtm stwao almost new tires 93000ml runs good $1100 or best otter 847-1179 after 5pm Electee OURTFSY 12088 6 536-4041 '77 ESTATE wagon excellenl condition $1775 Nights 542 8925 77 REGAL New paint Extras $1250 or best otter 563-9133 BUICK Rqgal 1-dr V-4 aula air PS PB S6K ml 12500 fr? lbl9 '78 Buick 12088 RrCOURTESV" 534-4041 '71 Buick 123X4 COURTESY 536-404) 78 Elaclra 4 door AT dw pI pwH reaionaoly prlcad Good cond M7-7577 I-12AM 7-IIPM '63 REGAL-4 drdrk WueDk Ini Exc cond 541-5744 83 RIVIERA moon rool lullv quipped wtiita on wnlia maroon inttnor PHIL JACKSON'S Auto Sates 6 Oarage 4826 Tryon Lie 5870 597-1323 30 day warranty on aN units sold molor transmission 6 rear and 83 SKYHAWK Station Wagon Blue wNue Interior AT air cruise radio $7200 541-3353 '84 BUICK Riviera sunroof ite-reo all power options excellent tires $8095 8W-8422 or 333-2600 LESABRE LIMITED White finish automatic transmission air condition amfm stereo extra sharp CITY CHEVROLET 538-1410 Chavrolat $43 SO 536 4041 83 CAVALIER SW speed AC Must sett $7809 392-1404 CAVALIt heichbeck 52 000 mi AC amtm sunroof $3650 875 8115 '83 CHEVETTE 4drHB amtm Stereo cass AC 1 owner $1950 Must sell call 543-0706 '83 CHEV VAN ZIMMER 34000 mllM John Hurley Nissan AMC Jeep 2574 Cherry Rd Rock Hill 5C Rock Hill 366 8171 Charlotte Direct 376-1023 CHEVY CAPRICE Classic Exc cond Many extras 87006 mites $4500 542-2606 83 CITATION $2600 5 door loaded with extras very nice 541 6739 or 542 8907 '83 238 CAMARO Low mileage must see to appreciate $8000 or best offer John 394 6588 553-7130 '84 CAMARO ZF pretty speed AT Must see 563-5163 aft 6 '84 Camaro $5995 COURTESY 536-4041 '84 CAVALIER SW automatic air SSK ml $3950 392 80 i9 '84 Cavalier Type 10 Lftbk Air very good cond $3500 541 9238 eve '84 Cavalier COURTESY $4700' 536 404) '84 CELEBRITY 4 door silver finish automatic transmission power steering power brake? air condition 14395 HENDRICK ACURA 6824 Independence Btvd Dir 12373 '84lmpalaexc cond Hlghrd ml Must seedrlve $3750 Cat! 366-1534 '84 Z28 t-top red $7681 AUTO CREDIT SALES 5 Tryon St 333-9014 9 Independence 332-8167 '85 CAMARO Z28 TPI all avail options T-toos rlearro seats 1)1900 CaHN 541-8306 0 542-70i7 '85 Camaro AT Navy wgrev tot am-tm stereo tape T-tops PS PB AC cruise till 35000 miles txc cond Must sett $8400 527-2733 '85 CAVALIER AC tape deck exc cond $6500 or no down payment assume tease at only $165 04mo 364 3922 552-8770 '85 CAVALIER CS SW AMFM AC exc cond $4550 553 8645 '15 CELEBRITY AC AMFM dark blue x-company car afl mairrt records avail 73000 mi txc cond $4900 S5J-Q256 iv msg '85 CELEBRITY EUROSPORT wagon air lap deck cruise ail Ker Sport package new tires new $9000 541-51)2 33-0555 '85 CHEVY Spectrum Sspd amtm cass AC doth seats $4250 14000ml exc cond 563-22i 85 CHEVY Z28 engine bteckt-toos low mites John Hurley Nissan AMC Jeep 2574 Cherry Rd Rock HID it Rock Hiil 366-8171 Charlotte Direct 376-1023 '85 Chevy monte £ari6 20000 mites dean POWELL OLDS CADILLAC 867-6347 or 333 3435 Direct '85 CORVETTE 15000 mites ail power options Bose stereo like new $21550 BFN MYNATT CHEVROLET CONCORD 786-2151 CHARLOTTE 375-5066 '85 S10 BLAZER- V-6 AT AC PSPB Tahoe pkg Assume tease 536-7966 85 SlA BLAZER Tahoe V6 aulo power steering brakes windows 8 doorlocks ac lilt cruise 3 to choose Irom Priced from $12595 BEN MYNATT CHEVROl ET CONCORD 786-2151 CHARLOTTE 375-5066 '85 SPECTRUM Sliver finish automatic transmission air condition amtm CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 '85 SS new 350 tires Rancho Black Imron 334-6919 '86 Z28 Camaro Your dream car! BickSlvr Fully loaded T-topl tinted Immac cond S37-2895 '87 CAVALIERS 12 TO CHOOSE FROM Automatic transmission air condi-lion amtm stereo tow mileage CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 Chavrolat GO G0WEN '84 CAPRICE CLASSIC Beige finish power windows 8 locks tilt cruise stereo cassette Shl JHS64A WAS $7599 NOW $5999 Call Larry 554-7420 72 EL AMINO 454 engine 42000 actual mites 17999 WIH trade Al HaterJohn Seabrook 563-8130 OLR 14001 1984 Cavelier Type 10 5 sod sunroof wht tetter tires 3rd light AC AMFM cass rear spkrv Low mi good cond Negotiable 372-3134 $9666 PER M0 '83 CELEBRITY CL door 7 tone brown finish automatic transmission air condition wire wheels power steering power brakes power locks tilt wheel cruise control bucket seats much more tow mileage Cali Jim Lu-catou 48 monthly payments of $9666 Down payment (cash or trade) of $1500 Cash setting price excluding taxes and tees $4850 Finance charge $128968 Total ot payments $463968 Annual percentage rate U9 On approved credit Honda Cars of Concord Hwy 29 South Concord NC Chartolte Direct Lines 376-0457 333-1405 Concord 704788-4181 $16283 PER M0 $199 DOWN '86 CAVALIER 4 DOOR CS Automatic transmission air condition power steering fm radio Sate Price $7399 with onty $199 down Finance $7700 ter 60 months at $162 A3 Totai Of payments $9769 80 with 12 50 APR on approved credit Plus tax tag Harrelson Ford MazdaYugo WORLD'S LARGEST DEALER 6500 5 Blvd S52-276C DLR 6653 CHEVROLET 1977 Imppla run! good 800 535 5684 '77 NOVA 305V 8 PS PB A Very clean Cali 846-2904 '78 Camaro great condition PS pb amtm cassette Must see $2fa) After 6PM 537-5831 78 CAMARO New engine tires 8 brakes 52895 568-590 anytime '78 CAMARO 3-sp Needs paint tmeTnt work $15 568 2180 aft 5 78 CAPRICE 4Dr WTLC $2000 523-7294 78 Nova 4 dr PS Pb AT kit treated huyo 4 in i 4 ro good tires clean wait maintained 2nd owner $1800 Caii 704-263-2596 (StanteyNC) '79 BERLINETTA Week with red Interior PS PB AT V8 305 nice car $35 537-2i '79 Camaro $3350 COURTESY 536-404) 79 Malibu Classic pd cond PS PB AC AT FM $2300 821-8119 '79 MALIBU CLASSIC- good cond Musi sail1 843 5984 BURNS CHEVROLET INC Rock Hit! (Exit 66B J-77S) Chartolte Direct 313-6930 Local 803 366-9414 DORSCHEL CHEVROLET We Sell 8 Buy Clean Used Cars 531 Trade St 376-3131 ELMER MOORE THE CHEVY STORE Monroe 14 minutes from Charlotte on Hwy 74 East Charlotte 333-6438 Chavrolat $12977 PER M0 $199 DOWN '86 CHEVETTE 2 door automatic transmission air condition radio very tow mileege factory warranty Choose from red silver blue goto creme 8 brown colors Sate Price 15699 with only 8199 down Finance $5500 ter 60 months et $129 77 Total of payments 17786 20 with 119 APR on approved credit Plus lex 8 teg 4 DOORS AVAILABLE Harrelson Ford go WORLD'S LARGESTDEALER 6500 Blvd 552-7760 DLR 6653 GO G0WEN SPORTS CARS '84 CAMARO BERLINETTA Black finish Mops sport wheats amfm stereo cassette Sik H225A WAS $7999 NOW $6999 '85 MONTE CARLO SS Black finish power windows 8 locks tin cruise 23000 mites Sik H78A WAS $10999 NOW $9499 '86 CAMARO Gray finish ac auto amtm stereo cassette sport wheels Stk H690A WAS $9299 NOW $7999 '86 MONTE CARLO SS Stiver finish 12000 mites emfm stereo cassette Stk IH776A WAS $11 W9 NOW $10799 '86 MONTE CARLO SS Burgundy finish Mops power windows tocks extra clean Sik H43iA WAS $12999 NOW $11399 '86 CAMARO Z-28 Black finish l-toos power windows tocks SHARP Stk P47I1 WAS 11359 NOW $11999 '86 CAMARO Z-28 IROC White finish power windows tocks seals Stk iP47i2 WAS $14999 NOW $13299 All cars have 1 mo 1000 mite limbed warranty GOWEN USED CARS 6214 South Boulevard 554-7420 '79 MONZA HB 1-owner 40 000 mi AT air blue $1300 847-843 '80 CITATION Good condition Coll 372-2583 '80 CORVETTE VI automatic power steering brakes windows 8 doorlocks plast Hops tilt cruise ac aluminum wheels wnlfe wlan doth interior $8995 BEN MYNATT CHEVROLET CONCORD 786-2151 CHARLOTTE 375 5066 '81 CHFVETTE Blue 4-spd 4-dr hatchback ac amfm good cond $1200 Call 542-0221 anytime '81 CHEVETTE 4-dr AT AMFM AC exc cond Musi sell 81300negoUabte Call 545-7746 '81 Monie Carlo $39884r COURTESY 536-404) '62 Beige Celebrity 4dr tweed Inf auto 4cyi AC stereo Great cond $235 588 525-7590 '82 CAMARO 58000 mites AC 4 spd AmFm cass Good cond $4700 Call 455-2883 after 5 Camaro OURTESY $5800 536 404 21 74 CONVERTIBLES (1) 75 CONVERTIBLE S9500EACH 704-634-3234H 704 634-26288 AUTO SHOWCASE 79 CORVETTE T-lOP! whllg K-tomettc loaded 536 534 6541 todep Ptr 10579 HENDRICK BMW 16 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE Goto gold loaded one owner 6950 Independence Btvd 535-0897 DLR 8370 1-800-2722147 CORVETTE Tool bluo AJZ P5 stock knock off wheels 100 original mint show car 1)9900 Day 3 ll 3933 night 294-433? '68 CONVERTIBLE Red wwhlte top 15 restored Like new cond Mutt seM $8995 919-944 2650 69 Corvette 350 4 tod New petot Sharp car $7995 535 3365 -TO CORVETTE STINGRAY 4 speed transmission air condition stereo t-tops removable beck ait original CaH Ron Menn HARRELSON MAZDA 8301 Btvd 552-8522 DLR 5748 '72 dORVETTE Convertlote 350 AT PS PB numbers match $7800 788 8076 74 CORVETTE convertible 4sod AC 60 000ml exc cond $10600 704-283-67 77 attar 5om 77 CORVETTE axe cond 36000 actual mites l-top At ell options Immaculate cond new pemt Best rees otter 77 CORVETTE Wtete red Int AT T-too end moonroof 7QK mi 1-owner $10600 327-9679 '78 Silver Anniversary model Sli-ver grey AMFM tape new tires exc cond $8250 704 26 3276 '79 CORVETTE while with red interior fully loaded new peint $8495 554-1S39 79 CORVETTE block Must sell $9500 535-127) 79 L82 17000 miles 1 owner never wrecked loaded 1-283 240? '80 CORVETTE Black finish automatic transmission air condition amfm stereo CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 '80 CORVETTE AT all ootloni red on red glass t-tops $10 500 or make offer Call after 6pm weekday or anytime on weekend 827 6291 '82 CORVETTE- black on red exc cond Fully loaded $14500 528-6729 '82 CORVETTE white with blue Interior 2 sets ot tops 31000 mi $14200 523-6465 ICE BLUE Corvette crossfire Intecflon leather seats exc cond $15000 Call '82 t-TOPS tow mileage $14500 542-7790 '84 CORVETTE red finish manual transmission loaded good condition 118000 or make otter 596-6)02 CORVETTE- luoer running fuel injected 4-spd and loaded wopttons Gold wtan ini Asking $170 Call 704-824 0828 '84 CORVETTE Red finish automatic transmfsston loaded CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 it CORVETTE 2 lone AT toadedexe cond $14000 568-6327 '85 CORVETTE Red finish manual transmission air condition amtm stereo cassette good condition CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 '85 CORVETTE Looded mites 4 spd woverdrive med blue $18000 888 4875 '86 CORVETTE Solid Wack local 1 owner Only 2600 mi Loaded including power seat Boise Radio glais lop $24595 'll CORVETTE Solid block only 0000 ml Till crulM power win-dowsdr tocks AMFM stereo cassette glass lop axtra sharp $10995 '81 CORVETTE Maroon only 47000 mi glass top loaded with power windowsdr locks tilt cruise Drive It-You'H Buy Iff $11295 McKENNEY Clwvrolel-Chmler-Ptymoulli 301 Wilkinson Blvd Belmont NC 125-3300 Hotel) J4-4S4 'M corvette White wred int Lift off roof AT $23500 70489? 5530 Huntersvl 87 CORVETTE Red on Red White convertible top AT 4800 mi $30500 or 263 '87 RFD Convertible with white top loaded lady driver Buying home must sell 919-298-S732 Chavrolat 86 CELEBRITY Classic 4 dr 6 cyl loaded clean 1 owner car Serviced regularly Ext warr avail $9400 54WCUS '86 CELEBRITY CL 4 cyl Fuel ini Fully loaded watf the extras Gray $6900 best otter 847-8659 '87 CORSICA Loaded 473 mites $12995 Call "harrelson Mazda 1301 Blvd 552-8522 OLR 5748 131 Chryitor 71 CHRYSLER Newporl Custom $350 Call 527-0662 '84 LASER Turbo Air AMFM 5 sod hit cruise new radlats 76000 ml Silver Black trim 40000 ml warranty $5850 847-5376 85 LASER XE 1-owner automatic air PS PB AMFM cassette extra ctean $6795 537-6678 42 Dottun Ninon HENDRICK BMW '83 780ZX Gotdtan 35000 mites Moot auto 6950 independence Btvd 535-0897 DLR 8370 1-800-272-2147 Import Auto Brokers 85 Sentret 5sPd AC sun rool onty teK miles $5995 1 4 dr 5 spd AC Onty 2IK mites Call Don or Bun 3740840 '74 260Z mags Eagtefif's AMFM cass Webers etc Nice BO over $2995 SS4-0S6or SS4-11W '76 DATSUN 280Z '80 engine with 56K xc cond Many options Must sell1 $3790 588 7 500 '78 J8Q2 69K ml great Shape Insideoul 1 Owner $4650 873-5552 '78 780Z only 75000 mi Very nice $3900 364-8705 366-2452 DATSUN 280Z air cond GC $3750 362-1611 78 MAXIMA 4-spd aC stereo xtras Super car $2650 536-4849 79 780ZX Biacktan 5 sod AMFM cass PM PW PS PB exc cond Must sett $4600 541 5759 '79 510 wagon great family car AT amtm cassette Must sell Asking $100 Cali 847-2333 79 DATSUN 310 Exc cond AC to mi AmFm 1 owner 372 9043 '79 DATSUN 210 76K mites 4 dr 4 sod AC 568 7202 '80 280 ZX $4700 COURTESY 536 404) '80 280ZX AT AC7lereo Exc cond $4750Bes Offer 563 2025 80 280ZX- 5-spd 22 stereo PW Excellent condition $4250 553 2959 81 210 ac aL amfm exc cond $)WS CaH 537-8510 aff 4 '81 2807 $5500r COURTESY 536-404) '81 310 4 spd AC AMFM cass good tires Sl45gneg 567-9254 eves 81 DATSUN 310GX AC Sspd sun-root NGr Exc cond $2900 Call 545-1703 nights or mornings DATSUN 310 GX hatchback Silver AC sunroof stereo wcass Good cond $2800 neg 365-3611 DATSUN 280ZX 59000 mi T-lops AC AMFM cass stereo pwr windows good cond $6850 541-7343 after 577-55i2 days '81 '310 itttbeck air Xnice car $1750 882-1264 No 6149 82 2B0ZX T-tops leather Interior 5 speed loaded tow mites $7900 864-5289 or 535-5060 '82 780ZX Greal cond Must seH best otter 542-635) Nites '82 280ZX Blue T-tops AC Stereo exc cond $9400 545-7558 after 6pm '82 280ZX char prav fully toad-ed good cond $7600 549-9562 '82 NISSAN SENTRA Station Wagon 59k mi good running cond $3200 846-3335 '83 780 ZX Blue 38000 ml toad-Od exc cond $8900 8J1-175) '83 280ZX Sspd- l-tops white 1 owner Exc cond $8600 847-8818 568 5382 '83 280Z Turbo ac loaded wextras Bronze top $9000 or best oft 334-9103 or 892-4935 att 5 '83 280ZX Red 5 speed T-toos loaded must sell Call 545-6435 '83 SFNTRA- tow mlies good cond 5-spd AC $2500 or best offer 554 5669 or 545-61)8 '83 SENTRA Sta Wag 5-so Air stereo PS luggage rack Only 56K mi Extra nice $3600 365 3316 dir '84 300ZX 18000 mi Char gray T-tops 5-spd Exc cond 1 owner $11900 373-1526 '84 300ZX Black with tan Interior T-tops leather loaded exc cond $11 200 CaH 552-0983 4 A MARKETPLACE FOR THE Advertise Call 704379-6967 79 Buick Riviera ail options low mile dk brown 663-0708 anytime Trucking ALABAMA LEASING Corporation is now taking applications for over-the-road DRIVERS We otter weekly pay new conventional tractors fuel bonus program paid holidays and open door management If you have 2 years over-the-road In the past three years are 25 years old with no "DUIs or Rackless" call Tom 1-800-S32-102 or 704-598-8004 BUILDERS TRANSPORT OVER THE ROAD TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS A mator growth-oriented motor carrier is now accepting applications tor immediate fulltime employment Company requires a driver to be at least 23 years of age have one year recent over the road experience and possess a safe driving record You must live within 100 miles of Charlotte NC and have an employment history that can be verified lor the past 6 years Drivers tor Builders Transport will receive 20 5 per mile loaded or empty eAssIgnment to a late model COE tractor Company paid medical and life Insurance Paid vacation Safety bonus Apply directly to our terminal BUILDERS TRANSPORT 1333 Ameron Drive (off Graham SI Charlotte EOE M-F CLASS I transportation company Seeking experienced persons for combination Dock Work 8i Driving Class A license required Present valid Class A license to obtain application Applications accepted Mon-Fri 0800 to 100 no phone calls please Consolidated Freight Ways 483) Sunset Pd Charlotte NC 28213 EOE COLONIAL Freight Systems needs owner-operators tor Its van division We otter weekly pay open-door management and much more you are over 25 have a 1977 or newer tractor and have a good driving record call Tommy Vaughn at 704-598-8004 or 1-800-532-5330 DriverWarehouseman Immediate full time opening tor combination DrlverWarehouse-man Must be experienced with tractor trailer Good pay with full company benefits Contact Carolyn at 549-9291 for details and consideration LEASEWAY PERSONNEL EOE National Computerized Recruiting Hiring O-T-R Drivers Tn this area for over 200 companies Call for appt 535 5745 NEED EXPERIENCED Drivers To run learn oparation to west coast with good driving record Terminal to terminal Leave message 803-831-236 WAGONER Toll Fre-1-dOO-2VJk Ot ot Tint 1 floo 1 To Caddy OURTESY jf 536 404) SEDAN Devllle fieFlegence me condition 643X70 miles All txlrai 1471X7 542-6569 an row laSDaUto saleV License 4681 911 Tryon 376 $4995 ryon 376-1737 '79 Fleetwood 4 38M COURTESY 536 4041 '83 CADILLACE SEVILLE one rrner Leather inf AmFm case1 lone paint Exc cond Exc tires $12600 Call 704-324-4978 CADILLAC El Dorado 16000 miles loaded $12500 Cak 1-800-2227893 Mon -Frl '83 CIMARRON Pristine condl-llon all options always garagad Call 8216209 or 821-8306 1987 CADILLAC SevKe 2 to choose from $19900 198 Brougham $19990 1986 Chav Beauville Van $15300 1986 4x4 Biazar $14 400 LANCASTER MOTOR 334-5919 803-283-4118 GOOD MOTOR CO CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE Direct Charlotte Line 332-2860 Rock Hill SC 328 6266 '74 ELDORADO Convertible Extra sharp beautiful car 536-7937 '76 SEVILLE AW nt cond always garaged metallic sliver laooer real True-Sooke wire wheels new wide radials 621-6209 or 821-4308 SEDAN DEVILLE Orto Owner leather wire wheels loaded $7500 S41-ftl5 '84 SEDAN DEVILLE Cadillac Midnight Blue good cond 63000 mi Asking $10000 Call days 332-1668 Jenny attar 5pm 377 0834 '85 ELDORADO TOURING EDITION Black finish loaded CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 '15 SEDAN DEVILLt Blue loeded 19000 ml 1 owner firage kept new Mlchellns 14900 547 7389 eft 6wknds 85 SEDAN DEVILLE Buroun-vfitoJ1! JlSror' 3000 miles 500 543-1738 TRUCKING Trucking NEEDED Immediately OTR qualified tractor trailer drivers Mileage paid loaded and empty Loading and unloading pay Health and dental Insurance paid vacation Minimum age 25 years 2 years fence Good driving record certified CaU 596-0996 for appt NEEDED- several professioani drivers to run Southeast Must be at least 23 yrs old 2 years verifiable experience must meet all DOT requirements have clean driving and work record We offer company benefits new equipment loaded and unloaded milage pay based on hub Home most every night Call Melrotina Greenhouses for an ap-wntment Mon-Fri 8-5 '04 875-1371 OVER THE ROAD DRIVERS New equipment Contact Jim or Johnny ai 704 739-2SJ2 OWNER-OPERATORS NEEDED1 With reputation of on-time deliveries Must have reliable late model equipment Flatbed experience preferred Easlcoast experience necessary High percentage ot gross First in first out dispatch Contact Mr Cory Burtock Hartt Transportation Systems Inc 704-872-0118 QUESTION WHY DOES EACH OF US WORK? The answer In most cases Is to provide the best possible lifestyle for you and your loved ones This mode of living should include several items: Good stable Income Excellent company paid benefits tor you and your family as welt To be home more often to spend those special limes with Ihe family All these combined enhances a per son's ability to mold an above average lifestyle tor himself his family! If you feel your weekly income It at an "all lime" low" if you are either paving high insurance premiums or have no coverage al ail or if that decent lifestyle you've been searching for has been neglected then you owe It to yourself and your folks to make a move to CAROINAL FREIGHT CARRIERS INC (A Totally Owned Subsidiary ot Carolina Freight Corp) "Dedicated to Driver 8 Family" Local 704786-6125 NC Walls 800-722-4109 US Watts 800-438-2241 Cardinal Freight Carriers Inc Hwy 73 West Concord NC 28025 EOE Trucks A Buses '84 MADZA PU St 5 low mileage exc condition asking $4495 76-1585 ir it '84 MA2DA SE-5 PICKUP Black finish 5 speed transmission air condition stereo 19000 actual miles $5995 Call Harold WeHev HARRELSON MAZDA 8301 Blvd 552-8522 DLR 5748 A '84 TOYOTA PU 4 so air AM-FM cass loaded $4995 547 2748 eve days 541 t957 ask for Mike '85 CHEVY SILVERADO- tully loaded shortbed Exc cond $9495 547 0626 85 CHEV S-IO condition amfm stereo 4sod shortbed sports stripe $4400 704-248-1415 '85 FORD XL Shortbed 18000 actual mites camper shew liner bed new cond $10000 596-1328 FORD 150 PU 4spd OD 300 6ryl PS PB AmFm Cass 2 tone deluxe pamt $7500 SS3-2085 85 FORD 150 30k mi EC assume lease $155 mo 846 K89 aft 6 '85 G30 High Cube 14' alum body rear roil up door 6J diesel AT PS 55K ml $8795 OAKDALE AUTO SALES 5600 Be'haven Btvd 399 1625 '85 NISSAN PICKUP Amfm stereo cassette rear sliding window step bumper like new HENDRICK ACURA 6824 Independence Btvd Dtr 12373 563-7800 '85 TOYOTA 4 Runner 4WD Blazer AC PS PB AM-FM stereo cass perfect condition $9800 or BO 542 3600 or 523-0802 '86 CHEVROLET SILVERADO White finish tong wheelbase toad- CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 '86 Ford Ranger XL 5 spd AC camper top Only $12K mites $7495 Call Don or Buzz 374-0640 3901 '86 iSUZU MPR turbo diesel AC alarm 2000mi $12300 336-6871 '86 MAZDA LX air stereo cruise control 18000 actual mites $6500 542-7697 or 529 5811 86 Nissan truck amtm automatic 19000 Actual mites $6200 Call 55-2345 '86 NISSAN PICKUP Red finish automatic transmission amtm good condition CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 NISSAN Kino CB 1-owrmr Dk new (6)St-nM TOYOTA PU Truck SR5 package tow mileage oxc cond Call 5A3 OOSO 17 GMC CUSTOM SUBURBAN Retail vatu S7S39S Sale Price $20850 Save $4500 ONLY AT NALLEY1 97 600 7 GMC CUSTOM SUBURBAN Retail value S2S7YS Sale Price $21250 Save $4144 ONLY AT NALLEYI W7-M00 FORD plck-uo- balg PS PB 3 OD 27k shap 1 3900 firm 0 S2S of SJt SOU Skt lor Mika 'M Ford Ranger 4 cvt 4 sl amtm cassette camper shell with tinted windows sliding glass rear window 2 extr wheels interior 1 owner 704 327-6M8 or 704 327 '84 ISUZU LB Swd Dtevrt 7K mi AC Radio Like new M2 J6 Codillfic '85 CADILLAC Cimarron loed-ed sunroof 19500 334 9055 SEDAN DEVILLE wMleMue doth Inferior GRIFFIN BuRks Penlieci GMC Trucks Hwv 74 Monroe NC Monroe 289-3135CBerlotie 372-4294 '85 SEVILLE Dark grey finish loaded with teeth interior Stk 460A REDUCED $16995 HENDRICK ACURA 6824 Independence Blvd Dfr 1735 563-7800 '65 SEVILLE 25000 miles teath-ar Interior 2-tone palnl GRIFFIN ulcks Pont lacs GMC Trucks Hwy 74 Monroe NC Monroe 289-3135Chartotte 372-4294 17 Cadillac ALLANTE convertible- 1600 ml never titled gold wtan Inf 9)9-676-2318 36 Chtvroltt 73 MALIBU SS Coupe 350 angina automatic air Keystones First $1800 392-W19 '73 MALIBU Good cond AC New liras 1200 53 7 4129 73 MONTE CARLO Factory 454 In-dash lech swing away buckets orig knock -oft chroma hubs bw on wk Near parted Last of the big block original muscle cars $2900 704765-7631 73 Monte Carlo Exc mech cond needs body $55060 541-3323 75 CAMARO PSPB AT AC AMFM new Interior new paint Mint condition Must see $2500 neoo 568-0301 evenings HENDRICK BMW 84 2-28 Black black Hops local trade megs loaded 37OuO miles $9995 6950 Independence BWd 535-0897 DLR 8370 1-800-222-2147 INDUSTRY Truck 1 1 Buim HAVE NEW 1987 FORD PICKUPS RANGERS F250 F350 1 TON CAB CHASSIS WITH DUAL REAR WHEELS SUPERCABS 4D00R CREW CABS Gas or diesel engines SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS CALL COLLECT 704-552-7760 and ask for DAVE FLOWERS RONNIE POPJ 5WINSON LOUIS HARRELSON Harrelson Ford MazdaYugo D'S LARGEST! 6500 Blvd WOLRD'S LARGESrDEALER 552-2760 DLR 6653 HENDRICK BMW '85 TOYOTA SR-5 Whiteblack one owner shortbed power steering power brakes 5 speed air condition tape 26K mites priced to sell $6995 6950 6 Independence Btvd I-80O-HJ-IM7 DLR 00 MOBILE HOME TOTER Exc cond 9)9-579-5455 REFRIGERATOR TRUCKS Al models 8 sizes 919-579 5455 SERVICE TRUCK '69 Ford F-100 wutU boxes 81595 Brooks Auto Sates 377-1688 TRUCKS F-350 12 box L-Gatt $8000 '81 F-350 12 box $6000 '84 F-350 cab 4 chassh $7000 '60 F-350 cab chassis $4250 '78 GMC z-ton cab chassis $5000 Phone 888 4802 'M FORD PU Great iMrw Camper top 5 new tires New dutch Stereo $1295 BO 827-7328 '72 INTERNATIONAL 1 Ton Utll-Ity bed $200 341-9132eftcr 6om 73 GMC Suburban RV frl tow 350 eng 1-owner 588 0345 74 DODGE F-10 ac AT ps good condition SHOP 542 0742 '77 CHEVROLET 14 dump 366 engine 5-spd 2-spd ALLISON'S USED TRUCKS INC 7900 LHIIe Sock Rd 397-3701 Dealer License No 4799 78 CHEVY LUV PICKUP 4 speed transmission camper cover week finish 1591 Harrelson Ford MazdaYugo WORLD'S LARGEST DEALER 6300 Blvd S52-77M DLR 6653 Ford 150 Ym $1500 FowUr'l Pound and Moore 1447 South Tryon St it if 79 DATSUN TON PICKUP Blue finish automatic transmission air condition $3495 Cal Ron Mann HARRELSON MAZDA not Blvd 552-4577 DLR S74I i 79 FORD Suoor Car 4-vrhMt-drlvt Coll 547-1442 10 KW Cab Over bfcie with red pinstripes excellent shape CaH after 6PM 704-624-2302 or 700-624-6304 'll DATSUN king CaO Pick-Up Extra dean AT air sunroo $4300 803-328-0601 after 5pm '81 DODGE Ram 150 6cvl PB PS 4spd OD 39000ml 4674 81 GMC Pick-Up Low mileage $3250 864-5289 or 535-5060 NISSAN PU 46K ml ec stereo 15000 Call Jim 536-8397 '83'4 NISSAN King Cab PU Truck 4WD Only 77000 mirrors Whltebkji tot Soorts King 5-sp AC fr ml Outside westcoasl Mtitebk tot Soorts stripes Exc cond Serviced reg $7000 Ceil 1-824 9041 (Gastonia))! (Chi no reply 527-9093 (Chartolte) or 365-1114 (evenings) '83 4x4 SILVERADO 62 AT air ak options Owner motivated must leM Serious inquiries onty S23-7842 192-7722 '83 CHEVY S-10 BLAZER 7 tone teue and silver finish transmission air condition amtm radio CITY CHEVROLET 536-1410 '43 FORD Rngf PU 4 (to rgo cqmpqr unrog) nr llrgi 33 1817 ASSUME Imm on 14 $-10 ChevroW pickup 17 mol Wt 1 1217 pr mo Exc cond IdMl lor buiWnrycontrpclor Cal attar 4PM 541 03S7 14 CHEVY PU 17 Ton SWB AT AC PS PB AnvFm call CB Campar cap RY tow pkg 33110 ona ownar mllai axe cond 536 4541 44 DODGE 0-50 PICKUP Automatic transmission air condt-tkft fm stereo white end tan finish W99 Harrelson Ford MazdaYugo WORLD'S LARGEST DEALER 6500 Blvd S52-2760 DLR 6653 GO G0WEN '85 LESABRE LIMITED 2 door buck BnlUi CoUaclor'i Edition Power window! lock! wall NOW $9999 Call Don Elliott 554-7420 REGAL LIMITED Loaded tun power 87995 Ce8 Ron Mann HARRELSON MAZDA W0lBIVs74i m-5H jfc REGAL 4dr crulie Hereo pwr taali 123K mile! Good condl Bon Make oHer Wei 867-4400 '84 SkvBawk- 4 dr AT AC CS PS PB stereo 48K 14800 537-4272 '85 BUICK CENTURY United fully loaded Bray 30 V6 87800 Call 536 8306 '85 BUICK Century 4dr fully equipped 16800 or Dell offer Waak-dayl after 3J0 362-0245 85 CENTURY Ltd Ellele Wagon loaded new tires exc cond 20K ml $8300 5548919 '85 CENTURY- V-6 white 4 door Mv eouipoed Excellent condition $8400 376 2687 '85 BUICK Electra 380 fully quipped excellenl condition $9890 or best otter 704-664-3470 1985 Park Ave Estate Wagon 22000 miles an extras excellent condition 831-2701 '85 PARK AVE 32K ml 1-owner serv policy team seats loaded Immaculate $12600 535-8189 '85 RIVIERA By owner 37000 ml Fully loaded plus sunroof tape deck 366-2)88 or 3665825 '85 SKYLARK 4-dr PS auto new tires amfm stereo $4650 704-483 3571 '86 CENTURY Ilk mi 6 cyt pwr4yr warr $10500 552-9703 '17 PARK Ave Sun-roof teath teats exl warr loaded Exc cond 27K mi Must sell $18 000 847-5761 Trucking Expanding commoo carrier needs energetic individual to aniit dock supervisor Musi be able to work evenings and nights Dock experience a plus Serious applicants apply In person Mondav-Frl-day Burgess Transport Inc 2800 Tryon NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! EXPERIENCED Tractor Trailer Driver needed tor double operation Must be at least 23 yrs old minimum 1 vr exp must have good driving record Man Wife feem welcome 1-800-237-8101 8am-Spm EXPERIENCED Truck drivers wanted Good driving record Call 333-1404 or 788-16(0 EXPERIENCED diesel mechanic for work on concrete mixers and dump trucks Call 596-1174 Experienced local driver needed tor trucks with 12 to 14 ft beds Call 376-8493 EOE MF FULL time Dlspatcherlnventory Manager needed Experience prr erred but will consider top cants with similar experlenci Ronda Watts for appt 6 AM-1 Mon-Frl 525-7160 ice pre- appll-ice Call -11AM GC QUALITY LUBRICANTS INC The leader In ihe field ot heavy duty lubrication in the south has a position available tor Tank Installer with Class A Drivers License Ideal candidate will be experienced in lubrl cant lank Installation and 2yrs drlv-ig experience Excellent salary roup life health and dontai plan or Interview cad Don 377-96 17 between J-12Monday INTERSTATE DISTRIBUTORS INC 1700B Porkor Dr Fast food restaurant deflverv Home every day Above average benefits and pay Apply In person 8 30am to 5 00pm no phone calls MAJOR TRUCKING COMPANY Needs our DOT certified graduates now MF age 2) and up Good drlvingwork record charlotte Truck Driver School The Leader In Professional Training Hwy 16 NO Charlotte NC Coll 7li4-193-3000 ANYTIME See Ad under Instruction MATLACK INC Truck Drivers wanted company and lease operators Company drivers competitive wages pension group Insurance road expenses paid Lease operators 62 of line heul revenue group Insurance weekly settlements Taking applications June 4 5 6 7 Apply in person at Matiack Charlotte Terminal 601 Hoskins Rd 8nm-3pm or Call 704-394-6374 Collect EOE MF PART SALES Lift-truck experience required motor truck a Pius Call Ms Clarke 704283-2131 for an appointment Drivers and Trainees NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY SCHNEIDER NATIONAL CARRIERS Ihe leader In the long haul truckload Industry has the career opportunity for you We otter the pay benefits and lob stability that you need In today's economy Ground floor opportunities for EXPERIENCED DRIVERS DRIVING SCHOOL GRADUATES INEXPERIENCED TRAINEES MUST BE WILLING TO RELOCATE to one of our ten operating center locations throughout the Our requirements inchidr 21 or older pass a tough Physical pass a drug screen exreit workdrivlng reenrd inexperienced trainees must be willing to attend designated driving school with guaranteed lob upon successful completion ot 6 week course Don't delay the career change you've always wanted to mexe This opportunity may not happen againl WE WILL BE HIRING DRIVERS AND TRAINEES AT Dixie Truck Stop 1-77 North at Sunset Rd Charlotte NC June 5 Starting at 7 -OGAM Be prepared to complete an application and interview Married applicants Invited to bring their spousev unable to attend cal 1-800-532 8249 (N C) 1-800-334-1178 (Nat'l) 1-704-394-9300 (Local) SCHNEIDER NATIONAL The Million Mile a Dev Teem Woman and Minorities Encouraged to Apply DRIVERS 8 Motorlines holding Interviews at Hampton Inn at 1-85 end Graham Prkwy 6 1-64 from 8am-5pm Mm 1 yr OTR experience earn 6 single drivers needed Excellent pay scale and benefits pkg New equip For more information call Gary Deshaies at 392-1600 or 1-80O-222-720lCindy Toney TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Local and terminal to terminal Home each night Good references end DMV record DOT Qualified 3 years experience Apply 144 Alando Avenue after 11AM TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Must meet ei DOT requirements Good driving record a must Multiple slate area Store door delivery One to five dev runs Good pay good benefits Apply in person only Maotehursi 4601 Hat ptehursi Charlotte Hebron Street TRUCK DRIVERS TRACTOR TRAILERS Driver teasing company needs tractor trailer drivers for over-tne-road and local operations Full and part time positions avaiiabte Good pay and excellent benefits Must be DOT qualified Have Jvears verifiable experience and have good safety record For interview celt I 800-521-1726 EOE M'F TRUCK LOAD CARRIER Seeking OTR Tractor Trailer Drivers single end team Minimum Tvr OTR Recent verifiable experience Excellent pev and benefits Cardinal Freight Carriers Hwy 73 West Concord NC 28025 EOE US Watts 1 000-438-7241 NC Watt l-MO-222 4109 Local 704-786 6125 WANTFD Truck Drlvar must be 23 yrv otd and have 2 years driving experience Textile Waste Co Pinevtite 704 889-2321 Trucking ROAD DRIVERS Class motor freight carrier seeks Drivers Applicants must be 25 years of age and successfully qualify with DOT regulations end company qualifications Must have 1 year within previous 3 of driving experience with tractor trailer equipment SbiH 26 per mile pirn safety bonus Excellent benefit package Apply In person at WATKINS MOTOR LINES INC 1001 1-85 Access Road Charlotte NC 26216 EOE MFVH Drivers ROAD DRIVERS Class motor freight carrier seeks Drivers Applicants must be 25 veers of age and successfully quality with DOT regulations and company qualifications Must have 1 year within previous 3 of driving experience with tractor trailer equipment Spilt 264 per mile plus safety bonus Excellent benefit package Apply In person at: WATKINS MOTOR LINES INC 1001 1-85 Access Road Charlotte NC 28216 EOE MFVH DRIVERS 40 hours per week Mon -Frl Good starting pay Charlotte area only Apply 2901-A Freedom Dr DRIVERS WHITEFORD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Needs quelllled OTR drivers wild a clean MVR I year experience and DOT cerlllled We also welcome recent graduate o4 these schools and other qualified schools UNITED TRUCK MASTERS ALLIANCE TRAINING CENTER NATIONAL TRAINING USA TRAINING CHARLOTTE DIESEL For more Informetlofl please call (404 368-9754 Local Georgia 800-334 1401 oul-of-sialt Indiana or 800 237-9749 DRIVERS WANTED Now hiring over the road single 8 team drivers to haul freight In 48 slates WE OFFER Competitive base mileage oev with regular Increases Loading and unloading and drop pay Monthly performance bonus Company paid irte Insurance Co paid health Insurance Company paid vacation Company provided uniform OUR REQUIREMENTS At least 23 years old I year company verifiable OTR tractor trailer experience Good driving record For more information call Paul or Susan at 1 800-251-944 RYDER FREIGHT SYSTEMS FQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER TRUCK DRIVER National construction equipment company la seeking an experienced Truck Driver for 2 ton truck with trailer tor delivery of construction equipment Must be at least 25yrs old and have Class A drivers license For Interview call Curtis Pittman at 332-5171 GRACE EQUIPMENT CO FOR SAVINGS! HOIST ANCHOR AND SET DIESEL MECHANIC Immediate opening on 2nd shift In our modern truck shop tor an Individual with exp on Mack and Cataplllar engines Duties consists of general truck trailer repair Good starting salary and company benefits Qualified applicants call 847-6961 ext 482 for an appt ram 10401 Old Monroe Rd Matthews NC 28105 EOE MF DccEga Ram TOO mo financing! cash backl And you can make your Ram 100 ovan more enjoyable with any or all of these popular options Air Conditioning Power Convrfnenc Package 30 Gallon Fuel Tank AMFM Stereo Cassette Player AND MORE! Dakota SESkLE 32? on 500 flnanclngl cash backl And you can Mill SAVE an additional 781 our Proipector III Package Including) Arr Conditioning Two-Tone Paint Electronic Speed Control Delune Windshield Wipers Tinted Sliding Glass AND MORE! HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVER Rea Construction Co needs a tandem tri-axle dump truck driver with experience knowledge of the Charlotte Rock Hill area We offer excellent benefits good pay Qualified applicants may apply at: REA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 11420 Texland Blvd Charlotte NC 28217 EOE MFVH Dodge Dakota For a limited time get tow financing or high cash back on selected Dodge cars and trucks In stock (depending on model) 37 annual percentage rate financing is for qualified buyers through Chrysler Credit Corporation Other rates are available as length of contract increases Dealer contribution may affect final price Ask for details levtngi bewd on itteker prices of pecfceqe hems If purchased separately Ash for details Buckle Up For Safety bBOB mBYBSRRY CHRYSLER CITY TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Due to our rapid growth we need additional Tractor Trailer Drivers for single and team operations Drivers are required to have 2 yeors driving over the road doon chiving record and DOT certified Mileage rate-loaded and empty Must be able to work weekends We offer competitive salary excellent benefits and working conditions Cad 847-4961 ext 482 far an appt mm 10401 Old Monroe Rd Matthews NC 28105 SEE US AT OUR NEW HWY 74 WEST LOCATION! IVg latgw lizyi mm 3220 HWY-74 WESTNEXT TO HIGHWAY PATROL STATION wfcat countx 'iatoadi Ot pertormasc MONROE 283-8571 -CHARLOTTE 376-9 1 56 See 1987 770 limited warranty on powertrain and outer body rust-through at dealer Restrictions apply 1 UT Flat Bed Trotter $2V Haul eomt chains tenders straps winches 1 sal Ot tvw terot 8 drops 1 1 set 4 drop taros alum heeoeche LaUalWa 166-1553.
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