Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls Timesi

Wichita Falls, Texas

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TUtrlftla 3Fallfl Etatra MILl TEXAl Page 15 it fZ liffl WICHITA FALLS Ti A 1 TUitDA IVININI August 4 IH4 Wj Autos For SaU Autos For Solo Autos For Solo 7-Autos For Salt Autos For Salt Autos For Solo Autos For Salt Autos For Salt WHEN USING A WANT AD BE SURE TO INCLUDE A PRICE FOR FASTER RESULTS '61 CHEVROLET Air 4-Door standard thift radio heater whir $1 lirl tinted glan IMPALA 4-Dear hardtop radios heater V-l paw rgllda air conditioned ana awn 1 885 nka Notice OUR USED VWs NAVI VOLKIWAeStTt IKCkUSIVI im WARRANTY 1963 VW SEDAN ruby red 1962 VW SEOAN many extras 1963 KARMANN GHIA air like new $2095 NO DOWN PAYMENT la OuaHfitd MILITARY PERSONNEL 11 CHEVROLET Ml Air 4 pan anger wagon V-R pwr-glida 4-doar air white tirai alia clean andltionad 2095 '63 PQ IMPALA I JDoor 31 995 IMPALA Sports Coup pawarglid 1975 $1895 He Sells Fords Whan you buy an automobile you want to do buiinett with a man who'll get you the right car at the right price and on the right terms Alio you want to know that he'll be there to help when you need lervice George Grundy ii that kind of man If you're in the market for a car and want eipecially good service come see George Or just call and he'll come see you He takes good care of his customers 0 'Bill' Waites Ford 2900 Jacksboro Hwy Phono 767-2501 1963 VW WAGON new warranty AUTOHAUS INC 2311 Jacksbara Hwy 766-0113 (TOM DANAHIR? USID CAR LOTI "THI ONLY PLACI TO RY A USED VW" Ul- HItt '61 4t CHtVROLCT gr 0 I A -OlOSItOdllt But Place Bf Ja Buy Ifoua Co a box ass phone ass-SMi BURKBURNETT TEXAS RAMILER 4-doar wag I "4" Uadard ihift air nod radio II 1 QC ter aura dean 79 fo FALCON 4-door way OA-g- itandard ihift rat 1595 ila tirai I99 CHIVY II 2 Dm Hardtop 09 Super Sport Ra- S1Q( die haater bucket taatt 1 7 i ICO CHERVROLET 4-door V-l 90 standard thill JPgr radio haater JJJ MOTOR CO lallilictiaa with tech Transaction 1200 Scott Ph 766-4175 GEORGE GRUNDY JOElltIWO utmuiui '61 PONTIAC TEMPEST I White ildawall tirai tinted glan automatic air condiliaaad A nice ana- tranimiilien I awnar car CHEVROLET 4-Doar Sadan A I conditioned I itandard ihift radio haater white Drat 1 1 1QC turauolia end white CQ CHEVROLET Parkwood 4-97 Doa Station Wagon Full power air conditioned automatic tranuniiiian Solid white a roai 5T A CHEVROLET 4-Daar Station Wagon itandard ihift white Hrai SQQC laby blua and white 779 f7 CHEVROLET lal Air 4-Daar 09 Sadan Solid white I automatic tranuniiiian 111 QC full powar factory air 9 fA FALCON Spot! Coupa Solid black wire whoali hlnrk lanthar Interior Raal howy Tip Top ihapa A FORD Fordor Sadan lane 500 Factory air automatic transmission SQQC while Hrai 779 Nothing Down If Your Credit Qualities Texas Warranty Twelve Months 11 CORVAIR 700 4-Door Sa-09 dan PowergUda radio haater alt conditioned driven only 7000 8100C actual milti IO CHEVROLET Impale 4-Door OA Sedan factory air power lairing and power broket radia haater peworglida SO(QC no awnar fcWid 11 FORD Fordor S00 Sadan Factory air radia haater power i tea ring and auto malic tranuniiiian Si QQC ana awnar 079 C7 OLDSMORILE Super 'll' 9 2 Door Holiday Pawir tearing power brakot radio haater factory air SZQC automatic tranuniiiian CO CHEVROLET liscayna 4 Doa 90 Sedan "4" Standard iMfl radio haater and white Hrai 079 MOTOR CO OeiNty UiaS Cars INI Lamar Ph MO-MI I Slack North Tlmaa tqsrara 24C0UTI0N MO INSTRUCTION OLDS F-85 4-Door Sedan Powar brakot and tearing Tinted gate Premium white aidawaN liras-Ona awnar 7900 actual mllai RAMBLER 660 4 Daar Sudan Auto malic trancminian factory air White lidawall Hrat Low milaaga Ona owner Vary clean '62 CHEVROLET H-len Pickup V-l itandard shift Cuitam cab tinted glan Clean law milaaga ana awnar '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA Super Sport Slick ihift ladle haater White idawall tiroi law milaaga One awnar QUALITY VALUE USED CARS ltl FALCON Sprint I aula-" malic radia I1QQC and htalar Lika naw 73 SUICK 4-Door LaSobra 'AO OSMOIILE 4-Door Hard-top Air (19QC and powar I99 PLYMOUTH 4 Dear Fury CADILLAC Coup Villa 11 PONTIAC Catalina 4-Door Automatic $1 CQC and haater 1 979 TEMPEST LaMani -Door 326" ladia SlOQC and haater 1079 TEMPEST 4 Dear "324" '60 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-Door Automatic transmission powar brakot tearing and factory air '59 FORD GALAXIE Fordor Hardtop Tulana point while lidawall tiroi A vary clean car 57 CHEVROLET Station Wagon White lidawall Hrai Tinted glan Automatic tramminien Hunt out goad MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Sea DuH Iceland Finish High School AT NOME In spare time tent far-nlilwd Dlplnmai awarded Law monthly aaymmli Far tree baeklat write A marl-can School Box 01 Wichita Falls TaxM or phana 1274711 L'S CIVIL SERVICE TESTS! Mm-wcman 10 52 Start high ll 102 weak Fraparatary training until ap-pamtad Thousands a I I obi spm Experience usually unnarnsary FREE Inter matlnn an lobs Mlartes require minis Write TODAY living noma entires! and phone Lincoln Service hex No 15-M Cara Timm and Record Nows 74 MCDONALD'S 109 I I SCOTT 767- 8 811 -Honor Irvrling Moving 19-SPECIAL NOTICES 25-HELP WANTEU MALE HOUSE LEVELING Bracing Foundations Build and repair parches Fraa m-limales Harvey Raid 747-1524 KIWANIS wants your old furniture opplL men clothes anything usable leave 117 Indiana call 227-7100 372 4052 Pmate Shag apm Tuesday through lalurday North Tain Crlpplad Chlldrm No Down Payment IRiiinlrv SrrviiT I NEEO mm tear naan to earn SMS to MOO a month Call Mr Upborn 122- INI STkir TWO-BEDROOM Automatic woiher All gai Many axtrai Sat at I Comer Carl's Trailer Marl anafll IfM 6MC TRUCK-TRACTOR Mpaed tranuniiiian l-iaad axle Wait coast Ii mirrars tilth wttaal and tanks A good blgjruck Wf JUdwall CMC 7S7-252L i INI JEEP Mattl tag Good tirai Na 4-whaat drive 1745 Kidwall CMC 27-1511 1 1F5I INTERNATIONAL i-tan truck Flat A ml good buy IM Kidwall CMC 717-2521 FAMILY Ironing Reasonable roles Fx-4172 or 112 5774 per lone (d Fkk up and dallvery SIS-1 1545 I MAN WANTED IN ACCORDANCE with tha will at tha CASH IN minutes tar your mad Mobile late Ed Hollyftald at El Dorado Arkansas Hama Call Carl Calhoun 222-41 77 jnatici Is haraby glym at me aslaMIshmml inofKi it riaraoy grvm mi asiaomnmmi Unacparled change lunNiwa um si am im im I tuw9 vacancy In mu aita Splendid at THE ED HOLLYFIELD SCHOLAR- NON NOwn! 5i I opportunity ter yaa around Income 9fe BU1CK Le Sabre Hardtop Cauix1 land- 2095 CHEHVOLET 4-door Bel A i standard shift 6-cylinder 80(ff air conditioned 9f FAIRLANE "SOO" VFeO Station Wagon V-8 4-door radio heater automatic transmission Power steering 89 907 almost new ePe RANCH Wagon 4-U door radio heater white sidewall 8 1 1 Cl 7 tires extra clean A a mIJ mn CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-door V-8 radio healer Pnwerglide while side-wall tires 8C1C1 7 NICE tJeJtl s9 CHEVROLET I -RP pala Sport Coupe -radio hoaler power steering power brakes factory air 1895 9429 CHEVROLET Bel Air Rlnw1 4Door radio heater heater whitewalls extra ex- clln 1595 Power i power brakes radio heater glistening white with 8 1 1C1 7 red interior 9XA CHEVROLET 4-door Bel Air radio heater standard transmission white- fi Cl 7 walls 9 9 CHEVROLET Bel 7T Apply IJI0 Tenth 15-MOBILE HOME SPACE Notice SHIP FUND as a tom fund to lid needy deserving ministerial ttodmli anroikd In Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Far further Information write Director of Admissions 100 East Twenty toy with Slreal Austin Taxes 71701 1 S-fANTEO AIITOS TRUCKS IRONING dona In my home Nice work Ftrk up and dallwy SIM dorm 055-0NJ light lluuiiiig Dclivrry DESIRABLE Fancad Large concrete oallo Water ntusa dlipeial paid Gas 00 Kentucky 407 Austin 747-0210 FREE TOP PRICEI tor lata ctaan can Sea Strathar and AAllte Motor Company 140F I Scott 714-4171 21-PLACES TO DINE WE MOVE pianos and aH kinds of orpU ancm and furnltun cad John Foslw N1-4J72 JOE PISTOCCO AUTO SERVICE Actom tha Strait tram tha MORE MORE readers maka Hi TIMES did RECORD NEWS WANT ADS produce BEST rasuili Fhana 7171X1 anil l'HMrliiinging SHETLAND PONY With SADDLE BLANKET 4 RRIOLi Na ObligaHan-Jait Raglilar it BIRGE MOTOR CO IMF Jacksbara Hwy Sixth anS Trivia Phaaa JM-teJl Faattee-Cadlltec-Tampast Aathvliad Dollar I7-L0DCE NOTIcF GENERAL palm controctlng 17 yean In Wichita Fells Roteroncas All work gua rantead 11115 Ctrl Taylor SHEETROCKINO toping bidding! "tea 22-RECREATION RESORTS HUNTING LUSES FHE RtSULlb ARR BIO JktSI PHONE i toning painting papvhanglng Fraa astl-'MllS AD-VISOR" AT 7474X1 malm Work guirmtead Priced ramon- T-AUTOS FOR SALE Government Employes Finance Corporation LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE JACK WALUCE 1102 Sheppard ACCOM Read Wkhlto Falla Taaaa 721-1422 bla 7I7-55X In answering a Timm and Record News Bex Numbv-bx certain you write the correct number and have addroesed your reply prapwiy-axemple: Box No Sl-li cart Timrs and Record Nuwi 6'ichiLi Falls Tcxai lncwrwlly xddrmiod repum may not be delivered STUOEN rC-Port lime MEfT Need4 mm to wvk ovmtngi 4 to IX Trxnspvtetten furnlsbeO Apply Art ocher la 5iJ0 72M Eighth Welder Layout Men MANUFACTURER of Ollwell ivvldng quiumml needs trst e'en wekler layout mm la expand mmutaclurlng laciK Itias Call Gantry 7044201 coda 17 tor Intwiaw Soulhwast WaHmg Come any 515 5lsco Wtchlli Fills Taxes FIRST CLASS distribution lineman ter work In Wichita Falls arm 74 3402 URGENTLY nrrdad Two first dam body man Plenty at work Excel lint working conditions Group Insurance plan Paid vacation Contact Char Its Gorbatt al Wallas Fwd 200 Jacksbvt Highway Fhona 7477501 7-AUTOS TOR SALE WICHITA FALLI COMMAND-RY Na 5 Knlghli lamplv vnrk RH Tamp la ISO Kemp Ivd CommandV Albart Road Jehnnte Haney Rp Muter Phone 742-4011 Hated conclave lint and third Thurw SWIMMING pool mambvihlp Waslam Him Saabkia Club Call 41-404 alter 111 MODEL A Ford In good condition 1010 Tenth A pari man! A day Air Force Personnel No Down Payment 11 YEARS or aWar You can purchase tram Harrison Motor Company with no down payment Large sated ion at can 1410 Sheppard Accm Road 77 CN4 Open Til FAINTING taping bedding dry wall malm Wvk guaranteed Homar Wood 714-1140 PAINTING lapaing bedding dry wall work Fraa estimates Country Club bet orencos Max 747-114 bobby 144 Siding Insulating INI FAIRLANE 500 11000 mites ona awnar luxury small down 152 monthly Tillman 745-121 1 11-AVIATION BPO ELKS IIOL INI NmtR mmtlngi tint and Tuesdays each month Flaagm Exalt Dickson sacra laryi Fvcy Fhllllpi Trcamrar -flMikkrrping Typing I nr OHIO Tax Serviri iNI BUICK Special 4-door ledan Extra nice 51000 mile car Whitewall Hrai I FOR RENT INI Charakaa 110 IFR 5115 Kidwall CMC Truck Silas East aauippad Highly malntelnad You tumteh Scott and Hinas the pilot wa furnish the plan IAS 111 mph with got end oil tor SI 5 per hour Municipal Airport 121411 Down NO DOWN PAYMENT JkNY USED car on our bit thli lift Quality Meter Company 704 ON monln East Scott BOOKKEEPING sarvlca typing and auar teriy report at your attics mine FAITH LODGE KO 1151 A AF1AM 1501 Kamp Bout- a 64 tvard 0 747-noi jflm 1 Louis Smith Jr WMi Estei Liscmm Karra tarv Rasloanf fata Liscmm Secretary Rasldmt $20 $27 Month OVER 50 good mod cars 1401 down Dm A Georg Motor Company 2500 Jicksboro Highway 7474545 140 BONANZA Mirk ADF naw painl curlaint Rotating 52-441 FOR SALE 143 Ford Falcon V-t radio floor ihift Tudor 15400 mllw Si 450 Phono 322-577 EXPERIENCED typist would Hk to do typing In my home Ralarancas 41-4174 FREE ESTIMAfES wKtellred ranting (modeling Insulation Asbestos siding ft years axpvlanca Work guarmtasd Dovvs 322-745 ROOFING Labor meivtels turnlshid Romonibla Fraa mtimalm Sailslactlon guarantaad Any lira lob accepted Fhona -NEED AN axpvlancad mm to apvate 122 4234 comp lata watt astabiisnad upholslvy shop 1 (seal covars awnings furniture) equipped Riverside LumlM'r Company iwttn tables mvhlnes henchmlwouitf WHY FAY man whm you cm pay ennsutar an asuKlat Write box 51-M Ima ter rooting tiding general contract clr Tlnsm and keenrd Nows 115 Lea call tor Mr INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER tractor INI OLDSMORILE Exctltent condition S13V5 700 Van Burm 721-4441 tala-i phana 747-7715 Friday July 11 Dirk Monday Augual 1 7 pm ximlntions llnileliliK liriil 1EA and FC degrac Tuesday August 4 pm Stated moating Candidate training Monday August 1 7 pan fourth (action CALL RAGLAND-CONE INI FALCON Wagon on ownv Ukt now 511 monthly Nothing down Jack Tillman 744-121 141 VOLKSWAGEN Radio heater white side wall liras Taka up payments Ill Elite Burkbumatt 544407 LUMBER COM PANY ter your building and rapair naads Wa cm furnish reliable cvpan-tars painters and roofsrs Fraa aslimafas Bauart Hmdm and soma unmentionables All going at wholesale prices! Call Harry 7214772 SPITFIRE "4" 144 TRIUMPH Excellent condition Radio haater Ramavabla hardtop soft top 52200 takat Call ownv 723-105 TAK YOU Rcholcil5r CliavToIrt-or 155 Dodge Both In good ihip 744-1014 142 VOLKSWAGEN Mdin tar ute trad Low mlteaa 1-ownar Like naw Financing arrangtd 744-1444 ni-7ll nlghls cell 3-457 Wichita nsechnnk Must bo test good end depart- Falls Texas enrod an tell modal tractors Good lob furnished 40 months to pay Including I i tv dwmdabla mm 1425 per month niiiii H-wu tssLteis I noot-iNto jig pouna square hds to UT7IU miterlaM Fhona IB-5475 Rag ''giiaranlm Write Box 7 HVIU Okl 9 9 Air V-8 convertible radio heater Powerglide white sidewall 8fifl-7 tires like new 9 CHEVROLET 4 door 9 9 Bel Air 6-cylinder standard (1 7 transmission OPEN 1111 a PM Sm tha PaHawIns Salesman: PETE PETERS JOHN WOOD ED SMITH 0 "Bill" WAITES FORD 2900 JACKSBORO HIGHWAY PHONE 767-9258 a Company 715 Indl- i Ooe 'Ii llM I call MU IJXs 15 EXTRA CLEAN mad can Prkod 5175 to SS5 McClure Brothers ISIS Eighth 7234772 UJOKINU Frill JOB? 154 FORD Final Craam puff S5 Nothing down Will tlnanca Tillman at 744-1101 I'M GOING to collage In New York this fall "Fv brooking my heart and taking way my 111 Vmpa you may buy an airline ttekit lor my lournoy" 42-1 Chi I-1 Potimile Sutter Chlri kabban Orest 327-7500 C- A MuoMborgar Assistant Rrbbatt Hal Cyar High Priest and Prophet: MORE circulation MOR laadcra i Guy Holcomb Jr Ortentel Gunte: make tha TIMES and RECORD I Claud Vaughn Treasurer: A Pointing 137-5745 Spowts Rocordv and land-Cana Lumbv MARTIN NOBY ROOF I NO homes new roots NEWS WANT ADS praduc BEST CONSTRUCTION All' SHte'il SlTVil'fB COMPANY Custom Ruin I remodsllni repalri1 Chain Link FenCC 157 CHRYSLER Saratoga Air conditioned Power brake staving windows and mis Good liras Phcna 524544 i NO MONEY DOWN l4t-l5 modali SN-50V5 Dudley Motor Company 1410 Jacksboro 747-7012 157 CHEVROLET 24oor ipart coup Raal nica 1405 Gray Fox 723-4544 rasuili Fhona 7474X1 i Train tv 5 Civil Svvlca lasts So i rusiacr a our 0 under ''tducillon and Instruction" asllmetes 414443 344-IHI AAK Fine Lint0n taPlhd SOMETHING new of Singer Let rielp you artth your sawing moos Covered 1 bolls rowed bultens builmhotea ilppv I Am InOKinn Insiallallon loom tlnlsh with ilg-Mg' stitch applique OMlgns 24 hour sareka -FOR A SALESMAN to help mi in my Singar Sawing Canter 31 Indiana hutlnass Lang hours hvd work and a NEED A carport go age ream addition remodeling i heetrocklng painting cabinets siding built up composition root? Free estimates terms Work guv-onloed Henry Boyles 01-1511 KEMP LODGE Tenth STREET KEMP a am BUNEN ST 142 CHEVY II Air conditioning and accessories Excellent condition 1125 424711 IN TIME tar school md summer fun Sllwr Pigeon Motor scooter Good condition 1125 7234044 A JOSEPH A A Ng ixr af -IrAXAND VAN XjuXtlwM 121-414 listed fSSf 'ing 1st and Ird Thursday Visltlig drat firm and Sheppard Air Fvca Rosa Rrathrm are cor- 15 CHEVROLET 2-dosr hardtop Black with black nougahyde Interior "140" angina 1 7234757 SE "m1 KESWAYDAN tar a nice clean wad car 110 to 144 modal i no down paymanr will laki trada 747-1445 151 0LDSAA08ILE Hardtop coupa moot Air conditlonaO Pewv brakv radio haater 575 Kldsvfll CMC 7474521 PLASTERING Stuccoing and patching Baaulily your harm with grkkrita tha plaslvad brick vanav Plantar boxes and llrcplacas mad to vdar Oawayn Cook 713-SIX FOR 154 Cushman Eogl motor scooter Roctnt over haul 54-1334 140 HONDA "Ortem" niatarcycte 243ce I Jtelly lovllad School I Inslruclien Mon-Six Cnnterf Leonard Dickerson so 'day through Thursday night Fwor School Third TIMM I Wednesday night Wvk In FC Degrac Tuesday July 7 pm Stated mooting I'lirnatlo-Kullitiil liinlallulitm 73EZT 140 THUNDERBIRO Full power and air conditioned Good whitewall tiros Now battery naw plugs and points Raal Sell trade 5145 Bill Otter 1717 Fifth 151 CHRYSLER Windsor Power brikas Itving and air Cvnv Folk and Tjh-nar Land 221 Ttlunir Thursday August A pm Meeting I LjEB 'caiTEEL Clvl1 D- JnrwnfwwW Cell epprovid Only I tett 1175 each afterwards to discuss plan concerning M1414 F0 Burk bur nail regularly 145 vil-ua Call Mr Frwnan 541441 Mf-lH4 naw addition la lodge room Fvry I Wright Secrataryi Ran McCleary WJi Charlie 731-1214 Child 13-fOR RENT CARS TRUCKS TRAILERS PUBLICj0flg 127 BUICK 1-door sad in pv cent rtstved 5400 42-515 142 BUICK canvvlJbte Auto- malic air condltlonod White with rad COJIVAiS yonti P'rtej 000 ntirior wall carad tor 137-4100 mites-U monthly Call Jock Tillman 744-2101 151 FORD Exceptionally clean LICENSEO nursary and play school Supervised wvk and play 111! Twelfth Phone 71 445 711-4411 Custom Intwlw 100 So It tonight alter 1 1112 Eleventh 723-44 EMPLOYMENT WICHITA Falla LOdga I1A AF A AM 711 a I 7444141 Staled moving test and third Fridays at month 7X pm School at Instruction Mindly Tuesday and PJib Flaw school Thursday 7X Al RENT A naw campv traitor sloops A S50 pv woe Kidwall GMC Truck Salas Opm HI I pm East Sect! and Hinas 747-251L RENT a'piCKUP truekriaap" ortrall-v by th how day week KWwall GMC Truck Salas East Scott and Hinas 747-2X1 RENT AN apm read campv ter your gen I An Will I UBU umgfr nr pw 8 PICKUPS TRUCKS VACANCY Lkansad axpvlancad Da-pandabte Intents to 4 yams Oay-nlghts IMS Vktvy 1 dnvs alt Holliday 747- 64 15 FORD STATION wagon I cylinder Standard shift Good tirai 1345 Twins Trada 42-4111 4007 Faathvston Daugherty 1N2 OLDSMORILE Hardtop Coupa loaded an ownv 10 down 1225 Slav ms FOUR SPACES Gvden of Pava Nov 'Tillman's 744-2101 15 CHEVROLET El Camtna pkkup Standard shift 4-cyllndv motor Real buy 175 Kidwall GMC 747-1521 HMf (tyg tviuwgis wmtet pmp-rm pm Mmitori Kl vrptd tp ptlpnd VISIT NANCY'S KINDCRGARTPN AND tori wticomt SpKlil invIfafRott la AFB PLAYSCHOOL 1S11 Roik SSR-2S06 A wyiwfiwi bimaibi niviibmiri iq pxrx MM UM elWng -1 Ml 11963 CORVAIR coup f7O0 miln 14000 1 fa" I SS pr vfvtfc and up or rant brtthran Friday Auouif 7 pm wparata buUdinr cantraliy located Frailer I iu mm ear yurrintu will hm tramlTrad wpi piCKWiiB mu ciwr and furniOi (ha dicIiijb 1 Ifitcd (MimingitiM and vtiMlgilM UCIOSN 1 mila naw car warranty will Pa Iramfarrad JLJii iSL camper and tel us furnish tea pickup staled communication and presentation Licensed YLil! Tlx pP ckw ward md te xuottws ra-7i--ii 141 Z' BABYSITTING chenrt to advancement Call 721-IJI5 a la 5 GOOD POSITION to axpvlancad app'k anc salesmen- paid xecaHon rw flremenl profit shoring plan group in- 1 suranca banal its Guaranteed draw plus commission xcailenl appvhmily to ighl man Apply In person to Mr Van Knight Montgomery Ward Gamatvilla Texas Inaxpwiancad naad net apply CLEANFR and spatter naadad Fxper-lane nacaisary Must bl sobv Call PA S-110 Mineral Walls coltocl BARBER wanted Fad-Mart Bvbv Shop iSnap ate to sal teas 721-XsO i Bug Hall EXPERIENCED welders and shop hato-I vs Apply In person only Wlctoi WM mg Manufvtving Company till Shag-I pard Access Pood WELDERSTiEEDEir I PREFERABLY axpvlancad in tanks and pressure vassal work Apply 0 am pt attic on Old Burk Road Panhandle Steal Products Company I WANTED Full tima svvk Italian attendant 4 nights per week pm te am Must be expenancad mo know tea town well Apply SCO Austin Fuller Brush Company 42-441 All ROUNO reliable mechanic Plenty at wvk pc' cent labv and 54 pv 'rent Cdl Wfstude Garage WEb-sto 700 Chltdrass Taxes COLLEGE sladent with O'stting ability I to pvt full tima drolling in local ate -i tc during Boianca of tummv Can Tfte VII to appointment ActtM East era Hlnes 771521 to buyer 2413 Taylor 72S406 WE ARE SELLING our companion a ypl in Crestvlaw Mausoleum this week A 1 754 CHEVROLET Stendara shift Goad I 2417 50 value tv SI1S5 All casts nr condition 1401 Christina Phan 747-4012 1 5400 down and 15 month- Call Dm 322-103 Chambers 747-0144 FORD Gilaxie automatic ana 154 GMC W-TON pickup Long bed Good tirai 45 Kid well GMC 747-2521 In my hem Day a pvt to Iha past year Olficlai vill at weakly Expmlancad In child car 42-: Brother Jack Cross Dlslrkl Dauuly sue XX)1 Abbott 1 i of the 0(te Masonic Dlslrkl of Taxas i -TT- I Gan A Baker WMf Luce Sacra MBS CURTS Car af Children 1X7 itary I Twalfte Expvianced Dependable and goad reterancas Com by any lima WILL CARE to small child" hi my horn to wvking motev 1217 Sun Valtey IBM JOBS WITH FUTURES AWAIT! MOBILE HOMES TRAVEL TRAILERS CAMPERS 15 owner $XA Will tlnanca Jack Tillman 4-PUNS AND BIDS HOUSE TRAILER pulter 154 Ford CnB aw angina 2-tpd gall 5-spaad transmiulon good running condition 551 Kidwall GMC Truck Sate 77-1521 142 GMCVi-TON pkkup! 4 splO trns-mlision WM bid Brand now liras 51X5 Kidwall GMC 747-2521 1 LOtT French Orlva 774141 Bwkburnstl Taxis I Phon WILL REEF children my honio Nignti 747-7571 ii Iowa Fwk 57-555 FOR SALE Trellv 2-ftoy 1- FOR SALE by vmw 141 OMsmcMI i F-05 Adoor detox sadan Factory Ur THE SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE Pewv stewing 1M00 actual mites EXCHANGE Is offwlng ter sola on rath Ownv transferring to Europe 2450 station wagon pickup ard route van Bids till will "whwe is" conditioned Radio RE WARD-Last 2 Bird Dw vicinity oi tha Univvslty I "THl' ti Air Fri Base Ey 1 15 FORD Air Mat- puppies In BABYSITTING Eldwlv lady Own 747-172 pgrtalten Fwnuh references Call 77 4141 PREPARE only I te 11 weeks to a brighter mors serurf lulur as Camptemaiv ipvaiv C'vk-Typist FlimgPacepHonlst IBM Oparnter Fraa Placament ervx low tuition Day night day Call now -Sav money Terms if desired WlAUCHON COLLKGK bad room lq bate IT inbntely 4 'no Rally Strait Burkburnatt 54 IX 144 'x TON PICKUP wide bad IRQ r7r7isrmnnrT71atiita I gas ax LB VI lllllWm fwlr nOTliff tWTH panw COm Fesf twvkt Cmtact Cart rthaun tu LOST GIANT unawtely monster I tall II seen notify Dr Salon Wichita' Theatre Do not try te capture 1 Irai'v to raU' 'mrnesim Smnu FiMmora 21-li2 I part las should contact th Exchange of- 15 On loaOaO pgics Building T-2A Sheppard FS jjy monthly No doxxn payment Jack hor Wkhltc Fills Texas PhoraiM' Tlllmtfl TtullOI h71 to Into motion Sailed bids will be rn (itiiirn'lr Brick Work 5 TRAY 0 from T14 Ar0ateWniteand 1 FOR CONCRETE worb tevalln houses rindle mite English Sulidag Wem 1 end foundations undw old houses call about 5d Fwtlilly bHnd Reward aftvod Clark 121-fllA Fhana 747-2t7 7I7-24X CONCRETE storm catiart Mvaachat! 1015 Lamar 141 CHEVROLET to-tsn pickup Wide I bod Raw bumoar Haater and da-1 Raal good S144L KMsxaM GMC 1 WEEK ONLY KCipted until 4 pm 7 August 144 it: rprrts OWKIFR he Exchange Office Building T-X Equip- 4 JlCEU I Uif lrl6 nmt may b( Inspected my weekday MJ Mylrk v-l Mack and radi7MS21 priv tp 1 pm 7 August 104 teatev kitvtor bucket Mats now long frosiar WvtO 3 BEDROOM 1l8iwt1ti Fully gquipped 51X5 515 down trad tor LOST German Sheohcrd btece and wants drives porctwt aching basa I lira Fx reliant condition 7474571 IV- MI BMC PICKUP Fvftct mechanical nymmg' AtoXte Hama Sates 7411 ulvvVicintty Laka WiChita Sunday manta Houston any tima day 1 i condition Fv sal or trad 1107 Four- FMm CtU rryoti i morning Reward UI-VH eight 723-12X feenth 747-1044 29-HELP WANTED FEMALE Business Urgently Needs Mature Women Ages 1855 EXCELLENT condition 1 'yv 10 IINEDDtNG ring tett In rest room PETE pvenas stalky tiros Viva- MONZA i 154 CHEVROLET Usdan van body truck mgoiig noma 2 badraom l'y Duncan Motel Station Highway 12 Say- ways patios floors curb Largs small IV1 WIlLM Good liras Ciaan Runs good S55 IvHy CM l7te4 imour Fndsy Rawvd attvad Call col- Caok wuli 141 Lika naw Prlc iKshMlwfll GMC 747-2521 kcl Mrs Irby Peak SW S-M74 Luboock ATTRACTIVE waitress teal con done Good pay appiy parson Th Ember 300 last Jcoi attv 10 am I If COLUMBIA house traitor to sate i i trade turn! shad Etectrk brakes goad to 155 So at Murphcy Motor Company 401 Scott 222411 152 CEMENT and Mr banvnw warn Wabs curbs spc-ojchas slabs patios mw i to vning Dowayn Cook I INTERNATIONAL Bobtail 5 tranimissian 2 spaad raor and Mato Hrn Oklahoma' Ikons Retlntshad 19-SPECIAL NOTICES 1 1X MERCURY with air 025 Nothing I lust Como lately twnautod le 544-2455 nd tut 1454 Ren Davis 415 North dawn Call Loran Btevlnt Tinman's 7S4- 54-l5 Ath strul W(urUia Oklahoma 111 1 HUTO REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES i WHILE YOU kwkmg to Idaai lab to you don't overlook th Waal 1 nursery tv your children Visit Nancv'a 1 Kindergarten and P-ax school 1211 Folk Many bus mas proto mature woman mlxt a now saturate building can-I)raiM-riM AltrrRliona las rvapttemsts Stenograanara book- mcrag kaapars IBM Opwaters Compiomler DRESSMAKING sowing (T aH kinds Operators te test a lw snurf warns LAUNDRY HELP Umutmaking Specialising In renovation aiiwalton cos-' you can propv to pleasant work V-0 DOOGE pkkup Real 141 Chcvrqlat Supv sport 4-' on good liras (55 kidwall GMC I -r Ntw Hrat 1 747-2511 DUMP TRUCK an lilt naul back ho Ball togatev separata 52-515 Iowa Pvk Clean and tett Maka after 41544 WHOLESALE AOS publithad In tha Wichita Falla Timas and Reccrd Naws va rp Ruvad te moat evtein standards at ccapi ability and cantidarabi Ima and tftot va axpandad ovary day AUTO SERVICE attar -Vv-dOHNSON'S -'3 Mrady guaranteed motar aacnang I -cay 1125 SQUARE FEET AND MOBILE! THREE-BEDR0044 1-i baths Living room 22lk FEET long AND family room dan 22 FEET long' la tin unbaltevabte ham TODAY! WICHITA MOBILE HOMES --3 tostaH'ion" MO niakes and models avail-! 0bte Nelhlng dcsxn 74 months te pay Motor vices begin at Frag n't- 141 FORD GALAXIE XL "500 110M S5 FORD 0 '-j-ton pickup Runs gecd C0Rata Towing sarvlca 204 Scott Ml- actual mites Autemaek transmission lnUH Kidwwtl GMC 747-2521 -'mi floor With air 12400 Call I Hanson 52-540 and A Gasrga 51-417 141 FORD VwTON pickup Ona mwivi lumas Mrs Sprawls 3233 Bread 747-0114 detiraoto surroundings tupptemom your ywo PANTS vets operators Lady to In rr bw-l income Gel mve eut of Ute r00r Fae Uniterm and Llnan MOWFvFPwJTto toenlna I Klwlriral SfVIlTR Inouif today Jobs watting 15 cairn par IM0 tura Pood Cl flMK HOWEVER du te Bia inoraasmg graduate) Frog placeman! tarvKi Phan Dnntn call to lPpoo fro booklet No OP UateRte -ciLie r- USE classified ads sasSt Cofe nunHwr of ads bong attend each day many of team to knmadiai intvftan tt Is possibi mat occasionally a cuastwnabte ad will ascaaa our ndka READER0 Wh note an astvartisa-mant which teams te be out at Hna IMPUKTAVT: Check ei V-0 Runs and teaks Mka new 4 lirat 0M CMI 53-101 122-5774 with goad advertising fttucs pra requested ta call same te th at tent on of the Tanas and Record News Classified Advertising Manager Timas Square 747-1301 140 CHEVROLET 1 tan truck DuM whaels flat bod Ctton 0105 KWwall 'GMC 747-2521 FOR YOUR transmission parts pnd svsn W-4m Ni try Mason's Motor wfc 1104 iriPt 747-7421 CLASSIFIED ADS gt baton leaving an that trip Russan Kt-cc 1104 E-gnm I 747-7751 704 East Scott Oechsner Electric seer the (ird day it ippe-arg Ip cvfRl af cr-ar rIprw call immcdiaicly la have It rar-rcctrd SO CLAIM WI1L BE AIXOWEU 6 OK MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION 1X CHEVROLET 1-ten truck Wadi like NEW 55'x'O Madrasm All gat fra-tar pull wrecker molding machin automate watnor Over SXdO aqutty fro 153 Chevrolet Hardtop naw v-0 mater lu1t taka ever payments Horse pi Carrs tttf sniff lent condition 157 USE CLASSIFIED ADS i THEY GET RESULTS CONTRACTING Electrical wiring L-grlmg Flxluros Wostlngnousa -rigaraters Bongos end Hot Water Heaters and Small ApoUancas nnn tiatfi mas rapair aR mokai of appilancaL Wracking Yard 700 ftonod mob I hom*os A i 4 OD'- e- Ftwna 723-01 1 Pmrtoars 10 phana 231 Etecfrp Fork to Mobil Nomas Prop rad ter '3 Ninth ftroaf I silanaante grQ BROOK occupancy- 723-1537 122-010 723-2031 i 771-471 PQR THE bast auto air cmditionv tone- GranT fe'-talL1 iTHEY GET RE5ULT5 15 GMC teten p-ckup good will sail FOR LEASE gurchsd-Nw air condl- excel Tra-ter Mart V-0 7 Poor standard good ---v pvw pm run lexk Forked in Shady trada Douglas Rood I Texas Sutil't sad FORD REFRIGERATED condition Vv 0100 Cali 42-1744.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.