Waterloo Courier, Waterloo, Iowa 18 Monday, October 15, 1973 600 Real Estate City Want to Rent 580 Real Estate City Campers-Trailers Custom-Modified Antiques rE6li66M. gurnoe, puiio, new carpet. 420 530 FAST. I bedroom up. Heal, water, garage.
II 15. 1100 deposit. 231 199, 145 MoTTioomt. I bedioomrUu! Pflvalt, JACK PAGE, REALTOR 23J Furn. Apartments 344S i'HSfiRKING gifll wont lo rent fvrmshto) I bedroom apt, Of Mum.
Ill 3718 oiler t.JU tn Atk Barb. lor 600, TO SEE IT IS TO LOVE IT 1 extra large bedroomt, breeieway to 4 tpeed. Small bloTti (TaDAGK or tulioblt tlofdgt ipuco. Near droiwt, redecorated, centroi air. I down payment or otsumt mar goge.
Neor Allen Hotpitot. ivr BEAUTY engine. Sot up tor 4irip296-14Mot1iM' 1. J) CHEV dr7Slun. iff 4 tpeed.
Headers ond llki ntw llrtt. Grundy Center 174 6274 or 1:4 4101 oiler 1970 private put 10 and atloched gotoue Fireplace, lv-t balht, finished basem*nt with knotty pine, Beautiful back yoid In the tap residential area. Immediute H.Laai(ui nil In II represented both Intld ond out In thlt home. And ipocloul It If word! large bedroomt, loll ol dining, all kitchen 1000 ACTUAL MILES. BV FAR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STREET "MOPAR" IN NE.
IOWA MUST SH I. 21? 4164 otter 410 Wanted Auto applianco teacept relilgetalo, caipeltng and drupel art Included the orlce. The butemenl conlutnt ANDY GEORGE! 314 CHARIOIIU RATH 332 65 IAVEMN (SOX I SCHREIBER 23)4' MA Mil! HOPPES 234 819 D. 1 SPfcNSl EY HI 2241 DON GRAHAM 234 4014 185, water tullener, humidifier, work bench and thelvlng. You will be well pleated with many other lealuret not mentioned here.
Priced to tell at 124,150, OFFICE 234 0 PAN FICHFR CARL EICMfc 2U4U4J 2JJ5U fAPT SW I REPAIRABI ES TOWING. CALL ANVTIME-233 8385 CARS FOR WRECKING COMMERCIAL Auto Wrecking 2341273 TEMPORARILVCIOSEO" WATCH FOR RE OPENING QUICKIE AUTO PARTS 1S0I Qrondview 234 520). 234 3974, 480 72 Norton 750cc Roadster MORRIS PLAN 2J4 7861 74 CB 750 K4 and CB 550 NOW IN STOCK Buy Now for the Best Deal HOUSE OF HONDA WATERLOO, IOWA 235 4274 If 70X650 Yomaho. Eacellenl conditioii. 1,400 milet.
11,250. 232 540 otter 143 01 350 HONDA. 1425. 115 6450. Woverly.
73 HONDA 125. 100 ml. Bett ollei. Go cor I heap. 2.13 4507 NEW AND USED BIKE SALE Lowest Prices OF WATERLOO 25JO LA PORTE RD 232 9352 4 TO 9 DAILY I TO 5 SATURDAY 71 BLAZER CST 350, V8 engine, power steer ing, power brakes PL 4810 University Ave C.F.
277-1315 73 Honda CL350 K5. Ph. 88 5 6439 Shell Rock The bike every cycle moqajin pro I ted Remember when you wanted XI Yomaho lost year but couldn't get one because the factory was sold out. Don I miss out this year, order now for Spring delivery or buy one now ond we will give you a special Winter price ond on extended warranty for next Spring. See It today at 715 ANSBOHOUGH 2356703 Mobile Homes 490 COUNTRY TERRACE MOBILE HOME VILLAGE Welcomes 12 14 24 Wides Spacious Lots plus Other Facilities Including Heated Pool and Playground 3 Mi.
ml. W. UNI, Hwy. 57 266 6460. COUNTRYSIDE HOMES, INC.
Hilton-Rollohome-Schult Buddy ml. W. UNI. Hwy. 57 264-6460 Cedar Knoll Park 213 SPACIOUS LOTS, COMMUNITY BLDGS.
AND SWIMMING POOL VISIT 5535 DYSART RD. ORCALL296 26I1 Floss Trucking Co. Mobile Home Trans. 277-1858 GREEN ACRES Hwy. 20 Eost Cedar Foils 266 2382 MOBILE HOMES DIVISION OF U.
636-2080 PRAIRIE VIEW ACRES City conveniences ond country comforl. Spec i out lots Ot 130 month. 29I-659S. 1971 SAFEWAY. 14x64.
Furnished or unfurnished. 2 bedroom. Combination storms. Will accept reasonable oiler. 291 6662 2231 Independence 1970 KIRKWOOD 68x12.
FronTTomily room, raised kitchen, fully carpeted, double entry bath, reversed oisle. partially furn. On-lot-Folll Ave. 234-9431. JUST A FEW 73's left AT BARGAIN PRICES 1J64.
3 bedroom 56,395 Ux0, 3 bedroom 1.495 14x70, 3 bedroom 17,995 SPECIAL 1 WEEK ONLY Ux68 7 bedroom, dishwasher, garbage disposal, patio doors, a real bargain ot $9,813 suqgested retail 112,768 OVER THE ROOF TIE DOWN 165 RUST COATING AS LOW AS 13.95 gal. JOE REUTER MOBILE HOMES OLDEST DEALERSHIP IN E. IOWA FALLS W'LOO 232-2915 BARONESS Good cond. Stove, relng drapes. 13,100.
Jerry Mervin, 1531 Soqer, Lot 71. Smitty Troiler 235-1504. MUST sacrifice. 1967 Pathfinder mobile home. Unfurnished.
Very good addition. Air cond. Locofed in rural Hoi-leton. Moy be left on lot. 277 3097.
Great Lakes 12x60. 2 bedroom, or conditioned. Furnished. 277-1913. VAGABONDmobile rwmeTYxceilent con-dition.
1864 Independence Ave. Lot 84. See alter 5 p.m. VaRS'h'FIELD TyTanor. Excellent cond.
Unlurn. 2 bedroom. With Skirling. 283 1944 days, 283 4406 nights ord Sun. Oelwein.
Down-lTYiUI 2 bedroom. Built-in dishwasher. Skirled. Corpeled. 232 5441.
MARSHFIELD. 12x68 3 bedroom, centroi oir. Unfurn, 734 6 376. mobile home. 12x50 shed, skirting, set up in park.
Like new 268 0753. RENTALS Sleeping Rooms 500 or week. I9wk7 upT Cooking privileges, Sior Hotel, Sycamore. EFFICIENCY opts, ond sleeping rooms. All furn.
Men only. 237 043. SLFEPI N(7roomsE fficiency opts. 614 Wellington. 611' Sycamore.
235 0855. Washington. 112.50 "per week or S40 per mo. 2 3 3 38 1 2. HOUSE F.FPING'on'dVsieeping room.
110 each wk. 62 Frnnklin. like home. Carpet, parkingTcook- inr; pnv I inens 19 a wk 2V6 1274. Rooms with Board 510 nice large" room forVetrredmah.
Board, room ond washing. 796 1616. Furn. Apartments 530 CASA SOLANA APTS. luxurious 2 bedroom opfl.
Best locolion. Furn. or unfurn. Also 1 bedroom furnished. 1175.
234 5I0J, LOVELY completely furnished I bedroom oportment for sub lease. Desirable West side location. 1700 mo. Reference! required. Write Box 10 Courier.
lo shore oportment with 3 other gins. 145 including phone, utilities 291. Motorcycle-Bikes 3 3 2 5 2 2 2 Al 9)2 FOR 300 FOR 14 FARM priced an 600 NEAT AS A PIN 1.1. n.Kil tulit level ll really thorp. bedroomt, lower level family room, workshop, double gutoge ortl puiio.
Maintenance tree wilti alum. lTding ond Mm. Jutl 121.000. Loll quick II won I latl long. 364 1311 377-1 161 WOMAN'S WORLD IS HOME and Oil the WW wonlrT con be found In this bedroom, (could poiIV 'I0' tWZ to evetythlng.
Elegant St. Chor let kilrhen Willi dlthwuther hot 0 break-futt room, lot mul dining room, ux utioutly carpeted throughout Imluding tlie 3 bediooint, Remodeling done In lt finest lusle. i vetyllilnsl ou would wont tor only 11,650. November I MFR1 OR VAL MAR I IN GIORG6 I ISUII HIS IS NOT LOW INLUWt II It tor the blue collar workr-ll It lor the whit collar worker. Bi oral new bedroom tplil level In Cenltol Hgls, area with garage and ft ptlce 124,800.
Immedioie potsession, FHWIN NUSS 294 2029 233 214 MARY GLASS I 1400 BLACK HAWK ST. 715 4551 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION On this 2 bedroom roncn on naira Drive. Large bom nut niusun. walls, carpeted lloort, nice eoling oreu. lull bosem*nt.
Lorge well landscaped lot. See onytim. Moke on otter. HORACE PERMAN 734 601 MILDRED HELLAND 24U4 VEHN ALLEN 2344966 1147 FOREST Fast possession on thlt well cored lor 3 bedroom lamiiy nome. weaeiurui Intide and oulstde.
Single garoge. Listed at 116.500. See It nowl HOWARD HAUSERMAN 232 9709 BOB MOWER no toll 98 2898 YOU CAN DEPEND UN BILL RAMSEY REALTORS 1920 MITCHELL 2354205 873 BELLE NEW LISTING. 3 lorge bedrooms, corprt, convenient kitchen, alum, nding, out-oways. 718 ORCHARD.
C.F. A full load ol living In thlt 1.554 sq. It. split level, 4 bedrooms, carpet, family room opening onto polio. boths, attached garoge.
Formal dining room. EVERYONE'S LOOKING for place like thlsl I't A 3 bedrooms. swimming pool, fireplace, garage, carpel. A real blue ribbon buyl ELSIE HANSON 2334317 SHIRtEY GRAHAM 233 2391 BEA MATHEWS 232 9203 MARGARET WOODARD, G.R.I. 234 665 CHARL6NE POSPISIL no foil 2962264 JOOY WELCHER no toll 296 1010 MARY SHEPEK 233 796 JOYCE J.
FLACK HudSOn825 390 MAXINE TOMLYANOVICH 266 2852 GAIL MURRAY 234-4332 MARIE EICKLEBERG 232 754 ANITA M. ANDRIES 233 336 House of Realty, Inc. REALTORS 2250 LOGAN AVE. 233-337 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 527 KIRKWOOD Owner's say sell. Centrally located 3 bedroom ranch.
Large double goroge, built-in stove and oven, natural birch cupboards and trim, recreation room in basem*nt. Assume S1.4. loanmoke an oiler! TOM HATTFL JOE McMARTIN CLIFF RUDOLPH AUTO PHONE 27-3792 2345123 233-7908 235 9625 $10,500 Yes, this fine room home with breereway can be purchased lor 110,500. This home Is all carpeted. Forced air gat heat, 220 wiring, built in 1954.
Here's economlcol living with a lot ol extras at this pricel Near Bunger School, Evnnsdale. W. F. CHRISTENSEN Moll 515 224 3414 RAY HUNEMULLER 266-6153 The Company on the Move REALTORS 234-7513 TIRED OF PAYING RENT? 133 Argyle 6 rooms and bath bungalow. New roof, 1500 down on conlract.
1103 Mulberry 4 bedroom 2 story home. 15,500. 1212 Lincoln Newer type 4 room bungalow, garage. 1.200. 224 Kern Cute 5 room bungalow in A shape, garoge.
112,000 CLAYTON BRONSON 234 640 1357 INGERSOLL This 3 bedroom split level hoi lorge kitchen, 3 good sifed bedroomt, plenty ol extro space lor family room and 4th bedroom. down MGIC will handle. WIN SCOTT 232 0421 HIGHLAND Nice 2 bedroom bungalow. Dlningroom, enclosed porch, finished rec room. Priced ot 113,000.
BOB HAAS 235 0205 LARGE LOTS Out In Klingaman Knolls at the end of west 4th SI. 100 ond 125 If. frontages. Priced ol 14.500 ond up. JIM HOLMES 233 0489 REALTORS REALTORS "YOUR I UI I.
Sf RVICF REALTOR" J641 KIMBAI AVI EXECUTIVE STYLE LIVING delightful Kltngamuri Knolls. Over, sled 3 bedroom rorirti home with lormnl dining room, attached! double gorage. Call torluy. RR IS9 )IM REir-HI RtS EAST SIDE LOCATION ll'l a honeymoon huven or special. See this 1 tx-droom bui.jrilnw today.
It hns I', hulhs. single goiaue ond large kitchen. UK 161 JUOY LANGIAS jn MAPLE TRFfS IN FRONT Polio In baik and lots nl liui between there 3 tdmami. kitrlien ond puiliolly finished bute merit. JR.
11 KY GAM 1 Fl OS DAN WIH AND 213 7111? Ill HIS FAMILY GROWING this 4 bedroom new split love, (entrol High. Cornele.) live In. tore free e.lerlo, ar.l huije ORlTi NK.K GARTH OS 233-5229 CLOSE TO IRVING SCHOOL ityl bungnlw I bonlshelvet, dining in assume 114,800 loon. CLOSE TO WIH story 3 bedroom, dining i condition. BOB PETERSLN 1111 Wtfrn REALTOR Real- Estate City KaLYREALTORS ii 2itoto, c.r.
GRANGER ASSOC. 460 c-h i Northeast Iowa's Truck Headquarters JUST ARRIVED 2-1974 ALSO BRAND NEW WALK IN VAN 1 2' CARGO AREA Plenty of NEW PICKUPS IN STOCK 73 Ranchero Squire, VS, power steering, brakes, air. (2) 1972 Ford vans. 6. auto.
72 Ford F-3SO cab ond chassis, 360. auto. 72 Ranchero, 6 power steer ing, power brakes 'I F-100. 6 3 speed 71 750 Explorer, 360, Outo power steering, power brakes 71 250, 360, power steering. power Drakes 71 F-250.
390, power steering. power oroxes 71 F-100 6 speed '70 F-100 von, VI. oulo. '70 F-100. V8.
auto. 49 750, 4 3 speed 69 Ronchero 500, power steering, radio '68 Ronchero, V8, Oulo. 66 250. 300. 6 58 Sehool Bus Camper '72 Chev.
Suburbon. auto. '72 Chev. pwr, steering, pwr. brakes, oir.
71 Chev. 1 ec duolj, 6, pwr. steer, brakes '71 CMC Ton, pwr. steering, pwr. brakes 71 Chev.
1 T. Dual 70 Chevy 350. 1. 4 spd. 68 Chev.
T. 396, aulo. 68 Chevy CIO. 8, radio. pwr.
steering, 67 Chev. 1 1 T. V8, 4 spd. '67 Chevy 7. t.
3 spd. 10' Hylander Camper from 11I6A TRUCK SPECIALISTS ROGER BIERSNER JIM SCHMITT HAROLD CLOUGH JACK CASTLE, MGR. Nite Truck Service 2033 La Porte Rd. 232-6631 '70 CHEV. '3 T.
pickup. Texan topper. Low mi. $2,500. KYHL CHEV BUICK PONTIAC 3J6 2S15 PARKERSBURG, IOWA CHEVROLET pickup.
Good condition, low mileage. See ot Deo Finance Com- pony. 816 Lafayette 73 GMC Truck cleorance Sale 10 Pickups left in stock. 1 Sprint, loaded. 1 Roily Wagon, looded.
150 Over our cost while they lost. The 74 ore In now YOUR GMC TRUCK DEALER OELWEIN BODY 8. TRUCK SALES. INC. 319 283-4413 Oelwein, IA.
Your NEW and Used Truck Dealer IN WATERLOO Your Scout-Pickup Trovelall Dealer In Waterloo 1925 Lq R(j 234-5759 72 Ford Ranqer 1 12,675 71 Ford 6 cyl. 1 1 11.975 71 Chev.V8. 7 17,175 '71 Chev. pwr 12.275 70 Ranchero. pwr 11,975 69 Chev.
1 7 T. 6 cyl 11.675 69 Chev. i 7 T. V8 11,775 THE PLACE TO BUY A PICKUP! SALES E.UTH AND LAFAYETTF 234 3864 if 3.a Ton pickup. V8, 4 speed.
Local 1 owner. OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS KEITH MOTOR, INC. Sales FORD Service 125 3884 HUDSON LAST "chance to buy very clean '73 Ford Ranger 1 7 T. pickup. Power stoerina.
brakes. 28 topper. 13,250. 264 5109 otter 66 FORD "tconoline von. Carpeted, tires ond wheels, stereo.
11.300. 422 Duryea oiler 4. 59 IH bump "irurVT 461 VI Tonbem. 8 Sl) A I 13.25. 822 449J Dunkerton.
IwmFTL ar'l Scout. Hydraulic blud 2 sets of tires. Air tono. Very good cond 276 3319 atler 4 30, Ploinlield. 60 JEEP Ion pickup 6 cyl.
4 wheel Or. S-tup lor Myers snow plow. 1250 as is Red title. Runs good. 233 3448 or 234 )7.
52 jtohTlotbe truck. Red title. Moke us on otler. Ceoor Volley Lumber Company 105 E. Mm St.
Campers-Trailers-Motor Homes 470 ESCOR pickup TOPPERS Direct from HOMEWAY MFG. All sizes, models, and equipment. SHARP From 1W9. Highway 63 south, Denver, lowo 984 52 1 J. PICKUP toppers BuyTactory direct.
All sues, oil colors. FROM 1150 UP GFMCO MFG. 352 3455 WAVERLY SAVE ill. Of ITCH ED UP1 Custom bumperi ond hitches. 233 4153 GEM TOP FITS ALL PICKUPS SALES EJITH AND LAFAYETTE 334 3864 FORESTER SKAMPER 5TH WHFELS TRAIl FRS TRUCK CAMPERS AND TOPPERS ELECTRIC Flnonclng Hwy 127 145 ft.
WINNEBAGO piciup 4 Stove, rerig. I year old. Like new. 27 2455. Sale Trucks 430 IZzr-JeZiliBMn i I 19 E.
cycl 232 Prairie IV52 195 Rebuild 50 the 71 Motor Homes 470 SUMMER SELLDOWN BIG DISCOUNTS ON AIL NEW COACHMrN and shasi TRAIl FRS, FIFTH WHFFLS, PICKUP CAMPERS. PUMA FOLOOOWNS. USED TRAVEL TRAILERS '41 Shmla I', low price 51 Comet IS heal '64 Slarcratl IV, gat refrlg heat 77 Coochmen 15 got heat '4 Winnebago 14', tell contained '43 Ye llowttone 14 sell contained '44 Gtobetlor 1', tell contained '65 Nomod 19', self contained '77 Cooihmen 21', tell contained 47 Phoenix 24 tell contained USED FOLDDOWN TRAILERS '47 Rotile, electric till ql '41 HlLO, low (Kite '41 Apache Mesa, heat '47 Bethany Chief, guud USED PICKUP CAMPERS 6 hoi ester Jacks, heat, stool I'D Teiion heat '68 Men it heat, gat re trig, of Block Hawk 10 heat 0rark 10 heat I 6i Triton 9' tow price COOPER TRAILER SALES 7 MILES E. OF REINBEIK 3 MILES S. FINANCING 345-2449 TRAILER SALES MAYFAIR 5TH WHEFL TRAVEL HOMES AND COMMERCIAL TRAILERS Used Travel Trailers ond Compel HWY.
212 Belle Plaine, Iowa 319 Ui 2801 444 3389 444 3676 SHOP THE BEST BUY THE BEST New and pre owned from Iowa's most progressive dealer. Travel troiiers, 5th Wheels, pickup campers. Mini motor homes, toppers. All units drosticoiiy reduced. Larue selection of 5th Wheels.
Special purchase 27' 2 floor plan, reg. 16.925 now 14,995. Everything to till your V. needs. Seeing is believing! At: FREY MOBILE HOME SALES JCT.
18 150 WEST UNION, IA. PHONE 319 422 3368 PICKUP CAPS All aluminum built by Cedar Lane Boat i. Motor all colors. CEDAR LANE BOAT 8, MOTOR Hwy. 211 South Edge of Woverly 352 1332 COST SALE Dealer cost on oil '73 Travel Trailers ond Wondertond 5th Wheels.
Special re duced prices on Cobra 5th Wheel. All '73 Slarcrolt foiddownt have been morked lower thon ever before. CEDAR LANE BOAT MOTOR Hwy. 211 South Edge ot Woverly 352 1332 FE With remaining 73 MOTOR HOMES Get this luxury Item absolutely FREE plus a close uut price on our remaining -73 MOTOR HOMES. WE 90S WASHINGTON 319 233 1695 VAN CONVERSIONS Custom built vans both swinger vans or comper vans.
CEDAR LANE BOAT i MOTOR Hwy. 218 South Edge 01 Waverly 352 1332 See The New 74 Prowler 5th Whee 30 ft. Luxury 74 Jamboree Mini Home 22' and 18' 5324 University Cedor Foils FAN tastic SALE FACTORY SPONSORED MOTOR HOMES AND MINI HOMES 19 ft. to 31 ft. 5TH WHEELS 15 ft.
to 32 ft. TRAILERS 3-5TH WHEELS AT DEALER'S COST 3 Used 8 If. pickup campers' 2 Used 10' It. pickup campert 4 Clean used folddowns 72 17 ft. Deluxe Tow-Low ft.
to 21 ft. Sell contained trailers RECONDITIONED AND QUARANTEED THIS WORTH $100 On any new unit $50 on any used unit 1 Coupon per unit GOOD TIL NOV. 1 REPAIR AND FINANCING Happy Hours Trailer Sales HAY 3 Waverly 352 2852 CLOSE OUT '72 MODELS 72 Brougham, 20 ft. Was $3,495 NOW $3,095 72 Concord 19 ft. deluxe NOW $3,495 Sales 11th onrj Lafayette 234 3464 Any Size and Floor Plan For Every Family's Needs all tine low prices inance service rentals Nnrth Iowa Largest Cqit University at 5.
Hatkrtl 235 7161 Motorcycle-Bikes 480 Insur ance, gi nk in age ncy 6679 4(79 Oregon, Waterloo. HONDAS "models on sole. Check our price. Immediate delivery STARKS SPORT SHOP do Chien, Wise. 326 2331 HA RL Dovidson prmheod.
cellent condition. 11,350. 266 5549. Ex. 1971 Yamaha 1757 1,800 miles.
V66 1458 your Honda this winter, if you hove a 47 or earlier Hondo you con gef percent off on oil Honda ports to do lob. This otter good lor the month ol October. HOUSE OF HONDA WATERLOO, OWA 235 624 350" HONDA Best otter. 733 011. 6 2520 68 67 68 1750 69 71 DAY 614" JUST VERY Large GIRL 6134 for 1 ROOMS ond bolh'up wruiililm.
1170 0 month plus deposit. 914 5954. SI DHOOM down. Private boTrt. Adults.
No pell. Inquire 932 agon Ave, 1 rooms, catpeled. remodeled, pi I vale bath, deposit, utillles paid. 1171, 20J- 4.141. Unfurn.
Apartments 540 iANO 1 bedroom optt. Located on Hwy, 20 wett. unmet included In rent. 2il 431, between 11 Man. thru.
Frl. Brand New READY FOR OCCUPANCY re Apartments 809 Maplewood Dr. Cedar Falls NOW LEASING: Jr. I bedroom and I ond 2 bedroom opts. FROM $155 FOR AN APP'T CALL: 277-3138 MODEL APIS.
OPEN TUES. thru SUN. 2:30 4 30 f.MS-l P.M. 2 BEDROOM. Up.
1125. Deposit. Lantern Square 1151 Meadow Lane 232-9302 LARGE room opt. Oepotit. Close in East tide.
233 3112. NEW MALL APARTMENTS bedroom ond Utility room. Furnished, 1155 or 1131.50. I25-4II4, Hudson. It no answer 234-1361.
ROOMS. Both. Up. West. Heat, water furn.
Adults only. No pelt. Ret, ond depotlt. 232 4424. 766 RUSSELL RD NEW DELUXE bedroomt.
Unit' mosler bedroom. Dinmq room, complete kitchen with dishwasher, garbog compactor, cen tral air, 2 baths (shower), screened porch, patio, garage avail. Full base menf. 1.450 sa. ft.
Immed. post. 234 5547, 266 1383 or 233 5054 SPRING VALLEY APTS. 1 or 2 BEDROOMS 1129 UP FURNISHED APTS. AVAILABLE PHONE 266 7557 HUDSON RO.
Clean. Deposit required. 233 6704. 2 OR 3 bedroom Townhouse Prefer elderly people-No pets 115 Marsh 1J13S yii5! lTrGE 2 bedroom. 1145 plus utilitict.
1416 W. 4th. Will show Mon. and Tues. 7 p.m.
ROOMS, bath. Garage. West. 233 3727. Carpet.
Furn. kitchen. Ret. Deposit. 232-1050, Rent House 550 BEDROOM.
East side. No pets. H6l Ret. Deposit 1165. 291-6662.
BEDROOM, partly furnished. Country living. Deposit. No pets. 232-2845.
ROOMS and bath. Carpeted. Newly redecorated. Garage. Dep.
Ref. Nice yard. West. No tingles. 1800 Jefferson.
BEDROOty) mobile home for sole or rent. Furnished. 1130 mo. Fuel oil heat. 233-3448 or 234-6407.
mobile home, 1I7J plus security deposit. MARTIN, REALTORS 2354553. BEDROOMS, 1002 Lafayette. No pets. Prefer older people.
Partially lurnisnea. 2jyoii2. 2-2 BEDROOM homes. 1125 mo. Call 8:30 a.m.
to 6 HOUSE OF REALTY, INC. 233-3376 BEDROOM bungalow. No pets. Musi have ref. Security deposit required.
Colt 234-3498 otter 4 p.m. SMALL trailer for 1 gentleman. Nice locoflon. 875-3533, Hudson. Business Property 560 conditioned office.
Close to downtown with parking. 180 W. 1st. Inquire Young cool Co. 233 33U.
FOR RENT 3.200 sq. 12' ceiling, drive In door, excellent West Woterloo location. 1400 per month. Minimum lease 3 years. LARRY WINNINGER.
ft. In Villa Shopping Center. Will remodel to suit your needs. STORAGE 1,000 scf. It.
storoge space in South West port of city. ejF Retail Office Warehouse 3.200 sq. ft. on Ansborough. Will remodel.
234-5588 isU.M. Keiail or pro fessional. 302 Commercial 233-6827 or 233-8637 20FFICES Furn 1st floor. Neor shopping Parking. West.
232 1994 LEASE: 1,380 sq. It. office ond warehousing combination. Avail. Oct.
I Air cond. Plenty ot parking. sq. ft. small oifice.
1100 mo. West. MARTIN, REALTORS 2356553 Rent Misc. 570 rent. Groin storoge.
3 miles Norlh of CedarFolls. 885 6478 Shell Rock x60' Building for rent. Winter storoge for boats, motorcycles or year round misc. storage. Partitioned oft if necessary 213 1448 after 7 10 or 734 6407 Want to Rent 580 FARM home.
Very good ref. Within 10 ml. of city. 235 9970 MARRIFD couple wonfs 2 bedroom un furn. duplex or opt.
277-1706 alter 5:30. House rieor Waterloo by employed married couple. 232 959. CHECK the Great Selection of Used cors-llsted today You II find many cars below the price Ireeie levelt. Sov Today! on your Don't forget that the best way to tell everyone about it is ad in the Rum-mage-Clothing classification Courier Classified Ads CALL TODAY 234-3551 33 2 425 2 LANI 220 Coiy 3 1109 Ridgewoy Snapping tenter.
JM UJU, REAL ESTATE Rea irtCle City 600 JUST LISTED C.F. And ready to move Into, Thit araclout home hot to many lealuret lo till there It not enough- room, but left start with V1I42 ft. highly landscaped lot. double gorauo, tumm4, houte, heated greenhouse, I4i30 living room, den ot 3rd bedroom, fireplace. 2 balht, neat new drupes ond carpet.
Shown by opp only. Priced of I43.WU. H. Ot AN PAtIP 244 5512 AARON HOI MS ROM 36446J3 KOHFRTA CMAONtY 261 1454 SIEVE lUMt 76I0VJ6 VtKN HULMSTROM, G.R.I. 264 661' 1708 STATE.
REALTORS 266 3505 Bff ASCII, INC. IS PLEASEDTO ANNOUNCE That we are cooperating with FHA to sell these ac quired properties. CITY VIEW SCHOOL 3 bedroomt, 1400 down 14,000 HAWTHORNE SCHOOL 4 bedroomt. 1400 down 14.000 SOUTHDALE SCHOOL 3 bedrooms. 11,100 down 121,500 FRANCIS GROUT SCHOOL 3 bedrooms 1900 down 19.000 GREENBRIER SCHOOL 1 bedroomt, 1400 down, 114.500 HAWTHORNE SCHOOL 3 bedroom, 11,000 down SIO.000 GREENBRIER SCHOOL 3 bedroomt.
nothing down 114.500 CITY VIEW SCHOOL 3 bedroomt, 1350 down 113.300 LOWELL SCHOOL 2 bedroomt, WOO oown lu.uuu GREENBRIER SCHOOL 3 bedrooms. 100 down 114.000 ROOSEVELT S.CHOOL-3 bedroomt. 1450 oown RAY LARSON 232-3237 KEITH JONES 264 0924 234-7766 An Equal Housing Opportunity REALTORS 1022 W. 5th SPACE TO STRETCH 2 bedroom bungalow on acres. Screened In porch and garage.
Priced at 123.0OO. (49 I DON JOINES 232 0186 GOOD INCOME 5 apartments, private entrances, walking distance to Hams. Always rented. Conlract terms or cosh. (164 B) PAT CARMACK 296 1452 EXECUTIVE RANCH Cedar Foils.
Large 2 bedroom with fireplace. Central air, Den. Double attached gorage. Lots ot trees and shrubs, Almost an acre. Choice loco lion.
(175 A) TOM WiNNINGFR 266713 CLOSE IN Good older type 2 bedroom bungalow with dining room, ond full basem*nt. Gos (urnoce with new type perimeter heotlng. Priced ot only 110,500. (154-A) PEG KENOYER 987-2090 ONE FOR THE MONEY And hard to beat it this 3 bedroom bungalow. Rewired, new kitchen, new carpeting lust Installed.
Basem*nt en tirely paneled with den, extra bedroom ana shower, combination windows. Priced Ot 111.940. JOHN O'CONNOR, G.R.I. 233-3950 OUT A-WAY5 Small 3 bedroom. Good basem*nt.
Go raae. Fenced yard. 19,250 (171 A) GEORGE STEVENS, G.R.I. 233-3950 NEW LISTING CEDAR FALLS Neat ond clean 3 bedroom with extra bedroom In basem*nt. Single garage, Valley Pork School.
121,950. (172 A) ED STOW, G.R.I. 266-5609 MUVIINjr Pick up your copy of Glimpses, 100 pages ol homes across the notion, we deliver. 233-3354 912 W. 5lh REALTORS Multiple Listing ONE BEDROOM Home In North Cedor with garoge and nice lot.
Kemoaeiea ana priced lo sell. STEVE KNAPP 232-7994 HUDSON Gorgeous 1.200 sq. ft. ranch. Unique floor plan.
Bath off mosler bedroom. Central air, sliding gloss door ond many other extros, Double attached garage. Extra ortrocnve pork like lot. JACK BECK 2967X7 AUTO PHONE 235 9451 "FAIR OAKS" A. Stately remodeled Colonial.
3 bedroom, 7 story home. Nestled among doiens of mogesiic oak trees. Barn and machine shed plus 33 acres that can moke the payment tor you. Locoted on good blacktop road lust 30 minutes from Woterloo. Seller will accept a contract at only 7U.
inltjrest. Only SH.LMJ. KAif BECK 796 2X7 Gl SPECIAL Real nice 2 ttory home with nofurol woodwork, new poiM, new carpet rv root. Eitra deant I2x it aaroue. JIM BLACKI EDGE AUTO PHONE 7M4'j 4 BEDROOM, C.F.
flreplotes, double garoge, under 110 900 CHAN PAULSEN ill 240 WASHINGTON SO. HI DO. BOB SMITH, PROP NEW LISTING bedroom ranch with garage, fireplace ond large lot, beautifully decorated and soon to be vacant. Valley Park School District and priced at just $22,000. ARLIN ZeVeNBERGEN JACK MrKFN7IE MARY ANN SCHICKMAN F.
McCLFARV GAYLEN TAPPER YATES 768 0 376 768 196 2J2 3856 714 2294 291419 235 6106 REALTY Commercial 233-5293 NE'vV LISTING West 2 bedroom bungalow with dining room, alum, tiding, basem*nt end full lot. Needs some work, priced accordingly. 111,500. Agnes Jacobson Peoltor 233-0727 Mulllole Llitlna NEW ON THE MARKET bedroom I''? slory neor Lowell. Corpeled living room ond 1 bedroom.
Remodeled kitchen. New gos furnore and cenlrol oir. 7 cor garoge plus workshop. Under 120.000. W.
4TH REALTOR 733 JI35 CAMPBELL 232 3 3 LFS RFALTORS CONTRACTORS Choice loll facing Cattle Hill Purk Richard Angelow, Contractor 233 4217 4 ROOM partly modern house on Blthou Ave. Reat. 2.14 3495. IMPROVtO LOTS AVAILABLE Special Windsor Drive Lot Just oil Prospect Choice ot blueprint! tuner Ihret or four bedroomt Butld to lull and special financing Loll for detain FRED D. ADAMS, REALTOR PHONE 233-3764 or 232 2494 LOTS Jan Addition, Waterloo Cedor Crett, Cedar Font WALTER F.
CROSKEY 234 4924.233577 IFICESALE FHA. Lot modern construction, low down poymenls. 2 bedroomt, 266 3615. 423 Sherman, SACRIFICF-FHA. 1135 Magnalio Parkway.
West tide. 1.000 sq. It. Clean 2 bedroom, built 198. 246 3685.
THE NEW LIFE There It new direction In living In Woterloo. It II condominium! at down-to earth prices. 121,000 to 142.000. 1 to 4 bedrooms, iwlmmlng pool, lennit court. maintenance tree living.
PRAIRIE MEADOW WEST HWY. 412 AND ANSBOROUGH CHUCK GRANGER REALTOR 233 522 THINK IT WILL COST TOO MUCH TO BUILD NOW? Stop In to tee the quality built. MOD COMP model home built for you anywhere In NE Iowa, il making tpeclal deals to onyon wanting to build up to 4 bedrooms, ranch or split foyer homes. Visit Su Lundberg, Hwy. 211 lid of Crossroads Shopping center, DAILY 14, SAT.
9 to 5, SUN. 15 L.J. TIMMERMAN 4 INC. 235 037IOr AFTER HOURS 233-4813 BY OWNER. 1321 W.
4th TOP CONDITION 4 bedrooms and bath up, bath, den, formal dining room, nice living room, large foyer with open stair down. 124,500. 232 3646. BY OWNER. Cosh or contract.
2 slory, 3 bedroom home at 626 Lincoln. 233 1179 or 234 6843. BY OWNER Outstanding! Belmont Court Townhouse. 2 bedroom, newly decorated, fully carpeted. Little up keep-inexpensive living; Available with some furniture.
By oppt. call alter 5, 235 U6B2. Chicago Street (100 block) 40' 128' West Dale (400 block) 72' 140', 11.100 West Dale (500 block) 70' 1 140', 11,500 CALL OWNER 233 4636 FHA BUYER! 1542 WAKONDA DRIVE FHA appraised for 116,500. Oown payment only 1600, Completely carpeted 3 bedroom ranch wifh garoge. Call now to see! BOB PETERSEN 233 6210 Dean, Realtors 100 KINGSLEY 232 2644 THE COMPANY THAT TRADES BE a Home Owner on Hawthorne.
Va cant, coty 3 room and bath bungalow. ooroge. Kay uioss 712-iin. 17,950 will make you additional Income, This tide by side duplex has excellent cash flow. DON STEPHENS 233 3765 626 Sycamore REALTOR 233-0387 TO SETTLE ESTATE.
3 bedroom home neor St. Josephs. Good investment. Commercial possibilities. INVESTORS, BETTER HURRYI C.
"Lee" FOX 626 Sycamore REALTOR 234 4292, 234 5405 NICE 2 STORY 3 BEDROOM Natural ook wood, dining room, open slair. A nice lamiiy home lor (West) 116.500. NEAT 2 bedroom bungalow with fire place, 1 car garage. Nice lot. (East) 111.000.
EXCELLENT Corner lot with 4 room stucco bungalow ond 1 cor garage. C.F. 111,950. BEAUTIFUL Wooded Cedar Hats. orea.
Story and a halt 3 bedroom. Many extras. Corner fireploce, screened porch over wooded ravine. Be sure to see ond give ut on offer. Severol choice building lots for your new home, coll us to see.
CLARENCE BROBST 266 8519 TIP'- SCHAPFR 266 887 ANDREW BARRY 266 1412 KEN 8UDKE 266 6631 266-3573 1931 MAIN. F. REALTORS IMMACULATE shaped 3 bedroom home. Bosem*nf rec room, partially paneled. BAsem*nT IS DRY.
Control oir, atloched garoge. For further Information call PAUL KURTZ Real Estate 6519 316 W. 3rd, 914 6021 LARGE FAMILY ROOM with llreplace In this 3 bedroom 2 story home. L-shoped living and dining room, 2 boths, birch cupboards In kitchen und good storage. Coll now.
FINE 3 BFDROOM RANCH with central oir. Attached garage. Huge lot ond only i't blocks from orchard Hill School. Call me today. BEDROOM SPACIOUS ronr.h In Cedor.
loo oreo. Hot huge lot, Ideol for the family with a green thumb. Priced ol 119,450. Call now. HARRY LINO KEN TRAMP BILL WOOO RAY BOCKHAUS 766 8461 266 4151 2M 4453 261 000 OUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 3309 Moln, C.F.
Realtors 261 0431 NICE Tbedroomi living room wTth fireploce, kitchen, both. Portly finished basem*nt. Single gorage. Excellent location. 1710 Rainbow.
Coll for 244 103 Or 266 6109. J. R. Roberts Real Estate 1309 11 GRANT Double house. Far tide with 1 roomi, 1 bedroomt ond bath.
All utilities se parole. Doubt garoge. 130 LELAND 12 bedroomt, I I bedroom with seporof oot furnace. Live tree her, possible termt. PHILLIPS 217 7111 KEITH STOKES 333 5531 BROBST 1 Is 3 G.
Graham, Inc. Ml 1010 MITCHELL REALTORS 234 4419 2 CHOICE LOTS With paving, curbing and all utilities Very desirable area In Westbourne Teriact in Wotfiloo. Priced really right. AN EXTRA LARGE LOT Goes with this nlc 3 bedroom home with a full basem*nt ond attached 'doubli gaiage. Close lo ichool.
Only 114,250. ONLY $13,950 For thli 4 bedroom family home with a dining room and doubl garoge. Really buyl ION GLfc ASON 266 4074 ROBFRT FINK, G.R.I, 266 2155 MARV HAUGEBAK 266 1215 BERNIECE SWAIOSH 266 059B BILL ALLEN 27 1126 Woterloo Cedar Falls Multiple Listing 224 Main. Cedar Font 266 2115 EXECUTIVE HOME 1304 OAK PARK C.F. In Royal Oak Addition.
New 4 bedroom colonial style home. 2 fireplaces, I boths. all oak woodwork. Large kitchen with oil built Ins. Family room, central air, double garage plus many more teuturt.
1 256 WALKER bedroom 1' ttory home In Cedar Bend area. New kitchen. A buy at SI7.50O 5. down should hondlel CRAIG HOLOIMAN 233 3451 DAVE SEECK 268 164 BOB JAY 266 9683 MARY LOU REDALEN 266 5504 266-2631 HILL REALTY 807 E. 18th, C.F.
REALTORS $26,500 WEST Like new 3 bedroom split (oyer with room for expansion. Central oir, paved drive, double garoge. JIM PAINfc 2333135 BRAND NEW RANCH bedroom. Over 1,000 so. ft.
Deluxe kitchen. 3 baths. Still time to pick out your carpet. Out-oways on large lot with paved street and oil city utilities. Under 124,000.
What do you have to trade? FRANK 2UBAK 233 4491 MACK GABLE 233 1426 We don't sell you, we help you buyl Mack Gable, Realtor 503 9TH 233 8425 Into this large dimensional I room family home at 921 Main cedar Fans with: beautiful oak trim, large foyer entry, lite site living room with fireplace, gang sile dining room, attic storage, garage, ond clos to everything. Vacant for Immediate possession. VINTON JONES 237-1549 HENRY WULFF 734 4151 JAN BOSWELL 2AI-5495 HAROLD ABERNATHEY 733-139 ED JACOBS 733-9761 ED DAMS JR. 235-104 Value Homes, Inc. REALTORS INSURANCE-BUILDERS 1311 WEST 5TH 232 615 ONE SMART MOVE Would be move to Cedar Hgts.
It's pretty. Very desirable. And a great place for kids. Just finished this delightful home has 3 bedrooms large family room with fireplace. Kitchen has pecan cupboards with harvest gold appliances.
Large double garage. A real buy for the family who want real quality at a realistic price! Norman Wer "Personal Service Always" 115 BLACK HAWK VILLAGE REALTOR 266 2605 HOME 277-3425 SOMETHING SPECIAL Has been added to this Immaculate 3 bedroom ranch home. 7- fireplaces, full finished basem*nt with family room and possible 4th bedroom. Formal dining room. New humidifier.
Piano in the bosem*nt stays plus many other extras. A perfect home tor the growing family. WW. DONALD E. KHAUSE 234 S434 DALE MURPHY 233-1250 DONALD E.
5W 5TH REALTORS 732-664 4 DUPLEX $12,000 the price of this weli-maintalned rental property. Everything separate. New gas furnaces. 220 wiring, good E. location.
Corner lot. Goroge. SHFRYL THOMPSON 761 1105 RONMcGEE 2772090, C.F. W. 7TH 4 BEDROOMS Semi bungalow.
I1? boths, nice carpeting, screened porch, garoge. Priced for quick sole! JOHN MtlNTF 266 13tW, C.F. BOB WINNINGER 234 8111 WEST UNIQUE bedroom semi bungalow, ust reduced, 1 Dath plus 7 holt boths, family room, finished bosem*nt, 7 car heated garoge, fenced rear yard, cot re I patio. Quick possession. MIKR Of 27 3244, C.F.
LARRY SCHULT 233 i6 ER CALL 233 3337 1 30 TO 5 Fves and Weekends Coll Residence 400 WEST MULLAN REALTORS ECONOMICAL LIVING You con buy thlt 2 bedroom semi- bungalow for only 112,350. lorge carpeted living room ond dining room, basem*nt partly finished, double go-roge. GAYLORD JOHNSON 735 0241 CARL BROWN 7J3 J607 7.13 9311 HUDSON 875 1359 735 915 232 3685 FRANK CAROLAN OLE REDFNIUS DIANE HUSOMF JEANNE KULLEN 1032 W. 5TH REALTORS 233 1445 WANT TO TRADE? bedroom ranch, Wett tide. Larue corner lot with apple treet.
Fireplore, corprt. Ing, formal dining room, double at toched garage. REALTORS HOME BUILDERS 232-9071 EQUAL MOUSING OPPORTUNITY" SPACIOUS tlery home with 3 bedroom, formal dining room, newly remodeled It lichen freshly painted Interior. Horn rcnti, rewired. A buy of 111,900, MlKi HUTCHISON 2)4 0075 Leavitt Johnson 117 W.
4TI4 232 3114 KRAUS Vl( See 2 GotYou Covered. We'll Buy Your Car for or Trade Up Trade Down We're Your Full service TRANSPORTATION CENTER Olds Oatsun-GMC 4123 University Ave V12T. STATION woqon. 35,000 milet or int. Air.
314 271 4 09. ClorhtvMje. UNI Urbon Theater Protect desires to purchase good used van at modest price. Call Morns Hart, 273 2512 before 5pm Auto Parts-Service 440 ALL types of body repoinng. Complete point Obs.
Reos. rotes. BOB BODY SHOP HWY. 63 HUDSON 125-1442 CHASE AUTO PARTS CO. 2214 ASTON WATERLOO 234 2445 or 235 1270 GUARANTEED USED PARTS Repalrobie cars lor sole.
the finest in late model motors, transmissions ond body parts 515441 4283 Your dollar goes further at Chuck's Auto Tractor Wrecking, Inc. IOWA FALLS. IA. P.O. BOX 607 STARTING UNIT.
268 1970. 396 HEADERS and 4 speed. 1300 266 2925 oiler 8 BELOW NORMAL TEMPS ENGINE HEATERS .14.95 thru 116 95 GAS LINE ANTI FREEZE 274 4 lor $1. ANTI FREEZE TESTER 98 EXTENSION CORDS, 25' and 50' WINTER GRADE OILS FROM 39 ANTI FREEZE, GALLONS 11.89 UP I kuny j.jv. jmi.
iv.uiii in iiiui Since 1944" The Racer's Dept. Store AMERICA OLDEST AND LARGEST SPEED EQUIPMENT CENTER 1963 STUDEBAKER. Red tag. Runs. Will sell lor parts.
Phone 2640835. COMPLETE air conditioning unit lor CHEV. 135. Call 268 1970 or alter 5, 266- TJ'Jj MUNSEY 4 plus hooker headers tor big block '59 thru '61 Chev. 232 4761.
Tires 450 QUALITY USED TIRES MOST ALL SIZES WATERLOO TIRE 233 6311 4 Goodyear GR 70x15 rodiols. Only 2.000 mi. Mounted ond bat. on neor new Chev. rims.
Also 4 GM wire spoked hub COPS. 234 9438. 2 70x14 GOODY EAR Suburbanite sludded snow tires. Wide oval, raised letters, like new. 150.
for pair. Pho'e 234 7586. Sale Trucks 460 FOR sole '43 Chev. for i T. 235 9018.
pickup or trade '68 RANCHERO. 302, power steering. 62.000 mi. Excellent cond. 11.500 266 4705.
T) EL AMIN 0 307. outci po wer steering, bucket seats, console, Ayr- Woy topper. 13,200 268 0664 alter 6 1968 Ford Super van. Good condition. 11.
IX. 232 5125. '69 Chev. von. V8, outo.
Pn. 475 3622, Ml. Auburn 73 EL AMI NO. 350 V8, power steering, brakes, oir. 1.400 mi, 13.595.
984 6012. 42 DODGE panel. Old plates. Runs. 150.
FULL POWER, AIR 13,895 CHEV. it T. PICKUP. V8, 4 SPEED 12,295 71 CHEV. T.
T. PICKUP. FULL POWER 13.395 72 CHEV. 7 T. PICKUP, V8, AUTO .13.795 71 FORD 't T.
V8, AUTO POWER 12,195 71 EL CAMINO. VB, POWFf. AIR, TOPPER 13.19' 71 fORD T. PICKUP. DELUXE V8, POWER, AIR 13.495 70 GMC 3.
PICKUP. VI, AUTO. POWER STEERING 12.495 71 FORD TON ECONOVAN .12,995 SERVING E. IOWA SINCE 1932 HWY. 412 234-4601 '47 FORD econoime von.
Good co'd. Robert Kuker, 279 34l2Reodlyn. 73 CnevT Custom Deluxe 1 1 f. pickup. V8.
power steering, power brakes, clean, low miles 13.2V5 '72 Chev T. V8. power tteenng, power brakes, fortory oir .13,295 '71 Oodge ttoyol Sportsmons 12 passenger von, V8. outo. Irons, power steering, power brakes, factory oir ...13,395 NFW LHtVROI IS AND BUICKS ON OlSPLAY VRlfElAAR CHI VHUL I ANU BUICK Hwy South.
Woverly 357 1650 IS CHEVY 2 ton dump Irurx Inspected 4 over 7 1425 314 276 4847, Ploinlield '06 Bronio. 4 wheel drive, cob, rw pwint and low mileage. Insuecled. 233 416. IBM 9 Apartment for single person or morried roupie.
Good dowmown locoflon. Completely furnished. Carpeted. Heot, water ond complete privacy. Now renting 1105 mo.
2J3 149 days, WW.4TM RFALTORS 214 124.