The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

-f' 30 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 1909. II FOR RENT FURNISHED I nEXTTVO JIODKIIN FUjV 1 I nlshed rooms for two or three gentle- A close In; 4 4 Church street, 4th So. I i between State and Main. tlSGT I A SPITE FOR FOUR-MEN OR LADIES: price right; location perfect; modern Il Jc hoiLse 3:5 Church street. Intl.

phone Vy -SS3. t2021 tfi A FURNISHED ROOMS. COOL, CLOSE in. moderate price. No.

0 Emery flats. I one llock north of Kitglo Gate. 11997 I 't BOOMS. AT 123 i 1 4th South. Fonc 2705 Ind.

t20Sl lAUM CICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF Jjil' front rooms. 137 So. W. Temple. t2081 if FURNISHED ROOM; CLOSET, HATH; with or without housekeeping.

232 W. htm South. t2osc Ktjtf on UNFURNISHED, SMALL APART- mil mailt, In. Phone 3SS9-K. 11S91 if.

NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR Rift housekeeping. CI 5 So. 3rd 15. Ind 3S31. 1 6 TUE COLONIAL, jll Handsomely furnished buffet apart-menls, from 535 per month up.

Rooma jir single or en unite, with or without Imth. 'm I 3A4 West 1st South. Telephone exchange 42. U712 I TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED P.MS. for rent.

352 E. 4th South. ti701 A FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- 1 ment of three rooms; bath; G21 Sixth 1 i East. Phono 5212. tSSO i i i Im FOR MAN AND WIFE OR TWO LADIES, lljl nice front room: bath privileges; close in.

No. 4 Bedford Villa. Bell phono 2956-K. 12021 I 1 I fiH, MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE; BVERY- r-l thing complete for housekeeping; will ly ell furniture If dcslrod. 332 E.

2nd lt' South. Ind phone 1002. 119S4 AN" TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN I 1 and bath. Wilflcy, 153 PIcrpont ave I s2335 III' 'J DOUBLE PARLORS OR sTnGLE rooms.

Phone 20S0. 334 Brlgham. sl30 I I A FIRST-CLASS OFFICE. COMPLETELY I'j furnished: private room with use of ft. iii other rooms: stenographer: also typc- i writer and both phones service; 25 per month.

65 Main upstairs. p223l I'lf FURNISHED APARTMENTS, WITH I board, at the nrnnsford. mtS73 I ROOMS WITH BATH. NEW AND MOD- J. orn.

150 No. W. Temple. 32117 ONE OR TWO MODERN. FURNISHED rooms, closo in, for gentlemen.

Phone Bell 4S96-IC s3240 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, ONE or two gentlemen. 221 E. 2nd South s3474 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WITH GAS; I also slnglo rooms. S72 So.

Main. Sc. Li i of O. tt02 I 2-ROOM APARTMENT AT THE WOOD- ruff. 2nd East.

Bell phono 11S5-IC. .1 Apartment 3 and fi. t92 1 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. (52 i (1 Richards at. t50 4 FIVE-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED Mi1 house.

2 blocks east of Main no 'J dogs or children. Inquire Little Llt- tie. tl41D i NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Imc rooms, reasonable. 203 So. 5th E.

I cor.2nd So. tlOlB 2 FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN at 141 2nd East. THREE FINELY FURNISHED FRONT tnoms. 22 E. 4th So.

1517 LOWER FLAT; PIANO AND GAS rango; pleasant surroundings. 5130-Y. t700 ONE. TWO OR THREE NICELY FUR- i nlshed offices, alngle or en suite; rent reasonable. A.

II. Blrrcll 63 Main. Bell 7C0; Ind. 193. tC83 iff FOR RENT FURNISHED APART-' II mcnt of three rooms; bath.

G21 Sixth East. Phone 5212. tSSO ill, 5-ROOM COTTAGE AT 2Ct SO. GTH .13.. cl nr.

Pftmlliowfnl hllr llOSr. I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 35 Canyon road. tl3G0 NICELY ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeping. 130 North Main. t2220 i' COOL, CLEAN.

COMFORTABLE FRONT room, with bath. In now apartment furnished attractively, SIS. 1760-IC 213 I K. Gth South. t284G NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping at 570 So.

West Tern- pie. t23G0 4-ROOM FLAT FOR HOUSEKEEPING; 1 no children. 311 So. 2nd West. 12-118 Jl NICKLY FU NTS HE ROOMS FOR light housekeeping.

140 So. State. I A LARGE FRONT ROOM. -102 N. MAIN, fl Ind.

2751. t2413 2j FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO jjl gentlpmen; hot and cold water, bath. S' 37 West 6th So, Phone 2S3G Ind. t24D3 TWO NICE ROOMS FOR LIGHT i- housekeeping. 364 West 3rd South.

t2434 3-ROOM. MODERN TERRACE. NICELY I furnished. 223 Brown'a courl, rear 31 i N. 1st WVst.

t2hil TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING: 2 rooms without, part of rent for assisting with other rooms. 57fi So. Main. 12155 i TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT IIOUSE-keeping. 407 E.

3rd South. t2555 2 OR II. IC ROOMS. SECOND 1 i floor; porch and shade, gas. Ind.

4021 1 130 So. 7th East. t2iill 5 THE ANNEx! 1 1 Furnished buffet apartments, by month week- "o- 1''0 South Temple, Bell 1 i i phone 1685-K. to508 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM 1 "i nnl hath. No.

4 Dubel 2nd So leu 3rd and Itli EaHt. 1252; FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. (579 Soutli Main. Bell 0S4-X. t2o2T, 1 1 TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 3 r.

houaekceplng: 614 Main. tsGOi 1 Vr'. SUITE OF ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING I rooms. -105 E.

2nd So. O'lSUN' ROOMS. GAS. electric light and bath; JB4 E. 5lh So.

1 12(51 1 1 'I- nOOHS FOR 1 'iff So "nd East frm Itl1" I modern. Pleasant rooms. Single or cn IV by0'- wek or month; 137 Eat 5d lt South. Bell phone 150J. 2634 I BEDBUGS III.

Lstermlnated. No publlcitv or lnconve- Let us explain. Wgbi Dlslnfccl- 21 iwTin00" -1' a0' fslale "tract. Bell phone I jj -lw t2G38 31 S-ROOM MODICIfN HOUSE, 144G J3TH fj East.

House car. t2G41 G. A- It. LUNCH ROOM FOR RENT A I'ffi Gordon Hall when- a ft large number can bo accommodated with I fold lunch and cofi'ee. The hall nnd sur- rounding roomn will be taken bv the A I i' R- P08t.

and friends. Apply 30G E. 3ni I jt Souih. Phone IIS Main. 12(542 I Ji- NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEpT 7 I Ins: looms; modern; close In.

1" liV I 5th South. t2720 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; NO CAR I fare. 2S South 4th East. 1275 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. 45 W.

2ND North. Phone Boll 3274-IC. t2747 I'M 2 PLEASANT. CONVENIENT HOUSE- rooms, with bath, light and phone. Tel.

Bell 190S-X. -I0G E. 3rd So 1 t274ii nl fJ MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE OF 1 rooms, Including burn: will lease for 0 1 12 months. Call 11C 3rd ave. Ind.

Hf pnoni lCSTy t27io 1 1 FOR RENT FURNISHED THREE FURN. RMS. FOR 1UDUSE-keeping, mod. house. 125 0th ave.

t2757 WELL FURNISHED, IN PRIVATE home, all conveniences. 217 South 2nd East. t275S TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 20 E. 7th So.

tl'TGS TWO OR THREE LIGHT HOUSE-keeping, o. 1. 25S So. Ith West. t27G3 DESIRABLE ROOM FOR GENTLE-men In prl-ato family at Bransford.

X-56. Tribune. t2S27 PLEASANT. ATTRACTIVE. SUNNY rnoir.x, bath, plione, good neighborhood; reasonable.

Call after 10 it, m. Bell phone 714. 0G2 Easit 1st So. t2S2l 2 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING; modern. Apply 12 Kendall terrace.

t2S20 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM REA-sonuble; close In: No. 1 Olson court, rear 2.ri Kaat 3rd South. 12S17 PRIVATE ROOMS ATTRACTIVE lawu. with shade; board If desired. 437 E.

1st So. I2S0G ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING cheap. 525 So. 2nd W. 12S0U A NICE FUR.

FRONT ROOM FOR RENT closo in. Bell 1S01-NY. 1279(5 PLEASANT ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP-liig. close In; no children. 307 South Fifth East.

1276G A FINE ROOM. CLOSE TO G. A. for cold lunch counter Call AIul US or apply 30G E. 3rd So.

t7GS FINELY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE! strictly per month. Including gas, c. 1., bath, h. k. 24 E.

Brlgham. 12771 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; no children. 573 So. First West. t773 THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS.

modern, children permitted, per month. 747 North 2nd West. U70S I OR 5 ROOMS, CLOSE IN. REASON-able. Call mornings.

59 3rd ave. 12705 7-ROOM MOD. HOME FOR MONTH OF Aug. Bell 23S9-Z. 12GG5 g-room" "house.

MODERN, incl*td! lng gas, range and water heater; this was finished for a hom*o; no children or doprs allowed. G7I 5th ave. t2G93 EL ICG A NTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. single or en sulto, closo In. Phone Bell 12915-Y.

t2G01 THREE ROOM APARTMENT. ELE-gunlly fumlslied Aug. 1 no children. 737 Major ave. Bell 1337-K.

t2GS3 FOR RENT 5-ROOM MoTnCRxTrAXDilR brick barn. $12. Call 433 North 1st West. 12734 3 ROOMS. MOD.

2 DISAPPEARING hods. 337 So. Sth E. Bell 25IG-X. 12732 5 LARGE ROOMS, CLOSET AND HALL partly $10.

071 So. Ith East. t273G THE KENWOOD APARTMENT HOUSE" Just remodelled, with private front and back porches, all rooms Inside, newly decorated, steam heated, boiling hot water day and night. Janitor service, only one I -room Hat vacant. $32.50.

53,0 East Third South: only 4 blocks from the Knutsford; open all day Sunday. t2759 KUSTER TERRACE, FIFTH SOUTH, near Third East, tlvo-room and basem*nt, steam-heutcd cottages; janitor service; $35. Stowo Palmer, 52 W. 2nd South. 12S15 REST ARRANGED APARTMENTS IN city, best placo to live, Lakovlow apts.

Intl. 3465. 12S1C THREE OR 4-ROOM 5-room mod-, unfurn. 124 Apricot hL, west of Center. 127SG SOUTH SIDE OF A NEW DOUBLE 4-rooin modern.

DIG So. West Temple (north side let to lamiiy of two). Apply today between 10 and 2. t27I5 FOUR-ROOM BRICK FLAT; ground floor. 537 South 2nd West.

t2S0fl THREE NICE. CLEAN ROOMS. 5 10 Yowell ave. 5tli between 7th and Stli South t2S02 THREE AND FOUR-ROOM FURN. Hals near O.

S. t. Beil 3378 -V. 12S0I TWO LARGE PLEASANT ROOMS ON ground floor, unfurnished, use of phone: electric light. $12 per month.

1422 Mnjor uvc Bell 2374-K. t2702 $20 WITH BATH. ElI LT-," mantel, block from 3 car lines, sidewalks. 1020 So. Sth East.

Bell 3512-Y. t2G9G 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 234 SOUTH 0th East. t20i53 3 ROOMS. MODERN.

REASONABLE Inquire S34 So. 7th East. Ind. 15G2. 12G92 FOR RENT.

$65.00 0-R. furnished. Ith E. M5.00 furnished. E.

1st So. $40.00 7-R. mod. Gth ave. $35.00 mod.

flat, E. Gtii So. $30.00 7-R. 309 S. 5th E.

529.00 l-R. mod. flat, E. 3rd So. $28.00 3-R.

mod. flat. E. 3rd So. S25.00 5-R.

mod. frame, 320 st. $22.50 l-R. mod. 13..

Elizabeth place. 51-1-002 Mod. Inc. e. 1..

E. 3rd So. meeks McCartney. Ind. 0.12.

40 W. 2nd So. Uell 2622. 12G70 I -ROOM FLAT. NEW, BACIC PORCH.

IN Oiiulrrh apartments, 325 So. 4 th East. 50. Phono 473. 1208(5 ROOMS.

MODERN, 3RD SO. AND 5TTI East; $30.00. Inquire Bell 272G-K, Ind. lOflL tlSTG l-ROOM MOD. HOUSE; $18.

INQUIRE 251 W. 1st North. tlS3S r-RM. MODERN BRICK. HOUSE, 771 E.

1st So, Phone 23GS Ind. 12296 3 LEG ANT SUITE OF 2 SUITA-blo for music studio. Iriqulro Rental 5opt, Salt Lake Security Trust 32 ijp. Main street. t2271 SEVEN-ROOM THOROUGHLY MODERN house.

1132 E. S40 per month. Rental Salt Lake Securltv i. Trust 32 Up. Main street.

t2272 "OUR PANTRY, NEW. $11; 2 pantry, near 30 No. th West. t2352 I UNFURNISHED ROOMS, PANTRY. I i.Oectrlc lights: no children.

77.1 I Temple. t23SG OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT. "WITH USE of roll-top desk, tclcphono nnd light. X-17: Tribune. t2-130 BAsem*n2' BARBER SHOP.

FINELY tlninhed, under new St. Ceclllo hotel of 123 rooms. State st. Anply G. S.

I-Ioltnea. Kntit*ford. 12437 FOR RENT FINE RESTAURANT LO-cation, adjoining or under new St. Cecllle hotel, 125 rooms, to open Aug 8. Apply G.

S. Holmes, Knutsford hotel." 12438 5 ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN, $18.00 per month. 621 W. 3rd North. t2542 OFFICE ROOMS ON MAIN NEAR 2ND i will be vacated on 1st of August.

Will give leaso. t2G52 $50.00 MODERN TWO-STORY. SEVEN rooms; full basem*nt with furnace; -iris 3rd avo. Bell phonu 3415-nk. t2G27 FOUR-ROOM MODERN, WITH BATH Just complolcd.

Apply 244 E. 4th South! t2730 C-ROOM BRICK. GAS, SEWER. HOT water heat; 858 E. 2nd South.

t2722 TWO FRONT NICELV PA PERIOD, porch Inclosed; electric light, lame yard and flowers; neur O. S. L. depot 123 Xo. -Itli Wiirl 1271S FOR RENT MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE.

376 E. 3rd So. C. W. Miller, 112 W.

2nd South. ii65tl BARN FOR RENT. 3024-Z. 11747 FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO men; closo In; strictly modern. 3G0 E.

3rd So. Ind. phono 1445, U794 7-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE. 431 3rd ave. Inquire 401 2nd ave.

tl9S7 ONE LARGE BAsem*nT AND PART of ground floor; heat. 139 E. 1st So. la 74 2 23 HOUSES ALL KINDS LOCALITIES and prices. Tuttle Bron.

153 Main street. x995 OFFICE ROOM. TRIBUNE BUDDING. Inqulro .1. Westcott, 204 Herald building.

m3G THREE-STORY. WELL-BUILT BUSI-nosR block In heart of city, especially adapted for wholcsalo houoo, to leaso for term of years. Stowe Palmer, 52 W. 2nd South, ml252 FOR RENT 4 AND 5-ROOM MODERN cottages. Inqulro 10 Wayno avo.

Bell J027-Z. pl220 KOUR-ROOM FLAT. OAKS COR. 3rd 4th East, $32.50. Apply No.

8. rllG NARVEX 230 E. 3RD SOUTH. 3 and 4-room flats and two rooms In baacment, 3259-K. APARTMENT FOR RENT, SMITH apartment, 32G So.

3rd East st. In-; qtilre Bell phono 1S89. r3398 FOR RENT. MODERN, 4 AND fi-ROOM flats at Kensington. Bell 2027-Z.

rllV9 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSIC, near O. S. L. depot and high school. Inqulro 254 W.

1st North. rl930 FOR RENT, STORE ROOM FOR RE-tail business; largo plato glass front; will bo ready August 1st; new Holmes building now under construction. 237 Stale also fine storerooms In new building now being constructed cor. 2nd So. and State st.

Apply G. S. Holmes. Knutsford Hotel. r3397 2 ROOMS.

CLOTHES CLOSET. TOn.lST and bath. Inquire 770 E. 4lh So. Bell 1530-Y.

83347 LARGE HALL, 32x70 FT SUITABLE for lodge or sample rooms. Inquire Hlrschman Shoo 10G So. Main. sl244 FLAT IN BEAUTIFUL IVANI-TOE. STOWE PALMER.

52 W. 2nd South. 1616 FOUR-ROOM FLAT AT THE YORK. cor. 3rd So.

and 7th East; large front and rear porches; Janitor service, $32.50. Bell 4211. sl9G6 MODERN APARTMENT OF 3 IIOOMS. furnished or unfurnished. 311 E.

2nd S. S20G3 MODERN FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. CLOSE In; rent $25. Inquire G53 2nd East. Ind.

279G. S2417 DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. FIFTH lloor Newhouse building. Inquire 510 Newhousc. s3113 MEREDITH APARTMENTS.

$10 I rooms; finest view; very cool. s2Sll T-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE FOR TIIB summer, cheap. R-51 Tribune. s356(5 NEW 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT. WITH gas range, (540 E.

Sth South. $22.50. Mahan Inv. 273 So. W.

Temple. Bell 551, Ind. 414. s35(52 AT THE SWALLOW 1 FLAT, furnished or unfurnished. t701 MODERN APARTMENT.

4 rooms, bath, rear porch; everything strictly modern. The LunU, 135 7th East. Phone 56 or S9S-NY. tO 10 FOUR ROOMS. MODERN, WALKING distance.

Call 5299-X Bell. H0S2 7-ROOM MODERN, $30 A MONTH. IN-qulro 66S E. 7th South. 1334 5 ROOMS, MODERN, AND CELLAR.

Inqulro after p. m. 332 E. 4th South. MOD.

HOUSE, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Apply 129 St. H21S I FIN 115 STOREROOM; 221 SO. STATE, ready August 1. Apply G.

S. Holmes. I Knutsford hotel. 11535 3. 4 AND 5-ROOM FLATS, BUNGA- low 3rd East and Brigham.

with the Holmes disappearing bed. Apply California Bungalow vt Apartment House 321-322-323 Judge bldg. Bell 453G. Ind. 1412.

121C2 i-ROOM FLAT. CLOSE IN PRIVATE porches: $32.50. Tho Kenwood, 550 3rd South. Phone G41. t2211 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE; V.

1st South; $30.00 per month. Bell 4959, Ind 2224. tlS49 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; CLOSE IN; west side; bath, electric light, modern. 'Phone 811-X. tlSCG FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN BRICK.

12G So. 9th East. Bell phone Forest 9-1-Z. t2001 NEW BRICK TERRACE. 7 LARGE rooms, all modern, and fine basem*nt.

733 So. 2nd East- Bell phone 3979-Z. t2069 THREE ROOMS, WITH GAS RANGE bath. 455 First ave. Ind.

phone 315S. Bell 3395-NK. t2077 EXCELLENT STOREROOM, NEW. 25X 110. $100 per mo.

for first year. $125 for next two years. Hubbard Invt. 66 W. 3rd South.

t2051 AUCTION SALES BTLxIonTiDNTi 27, 10.30 a. m. at suite 7, 3rd floor, Cummlngs apartments, corner st and 1st ave. I will sell an elegant lot of mission and leather furniture. Elegant high-grade.

Kimball piano, mahogany case, nearlv new; fine Wilton and other rugs, leather chairs and roekers, Morris chair, box couch, round dining table, leather seat dining chairs, fino parlor desk. Iron bed. handsome dressing table and chairs, fine chiffonier, sanitary couch, taborettes, etc etc. Goods are all first-class. 127S2 BY E.

M. ONION ON WEDNESDAY, July 2S. 10:30 a. at 353 E. Ith South I will sell tho stock and fix-lures of a grocery store, canned goods, notions, i good show cases, scaleo.

coffee mill, tank, largo refrigerator, baker's sand oven (Millers), counters, also good linoleum, chain, rockers, glass-door cupboard, chiffonier, sanl- lary couch, 2-holo gasoline stove, heating car. t27Sl C. E. OSTERLOII IS AGAIN IN THE auction business; goes anywhero, miv-time, to sell anything. Household goods and merchandise a real estate, farms, automobllos.

Addrc3 or phono orders at 224 State street; residence phone 1593. C. E. 2843 WHEN YOU WANT TO CON8ULT E. M.

Onion, call up 173S on Ind. phone. kl383 ON MONDAY, JULY 26, AT 10 30 A. No, 1302 South Eleventh East street, corner of 10th South und 11th Ea3t. Sugar House car to door, rockers, couch, carpets and rugs, iron beds, lot bedding, feather bed, drc-ssors and stands, tableland chairs, cook and heating stoves, lot homemade fruits and Jellies, dishes and glassware.

25 hens and chickens, etc. K. A. Andrews, Auctioneer. THREE KITCHEN.

2 DINING TABLES. 10 chairs. 3 cook sloves. 2 Born, 1 Good Luck. 1 Bucks, ranges; china closet.

1 sideboard, 1 lot linoleum, carpets, toolti, harness, jewelry, regardless of cost; 10:30 a. 59 E. 1st South. Everybody come. Monday.

July 2C. 1909. t2fi 1 CUSHIONS AND UPHOLSTERINGS HEADQUARTERS FOR CiJSmONsT general upholstering and repairing. Full lino of cover goods. Phone 3299.

L. Mattress Mfjr. Co. si 198 I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AND ROOMING HOUSES 5750 Fin-, nnd lease 43 mod rooma, with ion Hooi office; excellent trade. 55 mod.

rooms; cnh down. ana lease 2S mod. clcar- siorrt 51:10 terms K. n.nd loaa 13 or.y rms. To-r, a harwaln; closo In; t.nnH.

hal. monthiv. fur- rni3-i ram snap. vit-i'U cash grocery; excellent trade; nd frasll. nd c'b'nr slorc.

iauu fool room and cigar store; steadv paying business. $2o00 Stock of llxturci. second hand store. doing woll; will trade for property. $500 Will tnke half Interest In new cafe; long lease: a winner.

See me for all kinds of substantial busl-ncsu propositions. NEW COMB. Loom 411 Tribune Bldg. Ind. Phono 126.

t2706 vSE3m3Tuj A'oV 'T THE FOUR ot A. A. S. Rite of Thi-i n'mnV Btatod meetings tho third Ihursday in each month dt the eml'lu. corner First Soutlj and vltcd Sojourning brethren ln- tt- lrT- Elslier.

32 deg. w. iVl. Jordan Lodge of Perfection No. 2.

I-. H. Carr, 32 deg. W. M.

Jamon Lowe Chapter of Rosa Croix No. 1. James K. Brown. K.

C. 11. Commander of Snit T.nb-.. dosh No. J.

Marriott. 32 deg. m. of K. Conslstorj' No.

1. Christopher Rlehl, 33 deg. Register for all the bodies. EL KALAH A. O.

N. M. S. Regular sessions held at Masonic temple, corner Second East and First South, tho third Wednesday In each Sojourning nobles Invited to at- M- nosh, Potentate; J. M.

Marriott, Recorder. UTAH COMMANDER NO 1. KNIGHTS Templar Stated conclaves hold at corner Second East and 1-lrst South, tho first Thursday of each month Sojourning Sir Knights cordially Invited to attend. WM. 'M.

RASH. E. C. E. O.

LEATHER WOOD, Recorder. gl900 UTAH CHAPTER NO. 1. R. A.

M. Stated convocation first Wednesday In each month nt Masonic hall, corner Second East and First South streets. Companions cordially Invited. F. r.

Sherwood, H. Moses C. Phillips, Secretary. fftv ARGENTA LODGE NO. 3, F.

jHu and A. M. At Masonic tein-p'0' Second East and a First South streets, llrst Tues- a day of iach month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren Invited. E.

D. Hammond, W. Moses C. Secretary. MT.

MORIAII LODGE NO. 2, F. AND A. M. Masonic hall, socond Monday each month, corner First South and Second East.

Members of sister lodges and sojourning members In good standing Invited. Charles Douglas, W. M. Christopher Dlehl, Secretary. WASATCH LODGE NO.

1, F. AND A. M. Masonic hall, second Friday each month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren In good standing Invited H.

C. Gnw, W. A. J. Lowe, Secretary.

Tj) LYNDS CHAPTER NO. l' Orlcr Eastern Star. ttng Masonic Temple Stated fjfiJjsSniw meetings first Friday sjggJ each month. Visiting mem-hers will receive a cordial welcome. Sarah M.

Mc-M Carty, W. Nellie T. Spencer, P. T. MIZPAH CHAPTER.

NO. fflk.Bj 5, Order Eastern Star Stated meetings first Mon- of each month. Ma-ijy sonic Temple, corner Soc- "Sxff ontl East First South. Vra Visiting members cordlallv Invited ELIZABETH SCHRAMM, W. M.

SINCLAIR. Secretary. JB ELECTA CHAPTER, U. Order Eastern Suir Sal Stated meetings third -gsjWOTv Tuesday of each month. Masonic- tomplo, corner TLff Second East and First South.

Visiting members cordially Invited. BIRDIE S. NIPPER, W. M. DORA FRANICL AN Sccretarj-.

CRESCENT COURT, NO. ggsacn 1. Royal and Exalted KftA Degree of the Amaranth. JJklXtz Stated moelJngs second Tuesday of each month. Bjr Masonic Temple.

corner Second East and First South. A cordial invitation Is extended to all visiting mombcrs. AMELLV ICING. R. M.

FLORENCE M. BROADDENT, Hon. Sec. Independent Order of Odd Fellows FIDELITY LODGE, NO. .17.

I. O. Mocte evory Wednesday night at' 8 clock, r. O. O.

F. Temple. Visitors welcome. Chas Russell, N. J.

C. Smilh Secretary. JORDAN LODGE. No. 3, I.

0.0 Meets every Monday night at I. O. O. F. temple.

Visitors Invited. W. boster, N. G. W.

T. Hopkins, secretary." al437 I. O. p. F.

TEMPLE DIRECTORY. Subordinate lodges moot as follows: Salt Lake Lodge, No. 2. Friday. Entorprlse Lodge, No.

15. Tuesday. MIRIAM REBEKAII LODGE MEETS first and third Saturday evenings of each month at I. Q. Q.

F. Temple. o217C NAOMr REBEKAH LODGE. NO 1 Moels every second and fourth Saturday evenings of each month at Odd Fellows temple. Market street.

n2555 FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET first and third Wednesdays each month. Knights of Columbus hall. No. 21 West First South. C.

E. White, F. S. si 131 EXCELSIOR CAMP. 10892.

MODERN Woodmen, meets Tuesday evening in of P. hall. 201 Main etreet. Visiting neighbors welcome. John T.

Cluge. Consul. Harry A. James, Clerk. GREAT SALT LAKE CAMP, 10071.

M. W. meets overy Tuesday night at 8 o'clock In the Odd Fellows templo 0. place. Visiting neighbors cordially Invited.

Q2G03 WOODBINE CIRCLE, NO. 41. WOMEN of Woodcraft, meets every Thursdav, o'clock, at I. O. O- F.

hall. Kniffhts of Pvtliian. CALANTH E-M RTLE LODGE, NO. 1 K. of P.

Every Monday. K. of P. hall' T. II.

Blddlck. C. C. E. Holmaa, K.

of R. and S. LINCOLN LODGE, NO. 23. K.

of P. Mcet3 every Saturday evening at o'clock, IC of P. hall. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE. NO.

3 Every Thursday ovenlng. K. of P. Hall. 2G1 So Main.

J. E. Madsen, C. S. Randolph, K.

of R. and S. HERMIONE TEMPLE, NO. PYTHLVN Sisters Meets every Frldav evening at K. of P.

hall, Emma Betts. R. C. o2573 KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Salt Lako City tent, No.

2 Every Thursday. I. O. O. F.

hall. Visiting knights Invited. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Salt Lake aerie. No. 67 Every Friday' p.

Eagles' hall ROYAL ARCANUM SALT LAKE COUN-cll. No. 1517 Second and fourth Thursdays. F. O.

IC hall. 168 So. W. Tomplo st, P. L.

Beemer, regent; Jones, secretary; ASSAYERS CRIBMON NICHoTsTTsAYErTaND chemists, removed to 229 South Weal Temple. wl792 UNION ASSAY OFFICE. 152 SOUTH West Temple. P. O.

Box 1416. niulO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE LEWIS-LOWE CO. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE irUSINESS CHANCE OFFICE IN THE STATE OF UTAH. 223 Judge Bldg. Phones 4-13G YOU HAVE FIFTEEN DAYS To prepare for the grand niflh; every bus-Iress In Salt Lake Is doing n.

capacity business, and will continue to do so for thf next four months. The G. A. R. convention Is not the only feature, but we have tho steady How of prosperous tourists- en route to the Alaska-Yukon fnlr; they all spend a week In fair Zlon; let ub put you on the hlghwav to success.

Tho Lewis-Lowe 223 Judge building. TITLES GUARANTEED. 15 ROOMS AND BOARD. 36 regular bonrders, pay guaranteed by lat-KC corporation: rent very low; price $550, half cash and monthly payments. The Lowls-Lowo 223 Judge bldg.

A 5-ROOM SNAP. Rent $2S. within half block of Main street; furnltum new; $275 ensh will handle It, balance as you like it. The 228 JudKO bide. JUST A LITTLE LARGER And close In; 7 rooms of good furnlturo for $550: rent $30.

An Income and a home for yourself, and so cheap! The Lewla-Lowe 223 Judgo bldg. BIRD STORE FOR A SONG. Clears big money; 300 per cent profit; this business has been established several years and always has made monev. Price 3800. The Lowls-Lowa 223 Judge bldg.

A TRANSIENT HOUSE, Well located, cheap rent, good lease, 13 rooms, running water In every room; no trouble to make $100 a month In this plaoo. Price S1200. Tho Lewls-Lowo 223 Judgo bldg. A SWELL RESTAURANT For $3000, ono of the best paying restaurants In Salt Lako City, always doing a rushing business. The merry Jingle of the cash register Is always heard In this place.

We have the exclusive. The Lewls-Lowc 223 Judgo bldg. A EUROPEAN HOTEL. 30 rooms; siwoll Wilton rugs, heavy braes beds; all furniture mahogany lln-ishcd; a little beauty; clears $300 month. Price $S000: $5000 cash.

Rent and leaso right. Lewis-Lowe 223 Judge bldg. A COIN GETTER. 26-room bouse for $3500; clears $200 every month In tho yeav: cheapest rent In tho city. See us for full particulars; $1500 cash, balaneo to suit.

Tho Lewls-Lowo 223 bldg. AUTOMATIC PRINTING PLANT At actual cost, doing a nice business: a couplo of hundred dollars will put you In right; make better than wages. The Lewis-Lowe 223 Judge bldg. LOCAL INDUSTRIAL STOCK At a panic price. We have listed 300 shares of Utah Gas company stock; 11 shares of Roman Cash Merc.

Co. and a block of Saltalr Amusem*nt Co. Owner Is sacrificing on account of oilier interests. Tho Lewls-Lowo 223 Judge bldg. A BONANZA CIGAR STORE $S30.

One look at this will convince you that it Is tho best buy In the city. Tt actually cost $1200 lo equip this model place. Call Monday morning. Tho Lewis-Lowe 23 Judge bldg. LARGE NEW HOTEL FOR RENT To capable and experienced hotel man.

Will be completed by the 9th of August. This Is an exceedingly meritorious proposition; will require $10,000 or $12,000 to handle. Write or call for full particulars. The Lewls-Lowo 223 Judge bldg. O.NbJ-JIAljF l.MU.Ufc;.-5l.

J.N hAlAJU.N. We have a fine proposition In ono-half interest in an out-of-town saloon. Invcstigato this thoroughly and you will buy. The Lcwis-Lowo 223 Judge building. A SMALL RESTAURANT.

Owner going awny on account of sickness, will sell It right; rent $25, including steam heal. Will net you a nice Income. The Lewis-Lowe 223 Judge building. WE HAVE IMITATORS, HUT NO RIVALS THE LEWIS-LOWE 223 Judge bldg, t2770 INFORMATION WANTED REGARD-invostmcnt opportunity, whero few thousand dollars could be profitably Invested; wish to hear from any one having stock for sale In Industrial or mining propositions; no liquor proposition considered. Address by mall only, George II.

Currier, Room 076-D, 40 West Monroe St Chicago. 111. 1267(5 WANT TO MEET RESPONSIBLE parlies who have good mining property thev wish to lloat; 1 con gel money for same; unless you have full reports and details don't answer. X-22, Tribune. t2723 WOULD YOir INVEST $10 TO $500 IF cruaranteed 10 per cent, with chance to make 100 per cent? Bank references and security for every cent Invested: absolutely no risk.

Hull, 202 Franklin New York. 12712 WE SELL HOTELS. RESTAURANTS, rooming houses, grocery stores, drug stores, saloons, or any kind of business vou want. The Lewis-Lowe Judjie bldg. B25S2 ADVERTISER WANTS TO PURCHASE bakery In any town or state.

Rex. 237 N. Stale St, Murray. US-10 13-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. Andtthe owner really wants to sell.

It's a dandy, close In ot 2nd East; everything flrst-elass, clean and up to date; furnlturo far above the average; all outside, easily-rented rooms. Be suro you see this house It pays big, KELLY MONTROSE, 420 MeCornlck Block. US93 12 PER CENT. ITavo you any money for Investment? Hero is "vour chance. We have a limited amount of Industrial stock for sale (business located right here at home) on which we will guarantee 12 per cent interest, payaoie scmi-imnuuiiy.

As safe as savings bank, Investigate SEARS INVESTMENT 14 IS. 3rd South (Judgo 13140 STOCK. BOND OFFERING MINING. electric. Industrial or railway company wanted for sale, commission basis.

Ad-dresH full particulars. Clientele, P. O. box 308S, New York. t259l MAU, ORDER BUSINESS WILL PAY several thousand dollars annually, new-Improved plan; $25 to $100 necessary.

J. P. Lackey, 2232 La Sullc street, Chicago, t2596 FOR SALE SLIGHTLY USED UP- rlght piano. Excellont opportunity. Mrs.

Judith Evans Brines, 7 CummbiKS apts, 12598 CANDY STORE AND ALL FIXTURES. Including kitchen and utensils connected with first class candy kitchen. Cheap. Good location. Long lease.

Address X-35. Tribune- GROCERY DOING A GOOD BUSINESS. also horse and wagon and harness. Ill health motive for selling. Sold nt Invoice.

Y. W. Jensen 70 West 2nd South. 12(51(3 SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION. WEEK-ly dividends, amounts $20 and upward.

Accounts withdrawn anytlmo by sight draft, no races, oil or- mining. For par- tlculars nddress Co-operative Trading Bureau. Room 1305 71-73 Nussau St New York. 12792 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THREE SPECIALS. No.

1. Ono of tho swellest. mosl up-to-date boarding houses In the clly. I-or private reasons the present owner Is compelled to sell at a great oacrlllee. There is no better location in the city and to see Is to buy.

There aro 18 rooms. See us for price'. No, 2. Do you want to buy something that you can make the price of during tn coming G. A.

R. encampment? If so. see us about that restaurant on Main street that wo aro authorized to sell for about $2000 below Its market value. Why doos he want to si-11? We'll tell you when you No. 3.

Another chance for a clean up during the G. A. R. encampment; 9-roorn rooming house, centrally located, and elegantly furnished, for a song, flte present owner has urgent need for tho mone und Is giving you a chance to turn ins misfortune to your gain. Call earij you want this.

A. H. BIRRELL 155 South SL i2im9 WANTED MAN AS PARTNER TO GO In half Interest lu meat and grocery store. Good chance for right man- ind. "212.

t-uJw WANTED PARTNER WITH. SMALL capital, for chicken and pig business. close In to clly. 3G9 South State. 12..3.

MONEY TO LOAN AMOUNTS OF $500 AND UP; LOW rato of Interest. Houston Real Estate Inv. 251 So. Main st. Phones 27.


Darling 112 Main si. mloG3 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Tlalloran-Judgo 309 So. Main. c323 GO! GO! GO! Go for your money to a place whor* you can repay any amount any time and stop Interest. HOME INVESTMENT SAVINGS 6 West First South St.

ASK YOUR FRIENDS WHERE TO BOR-row money; wo will treat you as we have treated them; sixteen yeara experience with onlv one foreclosure. Russcl L. Tracy, East First So. iil513 NOTES OF SALARIED PEOPLE AND business concerns bought without security; cheapest rates; easiest payments. Offices in GG principal cities.

D. Tol-man, 33S Atlas block. t887 $20,000 TO LOAN, MONEY ON 1 1 A ND. Jas. K.

Shaw 300 D. F. Walker. r2947 SALARY LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR persons permanently employed; business confidential. 421 Herald Bldg.

tlSO LOST CRESCENT PIN STUDDED WITH OPAL and turqolsc, between First avenue and Second South via State and Second South. Return to 53 South Main. Reward. s2974 EASTERN STAR PIN. ENGRAVED "2 Alkl 5," near North Stuto or Main.

Reward, this office. s2976 PAIR OF YOUNG LADY'S GLASSES In black case, Saturday afternoon at Saltalr depot. Reward. Iteturn to Tribune office. t2152 LARGE AJjLIGATOR PURSE.

CON-tainintr gloves, on Saltair train, Wednesday night. Return to Leaver Drug Co. Reward. t24M ONE GOLD BRACELET, AT SALTAIR. Tel.

1855-Y. t2UG LOST BUNCH OF KEYS. RETURN to Utah Ice Storage Co. Reward. t2519 A DIAMOND BROOCH PIN.

FINDER please return to 209 Herald bldg. Rc-wnrd- 12518 FRiSTiJRNITY PIN. ENGRAVED "A Lewis" Inside. Return to 352 E. 1st So.

Rv-H'tl- t230G TRIBUNE BICYCLE; SPRING SADDLE. Jjii-rai rewara, Frank Ado, Salt Lake Electric Supplv Co. "t2528 IF THE PERSON WHO FOUND GEN-tlenian's ticket to San Francisco Friday evening will return same to Wilson hotel he will receive liberal reward. t2G07 PI.w,'.V SEEN TAKING WHEEL WILL further trouble to 41ti So. 2nd Eust.

LARGE ALLIGATOR PURSE. CONT AIN lng gloves, on Saltalr train" ednesday night. Return to Leaver Drug Co. Reward. SMALL ALLIGATOR SKIN POCKET-ri in, car.

Reward. 733 j-j. -mi South. t758 MINER BREAST PIN WITH PICK, shovel, at Lagoon or on way. Reward Return to Tribune.

t2749 AT SALTAIR FRIDAY EVENING ONIi lunch box containing table linen. Reward If finder will return same to 73 West 2nd South. f'GS5 STRAYED OR STOLEN. JAPANESE spitz bitch, about 7 mos. old, on Frldav answers to name of Nancy.

Reward "if returned to 1S9 W. Ith So. t2774 FOUND R. R. TICKET TO CALIFORNIA AND return.

Party may have tho samo hv this 1CUna biUtery aml 1 t2'55l PERSONALS I WILL NOT PAY DEBTS CONTRACT- u-lot LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Chlchcsters Pills, tho Diamond I Brand Ior 2o years known as Best. Safef i' ways Reliable. Buy or your DrugB1st Take no other. Chlchcsters DIuHd UrC 1 by every- MANUSCRIPTS WANTED. NO VFI poetry, history, essays, for nubll-' cation In bookworm.

Cochrane Pb lining Company, 775 Tribune bulMlnff! Now K- 12505 EDUCATED. REFINED, RFSPITFrr FOR SALE REAL ESTATE State and 3 0th block frn i. and county building troes, clly water, nil paid for LOOK AT THIS TOD-VY C6 W. 3rd So. t2)55 50 FEET STATE UET "Vn x-n 3rd South, at $800 ner AIsD S2a feet Stato bet.

1st and at $S00 per foot. 1 aml -nd 100 feet, corner Main $150 nor cw You can't equal this for $200 perPfoot 0if i will lABy today0 ferA HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO 618 So- LIST YOUR SALE AND PFVtmt with us. Jones, King Porter Co 5 Security and Trust bid s-nC BY OWNER-LARGE S-ROOM MOD-ern brick; 3x10 lot; Gth East hot ei and 1st So. inqulro '72 Commercial Bank S2737 FOUR 10-ACRE TRACTS IN EMIGRA-tlon canyon, trolley road, creek and wagon road through property. ind.

phone 12738 FOR SALE -TWO LOTS. CLOSE IN vcM-y cheap, owner leaving cltj Ad-lress X-51 Trlhimn 0 V'll" FOR SALE REAL ESTATBK saIvtlaTce PER CENT GROWTH Sti PER IT OF ANY CITY IN THrr Above will be the goveninieni 1 ft' for the year 1009 01. cUlS ovCP population, i-rp tr NO BETTER TIME THAN NnJ 4 BUY SALT LAKE REAL ESTT 'ftf FORE THE FALL RUSIL rATB BKST BUYS IN Bl'SlNFSq ERTY on -Ith South, opposite ff house hotel, het. Main and West ri t'- G(ixlG5 with 10-room brick Lrt. barn, at per foot; all Viiin5k taxes paid; rental Income $00 nVr r.

Thin property will double In valL1? iff hotel Is finished. iuq; Kj, INVESTIGATE. Nothing to bo ft less than $700 to $1000 per io In West on 2nd South, bet. l8t m5 West. S2JX220 feet; the best street; only $300 per fool.

dfi Almost Impossible to get as taf v' piece In business section. We cm 4 this a flrst-i-lass J7J A month, present Income, will nav aiu and thou somo. 3 -5 On 3rd near new dew $275 per foot, tnu-lrage In rear ft vl best offered for sale on 3rd South Irf 2V GREAT SNAP ON FIRST WnJ9l Near 3rd GlxlG5 $10,000. IfT east, only a stone's throw from Sid icl foot values. Can you qual It ns niT? vestment? We doubt It.

4 5 66x1 65, on 6th hot. Main andiab $110 per foot will buy this if tak SPECIAL. ST APARTMENT AND FLAT SrrL-f-1' UOxlir.S. all or half, on 1st avoStt C. All Improvement taxes paid, wrC? afi 821xS2J-ft.

corner on East 1st $1000: subject to paving lax. Jt equuled for the prlri-. 99x1-10. on Main. 1J blocks norl temple; fine view; If taken at once.jj SPECIALS IN BUILDING LOT 'r1 Vvc will sell two only.

alley, nenr Sth bet Main and' 9. at $900 each. cash. If taken this Also one or two 33-fl. lots faclniri on Sth So.

at $1300 earn; 8th So iu now being done. We wont the TO APPLY ON THIS IMPROVES hence tho great reduction In prli ti-fi BARGAIN ON NORTH BEXCPv; 5x10. on 9th for $1600. S5xl22-ft. corner, on Sth ave.

for $1900. "Wl 10x1 IS, on Ith $1200. 'ftZ Make an offer on 45x155 Gth facing east. EAST SIDE SNAPS. 37xl65-ft.

lot, near 3rd East aaf'C-i South, for $525. Sl 4UxlG5. on 3rd near Sth JJ. lOixllO on 5th East, A few lots left In Paradise, on Slh ICast 'and 11th South, at $200r and upward: $10 cash and $10 per'tttirDG Nothing their equal at price nndjE- si Call and let us show them to you.juTrt West side lots at prices to aultL purse, from $200 each and upwarfrr-1 jpifc! Beautiful homes in all parts Toft'tSv pei'erson r. e.

inv.vcot 330 South Main. 3320 Bell; 4330 Ind. Ma tap 1 llbii ,1 sra 1 tahi: ata. ariE. $5 PER MONTH.

-11 ZZZZZ! Wrf 30 lots on Bryan bet. 101 33SBy 11th South and 13th East, Some ba Stutu corners, facing west on Kith Eastj USX. tonus. First come, first served. The cheapest lots on cast bench MEEKS M'CARTNET, 10 W.

2nd South. Bell 2G22. In law WHY PAY RENT? H-H For modern homes, see us. On tf.G tagos will stand Inspection. We j- tect our In caso of bV jCJ1.1'5-or being out of employment.

For ences wo refer you to people who purchased from us. New 4-room modem brick a line lot, southeast. $2300 Tcrnui cash and balance easy A good 5-room brick cotlogeja trie lights and water In housuj cellar, lawn and trees. Lot i feet lo alley, on Capitol IIII1. easy terms.

See us at once If you Jflfpjjj a snap. ,1 A beautiful large 4-room -5 pressed brick cottage near I lflri park; lot 38x157 feet to alley; foment cellar. This place has 'iJa seen to realise Its beauty and Price. $2G50. Small cash payment balance Ilka rent.

'Wftf Fine new 5-room modern uric tage, close In on 3rd East; clmnu cement cellar and cement walks lot: can bo made Into 7-roomJ. Price. $3750. Terms, $500 cash oni ance like rent. Wo have homes for sale In alL of the city.

HOFFMAN $Sf Ell G25 W. 2nd South Street 3 aj i ENTERTAIN YOUR G. A Fftl IN A NEW HOME. Hi New 4 large 1 bungalow. S.

good car growing community Wortnl JC $500 cash, balance $30 a moutli fc. i i Almost new 4 large mati brick. S. E. AYcll built; $300, balance monthly.

rft'i 55500 5 acres land. Will pint In ci j. for you. Just cast of Wcstnr 3, Two blocks from Sugar UouW ySliu Good terms. It "See us first." Wfci J-ft J.

E. FUNK 1 Phones COS. D. F. Walker DMj A 30XG0 FT.

ROOAl7SUlTABLB wjireliouse, storage, fc fornla Bungalow Apartment Hon Wi 323 Judge building. Phones, Bel ift) Ind. 1112. QifXH FIVE LOTS ON CORNER, FENCI first-class fence, small barn, put anil shade trees. For $1225: 011 2nd I 1 close in.

Address Q-36, Tribune. TWO FINE LOTS IN I'OPLAR Gl on Installments: greatest snap cv fcred If taken this week, ceo nit 0 p. m. at 25G 7th West st. NICE IIOMK.

7 ROOMS. tlj-. pantry, bath, front and Iack located 4th East. cor. Herbert st-below 9th South: owner, 266 h.

Bell plume 4G0S-NX. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW: 3101 except furnace; $3250. $700 dow ance payments. 371 Sth ave. BUSINESS PROPERTY That will soon double.

Wo, cm i 66x165. 4th bet. Main ancL Temple, at $500 per foot. We can offer you two pieces. and Stato.

on -Ith at sue 1 prices that you can resell at a beforo you can gel your deed rea lOy Don't overlook these. UUBBAJtD INVT. ftN. 66 W. yTl.

The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.