THE FINEST ALES OBTAINABLE ID I too in IM 1 3 IS WoworV rlrdliunr, at Wa norm. Pklmw'aOAii-in Aim XaoUi liukon, atS HndSoa1blniawrao sand Hthr(. SrPonTlIatid Ka.NO.PnKo.oon, It ll ISPomall ami Ka.uu Onlhiarr.Ajn 7s Od HtMUthtaaMraM IS Onsl Woolo. Oo Itonr at Khb, Vatot ok Ai fall IH AlkknOrthaiT (() Sim. Ptrtorottao )D0 lor ISvansoi) Mbsm TtonuU and Bnuu ifaLat ltl Holton ihdtauT.
at IIH ft eoikt Lo rsiriicHouanOo, ottw wsatod 30 XtalvilN. and Ito. Sham, a void 31 Varlor aad On. (Smuim) Hharn 3 Onwu Ehuii HSom-natos voatod Hum lion How 1(0 HIithiw 1 HITS JSbbir Viiiv iftMty ul, iVimmOnli BMMIw Oil OfiVSiNIMIK Tto. Tnt.
A I it. IT. virtu a os. asm: i lnlmiatlutiil Oaid 5 StUtarswl ClnySu. Ujte 1W NialnOa lUwin IW.
UN Smot limn is Do. FsitlriniUm KorthbHsvIssUendiillknr tv. rs. tow. Pt a Ik tie TtoM.net- lllirmiisr Im 1)0.
Xav h5 ifwVS-i IVailMar ImiSllosI no. no a ikmlnln a Itol. I A rnrfSmms AtossBiln Do. '( BPnS, IN itany Onrtiia Duck NtoM MaMIMseivCld. Ilu.
Sims CrsE IS IMia) K. Wl WiuiMi 3 ButDnr tsusinr ww. ism- llinlin IWID TnuuMva I CMrSlrf HrflMsS 4S (-iinllfr WnrtuiiPBSi linn, IS rtoutml nrtrtns Dock EC OMtarWremA W. lluwokaO. Uu.
IM. Du. Pralaraua II --I Mi. tuii IU IlSfti Dre Itoak lUtarSMiak II Momieuartnia Dims I0 4fM ga a Canadian fsoifios unchanged; UruidTruobi oMottlod, tha Guaranteed Stook okmiu hotter and Prefe i to i lomr Mexican Bait-way jirnfc l-W needed wliil tb Seoonds improved Argentina Linaa hi deinand Rosarios up 4, Ruanoa Ayres Paoiflo Itebun-tum and Aiganliiw Wait ditto 1 Central Uruguay Debenture! alto rose 2. Mexico Inter-Ooeanio ditto 1, Nitrate Union Bank of Amtralin roe of Airies and South Weitern improved Oon-olidatad English, Soottiah, and Australian raoadad A Queensland National In aiiwellaneoui Sydney J.Ktmsberg Coal Second lVrf fellS.
International Finanoisl Debenture! Banfiew' Trait Deferred, Buenos Ayres Harbour Certificates, and HnllDooka 1. Industrial General Trust Pwf and Eblnr I Vale Rhyiunoy Iron Altopp 1 lower Gae-4igbt A and South Australian Land advauoed 1, Si. Felenburu Water, and Aui-tralian Mortgage Land New Nor den felt f. Telegraph, unchanged. In AI iniiig Sliarua Tintoi reoeded UrowR Keefe firmer at 0J, Jubilees Don Pedroe weaker at 1 Auitralian Broken Hills nloaud Ale TRAFFIC RETURNS.
IjfOUBABBfc Khymney, 1,071 Taff Vale Railway, North British, ljoudou and North Werteru, 9,005 Greet 'Weitern, Midland, Caledonian, ALancliesier, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, Giaqeuw and South Western, 1.548; Great Northern, 8,383 London and South Western, 07 Cheshire, 050 Grand Trunk of Canada, 11,648 Pembroke and Tenby, 8. Djcorbabiu. Great North or Scotland, 45 London, Brighton, and South Coast, 365; North Eastern, North Staff ord-ihire, 504; Hull and Barnilay, 158; tendon, Chatham, and Dover, 599 Great Kaateru, Khondda and Swansea Bay, 16; Cambrian Railways, 21; Brecon and Merthyr Railway, 881 North Loudon, 138, NEW ZEALAND BUTTER. WB HAVE A 80OD BBLECTIOV OF tKGS AND BOXES Of tha Finmt Quality out of LoatAcrind. ALBO ABOUT 150 PACKAGES Oood, Useful BDTTEB, FROM B5S.
UIFOOTEHS Of GLASS. UUHXISO AXI LUBiUCATCfO OILS BU8SIAH AND 6IINKKAL Omi-N. BL-TMiBKET. EXCELSIOR WHISKY. 11 fRMIn of Bind id Kquolt, if it don not ourpau, sny bnnd before the puUio." Britah Jimui.
OAMOT. nWawiiuao "tuaM.Uauivh" P.O, Totouhone, Xo, 31,1 euxWia SO Norllrii Ordliwr, Hhom dm Bhreiaaf Etonaun Okrth 131 nDiLHU-dlni Ban, I im. Dobnuin 1 BkonddaU fl war la b. Stook Nurth). Otdinar jr 3 Biiual ond Won of EhSlud Baaki, it IIKs EWiw Vatoeham.
astM aaddhMmhioaoa-MniM IONoi tonal Ikwk oC Wotoo Shim, at ITIf Ikirr, Alio tutu to nofOUotad, mss J.JRNRY J. JHAJNGER and BETT0N flarCB. VAUGHAN, and COH HOOK AND MIIAHN HIlOKMtA 45, BIUH-in-UKlfr, NBWPvjRT, NON, MrekoM Me. Piuimsa, urn havb Burisns op Noathh PWfaaiwMt W. mb.nukaaditoio.al Slid smo Uraaou mhI Uorltan IlaUwtr A ai Ml South Wain nolnu Hank.
Anroioouuti Itorr, AltMiuonto Mdaon Waoun Udikn Mkann I lioedm aad Piartortol Han a. at AH fa td ORboaddri omlBinooaaBarDoUatiiro.atlllJl I BUrmnav Inn 3 p. itohooem taMoekaPtolirnun ai All Ito Sd AlOracan erWiaaltErebaatatliiiikbiiofOpaaiaK-ap ttn Aisoef BaarTrela sEmeM list writs Atan fee frlca Lists tad Tarma of thee Kaeowaad Alas. They ceaunaud a hags trad wbswvn fatesdmd EVERT FACILRT IDS TIADC AXO LIBESAL TCKM9 0F7ESBD. ADVERTZSINO AND ALL REQUISITES TREK 1UN I BY ova financial KDiroa.
CARDIFF, WamuBnAr. The local market ha not shown much aotivity to-day, the settlement interfering to a oermn extent with' trsuiootiona. In Kails, Barrys have demanded most attention, the Uld Ordinary having been dealt in at 505 and the New Allotments at 90 premium. The Ordinary ia quoted 1 lower at 3054 ex while the Shores are i lower at 18 J. Rhondda slid Swansea Ray Ordinary has bueu transferred at 7 and the Debenture Stook at 108.
Ranks ore repreunted by a solitary trsniaa-tion in National of Wale at 17. Khymnoy Mortgage Jieben tores are 1 higher at 88 93, and International Coal Shares have bceu transferred at 5. In Miscellanaoua Seentitiea Windsor Slipways urn 5 lower at 1019 ex div. Barry and Cadoxtoii Debentures have been dune at 136, Nell's Ordinary at 13, ditto Preference at 9 17s Od, Cardiff Pure lou Shares at par, I acker's FniferenM at par, and Xbompsou and Pluwkull at 6, Inquiries have Ihwii made to-day for Thompson and Shaokell Ordinary Share at 68. Loudou aud Provincial Ranks at 30, Cardiff Pure loe at 7, Barry Allot-unuits, ditto First Preference, ditto Debenture Shook at 1174, Kills Dry Rook Shares at 71, Win.
Hanco*ck Preference at 11 11s, North's Ordinary Shares, Albion Colliery Shares, Windsor Slipways, D. Ravil and Sons Share, inter ntkml Colliery Shares, and Suuth Wales Colliery Shares. The new sullen include holder of Barry Railway Stook at 193 and 198 ex all, ditto First Preference at 87, Third Freferenee at ISC, North's at 3, D. Ravil and Bona Ordinary, National Bank of Wales Shares at 17, Barty Four per Cant. Debentures, Rhondda and Swansea Bay Debonture Stook, Bristol and West of England Banks at 18tV Great Weitern Five per Cent.
Stook, Thompson and Shaokell Ordinary, Cardiff Junction Dry Dock Shares, Pan-rikrber Ordinary Shares at 64 ex Hanco*ck Preference at 11 J8i. Barry I Graving Book Share, and Jaran Tnoker 1 Debentures at par. Our local ooal aud iron eompaniva are not nlono iu their vxperienoe of the depression with which I hi poitkuilar olsu of trade baa been visited. One of the best equipped works in the oounlry. is that uf Bulokuw, Vaughan, and of Middlraboniugb, and until recently the shareholders have met red fairly good dividunds, among ihe most reuent lieing 8 per oont.
in 1687 and 1688 and per ouut in 1889 and 1891). In addition to (he dividend peid in 1689-90, 96,000 was writteu offoapilal aud 100,000 added to the reserve. Last yvar, however, the profit only amounted to and after ihe prefurenoe ohsrges (43,865) had been met there remained only 82,068 available fur dividend on the ordinary sham. With a balance of 11,077 from tba previous year and the sbetraotioii of 30,008 from tlw reserve fund the direotors were able hi dudsw a diridend of 5 percent. As Rolokow, Vanghan, and Co.
have thair own coal and iron ore mines, they are a wry much better position than many o(brr oumpanies of the same clan, bat even with these advantages they were unable to withstand the severe depreciation iu prion. The receipts of the Khymney Railway Oont-p: witl 1891. the increase is, therefore, fors the week, while on the ten weeks to data any for the post week were 4,110, compared ith 8fi88 in the corresponding period of fi I FULLER 1 3 NEW London share market. uoeeoist IIH III IX.li i .10 run 854 -mi It h4T Clul 109 1(3 1v4 100 'St IWf j3' TO HAII.Uf.IY.-. BROUGHAMS FOB ONE HUHSE.
mull U9RTI 9VRARLI! 10 10 Rtuak Wujtl Auuult- UarnsIliBaEmiistM. M- Do. 4s. Flrf, 10 I'auurUi Ntilubwllilliiie Jlmlmliil I lto.CMrMM.lVrt. II IS Swllma ItonnlM Ito.
MwSaA(M. TSamiaiua am EtmaSall 3 10 Ito. Suto. Vlrt. Stack gwuiM Hartar.
4 u.ifbMk MS 1 Wwiwn itouuUaaVal I Ho. Sn.SiM.Pnl. I WlBilwr Ntovar SS It Ink ItalrnSandfMtoSM to awnMAttst Jaa TneicH AH8 Hiumus or AllotnanU UBTsadifitUsrar It Vanrlkrliaa umiunr Usual, ax dtv. nt 4 Is SiHsiiakikSiMw It Itorr, UtxrtHc efts I'ualwt'i im. Dab.
ittoak. it taw lSniwiiuii m4 eboaltoUOid. Shnn. liW St Min i Minn lfj, sn tOrrrtanaiM It VniaAlnt Huns, at ia sami, avms nervida hm. st ri 10 itostb A nails ISlil Sksna SO WoTtaS OoUlDTT PraL Uns jSIJMC Itonr in EfraOmna martr.
it IETS4 nuoMk Kaw IMImuv MSmmb fREMHdi an liHtisiUlwIMiwaK 7 lOTnokarV Old OidlDatr, mXaldwW tB OudlS sd Kuksnsa DSEn aksaw. at pu THKBH AIDE KUVKU8 01 gjeifyy iwknm ai nrk Sfeiiw Alkenaati AIMon OtilUaTT Hhana Wludaor SUimur Bham 20 and iOD. Harts and eras Bkaaaa and loailsa aad IVartmlal itoak Oh IDS, ai E0 SWOai, taSu iVafteveii Ekaak 40 latoraHlkSMl Ooillaar Miiani South Wain Unlllair A Bkam WEN i im, Prrto mm Haaok, itonr, Uadlaair Allafnanla LaaShe aae Pmrtail Ho Xkv Mnan Hsarr Fr f. eiaak. at IMK Hi) Rrraoa ami Morttur A Itoli.
Stoek 9N Suit tad E2raf.Kak Uwmv at uionnrur Book gkam, at tlx ProriaHrl 'ttoaiiiw FrafiriiraSkam olltif Sojh SI AiokarrKow Stouoh nn as swa. Uountatturt A Stum, st IT JCtaO Khiuaihr 4 im. Itoateauea Slock me rsuhoM Old Sh "or AItotnoeti a I Bon, Htr OnUuuy Stook nasrtJotoS. THAOUKIIAY AND CO, STOOK-RIIOKKItR. ilAltnil'V.
E. T. LVDDUN 00UFAKY, tfVOfJK AKJ) HIJTJC nrKIKK. OAKDKVV, IW RAT.K. rdfwrr Rtoik, il fS mv UL Htodf, it UHfi ItarrylM PrrhnMa fttoth, 116 (Mfir JWton Dnrlioec Harry Aflmtute.
ml pA prvw. iSOMrvy IVrf. Ktoafe. ni IM 4X4 Uivmn hi kUrilurr II DabMitara Stock, i( inriSiwil Oi SrjirjUff MtilWwr Arab 4 IwoXrr IhwiT I it SXJSS.n dim Ab TMi.aygSMhw etA at gut ami sdvub or Hany Haiianjaa fa Ktor IhMt arnHa Kharet SR ol OloutoitarHiuika and Wook id ol nil Haniai 10 Ptrwdl and JEnna Profinacs, at I0 Its II WU HATH HKXWU OP jBt (ton, nrtlwa, Stook, as 1HM xaU ID II. DA sad Haas OHUnai mSI Bnooa aj Haiwtok HO roaouRUrwiT ad Uorthnr SWli ProlOtoaoa way DA ttssk MwaoSk cjsrolirr.k lilt OuKnna to HOBDJSN CO.BTOCKBROKERS, isr.
line Dome oaxdifp. all loan', aad otkoc Saooalilaa. 0. HAS. MASSY AND 'li.
CORY'S RORireil BUTS HOOKS, (liRCIBY, PAjTMrtdioai Trtunma i ixrsaT. B7TYB1U a ir Iff Ja II ITM Mamma a a Hfeiwa Chief- Phra Ini alls Tuu.rr'. Kilr hora, .1 rl to aiUiUR8-M AUdon itoUlny Stoma, at SR id Pauroi Krawta, Omlnanr. AOnnaaiaos as yam. illand On) ataman Aft dW Horry UiHnm Duek IMk.
IIInekuhlJnllMr I1R It lltiair UiminiDoifea Ban itoaOtoaoMH IW SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. LOCAL CHARTRBTBO TRAXSAOTIOKB. Caiin, Wodnaoday. The foilowinB inejuda the lataat Uxturea re-v wtad to-day i Outward Srubs, Cardiff to Berdaau, fii (Od) Duenna ayica or JBora, 15a Bd (Bar-1 Unger) Buenos Ayres, 18s (Uanukn) Uibrabar, 7, Balnea Hawkins) Si. Xosaire.
5ff (John Harydiureh) Uiimii, 3u, dean (Constsuoa) Lisbon, Si 3-t. dean (Kiiymney) Port Said, 8, 7d (Abueymoor) a FhrsHaiit, 8s (Bvalyn) Port Said, 8s (Laennfleld) Tmuvillr, 5 a 6d (Craig) ODnaionilwxilF, Bi Bu (ir. Vaf liana) London, 4s 8d (lfawbinmi) Havn', Si, option Rouen Si (Ocnnsoo-weaitlij Bk Mala; 5s (Sanison Bbrnnllus, 10 (Licau) Mslla, 7l, dean larme (Lamuria) La Boetwla, SK (St Aubio) Laa Pabnaa, 8a 2tl (Hoiui Rom) Hontaaas, Bjt (Kir) Bsvoim, 8) S'! (Hay Green) a Ataxandria, Sa Bd, Ujc. (DJoa) Houkwasd Bcxamkis, Bordeaux to Uinilff, 8a (Ely) Cardiff, 6a 10H Dlk) Cardiff, 6 lOfcl (DorOogua) Bilbao to Cardiff, 44i (Rnuiidala) 4s ft (Unrsnl) mcSidimivi. Hjrtour Skoct, at ms; there hu been an improvement oomptredljMiiiiiiisraadOotrDtinauiitoakiMM with the oomnxmdiqg pwtfaMi oflosk nr Mam strebn iirii amounting to 4.543.
it ia iignitiaant that I VHIlh Uu lkir. hh naotTR luma period, the Xaff Yale Compeny asMrAUItm oat 2,714. The Rhoudda end Swan-1 jOJetgHhag.at did. Baiiwco WJ0(. iKrta tomiT in the have look fur tbu fullowi ItoSmoykl thou odx citir xdiioh, LONDON, Wkdxehut IfrasT.
An official notification, at the instance of Senor A. C. Michaelii, getierul freight and pMtenger ageut uf the Union Central Railway, hai reached nnr hand, dating that the Tam pi uo harbour wurk are now practically oumplrtf. will be remembered tha in November inat we drew the attention of iuab of our I'mder who xpeualats in Mexioaii, InteisOoeeiiic. and Mesioan i eutral Railroad iuuei to the then rapialr approach mg eoiuple-tion of this harbour, and to the effeot it would hare upon tha then recognised harbour of Mexico-Vera Cm.
The iteedy depreciation in the value uf Mexican Rails if, in reality, not an innoh due to the disorgunieed etate of the vanoua market a to the fact that its goods traflio ii morally bound iu ahuw a lerious falling off. The harbour of Vera Crux is little better than a deep bay, vitb a very wide entrance, which gradually closes in as the head of the by is reached. The adjaoent ooait ia subject to violent naira alternatively from the north and the south. The entrance to the bay faoing northward, the fall fury of the bliit ft fell, and render navigation, not only difficult, but highly dangerous wben the wind ia in the north. The only good resulting from the northerly galea is the faoc that the bar is deepened considerably, thui obviating the necenity fer ooirtinuoui dredging.
It ran be readily understood that Vera Crux oou Id never become permanent harbour of great importance. In any other oountry excepting Mexico private enterprise would have long mace fouud an alternative shipping centre. The Mexican have to thank the Mexican Central and the Inter-Ooeanio Railroad Hoards for opening up Timpioo. Both those road hare stations In dose proximity to the quays, in the port, and aw, therefore, ia position to partioipare immediately in the benefit likely 10 acorue from a diversion of theihippmg from Vara Cru to Tampion. The harbour at the bitter place ia large enough to aooommodare the shipping neoenitias of Mexico for generations to some.
Regarding tha lnterAtonamc, the bean are at prefect doing their utmost to keep the quotation down to enable them to boy haok. In so far as the Mexican Railway it concerned, we oau see no hope in the immediate future for that road, and should be sorry to lock up capital in auoh an investment. By in the immediate future" we mean to infer tha next few year. Time will, no doubt, oame when the population and trade of Mexico will be augmented to such an extent ai to make the Mexican Railway a substantial investment for speculator. it ia rumoured in the City to-day that an important amalgamation or Ronth African mining companies is about to be announced.
The companies iu question are the Meyer and Charlton Mining Company, the Wbthutsr Mining Company, the- City and Suburban Mining Company, and the Walsingham Alining Company. The fiitt mentioned ia the wealthiest oonoern, and has long been desirous of absorbing its poorer neighbours. The magnitude of the aobeme ia ach as to make the oumbination one of tile moat, if not the most, powerful gold mining company in existence in Afrins. A a speculation, the aherea of the poorer ooro-pauiw might be worth attention at the present moinunt. The share list of the Pyrites Gold Recovery Company Limited) will nloio to-morrow (Thursday) at twelve oolook for the country.
I Fxou as Puns AasocisnoxJ There has been a moderate inquiry for money to-day at 1 to 1 per cent. Discount rated needy atl for three months P4j9t a net i Thera vm no bullion operation! at tha I ihwtaiifp.cJkttHinnriiiik,. Bank. The total transaotions since last SSS.1 JT wt" Wednesday show an influx of 68,000. Ds, utiawaiiliiirimH Mwo I to.
Ad Svhiiiiu. Aeil Lore! Wink Xvw ilu. ile, Beiik nf KiiglaiMl KloeS Imga 3i Ik. 3 ito. aeaneiyo Dm.
Jlmr nf Wnrtui ii i Do. Uu. i i. Khinw p. IlGu 49 489l Im.
(Juki rtlnn 4 n.11. JniitJ hu.O.Umhl HuitH.4ur.0UTM liHSjlf ZtniHiul CiiiliullUPl lt, Stow 4 tr Ti Lurid I ir.UfiOtt4i iit, Vmuli Aiirtmllaii lM. Cjurildnil4 Hff Omit. UOMK AUtfltlUAV. ttontral Pool So Elllwoukla Ianaar Unlluar, Ito IWawl Krto Khurt Ito rralciwnoa Do taouud kliKlKKXH illlmil.
Uouiial LakotEtowo IwKoawi Ehuhrllto Ulauiurl, Kainw, ouil VdaHo Saw lurk Contiol How York OnlM-td tarfulk Pmorenoi lo.Ui Mudda ProFmonw -Iiloand Mlnlnl)il Jto ProfoiaaMo MMylnuita Oulluorv Pkltamliibto and EtowiHwa ito. Hint 1 1 hm lit i- lltuid. UnhMI Poolllo AkJnuU l-nilinimw Du. dmonl kturUgiH illonlia IE. W.
In Curt. tel iltuu, oihuIIkii PoalHc um Ajnoa Ol. ttouUui nuul Ynwk Ordinary Ito. Swnaim Ito, Him t'rolaruiioa Ito. Hooiiuil Efirtanmoo Ito.tlilrd ProEovonao aoaleoit Onlloirjr Du.
Hint ProroiwKN I hi. Hueiiiiil I'nilurunuo roUBIQH toaibonlo Cnlluory ox loan (tankl 1 1. U.llunil, Do. Uo. Fir to luaeam enoaw, Ayreo awl WnaH Conlrel ArcanUnv Chilton Snonua AjrnrtlBI leooosasoisoii Da.
lWU trgamliM IS3R DoE( Uotvwaury AreontlnaCoilulki A CeUailhtoaB auonao AyraaOodukM l)Ol ewohoaa IMlkMIlMkOMMUo OnallMui SSISlhi HMIlHttwe qgy4lan II ill Nail ....1 Uo. Uar. now Ike. Waku Itonwln Ito. I him, now (reniHi i (vr Oant.
Itaulni ltoSElwr OMto. Haayowa wr CJwto. QhM Uullaii jour Oou I. Uoaloou iwr Onto. Pmivlan CuramiUwi Da.
PrrtrtONM remtaNaao rw Uout IM Sreakt ISHi Iln 1MI1 sea Bay reoaipts week are as L'assengsra 106; against 169; goods I and minerals 288, again at 302. tin then figures thane ia a deoroaw of 16 for the weak and 37 for the current half-year. The decrease on tha Brecon and Merthyr line but week was 881, the receipt from pisseugers being 836, against 341, and from goods, aiwarese p. wii.sioooM,, Cambrian Kailwsys Company bod a demease of bwaxhua. Mimahk Addrua "wait, nomaa.
148 in their passenger and an increase of 128 in their morohandise and mineral traffic, the net result being a decrease of 31 compared with the aame period of 1891. 'The aggregate increase unoe the oommeoaaueut of the half-year is 669. A tUwreholdar in Both nritaa to us as follows 'LEO. 'I'll Oil AS, STOCK lUtUBKK.i VJT vimorA uHauoBHa. nunnocnra.owi.
nrXRR ABU hjsllxr or wia. Haaonok ACk M. Bkaaaa SM W. W. ffal ud (to ILMiadl (Mtaar, Ehsna.sk U1S faiUonuBd Busan idnUau, nUntotlookl OokJ Sham, at SU EuucMi'k dldomT Storoi I In your esmparfauNi in Mondavo 9'mftre Jba Of Ilia pro lift for 1881 nf D.
Itovu and 8ono (Umiiad) and ths Penrikyber Culiisry Company (Umiud) tha faitur compaov flgumi veiy un-favournbiy. Jlay I ask you to oonlinue iha uom- pnrisuii.by fluting In your nexs fssua tint, all bough (In number of directors (raven) la ilia I Jtnoa otKoVhoretoot''ah iiprtsi, nuno both eoHipanico, tlw Penrikyber directun fouauirtk Drr Itoak A Bbtre. rceeiveri fnr 1881 1A06 In ftee, wbrekfu tlw dhrso-tore of D. Davia and Sons (Limited) for tin mm period, are eradltad with 1,000, Comment is ngdicrMlBwayoakiaisS'O D.Dvtaaiui Soih Ord. it It ax dtr, Omtlff Jheatha Dry Dnek Bhtna Mirrr Ballwo, ADoinaaki Burr oaechaaitoa Thkartaai Ethaim-yXaUaa, Oo iu Harfcoor HirnnvM, are--- vuwmto PiHirfch HArbottr Riatk rn Shendila nd Hwunioo Boy Prereneooa, fDLKMTNG S- AND J.
G. ik HIQNALLBD OFF THS LIZARA Uarcli 8. Pa, seif Rase Bteanisr (prasomad) Emplro, from Ualtlinore forStmtln. Mareh 8l Wiiai, 2T. airong; squally; mow bar.
20 64, falUnff. Faaaad Borfi Baitoli aad Knuna, Liverpool Frxnoaa, nf Fowey Star of Italy, of UaltaAt Lodi Puy, bom Goolong for London alaaniere Scaadla IpMumad). Irom Raw York tor Hamburg Dtipoy da Lone, of Havre; Bouton, i of London Lady Uorolock, or Cardiff, BrUfall aarnn. from Phibulolphia for London Uaikonna uaaoivto I phlladelpiila tor Loilh; Horedone, bom New Orioona for Hraman Thureby, of Fleetwood Hamboru, from itoltiiunre for Antwerp. Paseed West i Pxuletie, nf Antwerp; Karn Laoaaitor, of sk 10K THOMAS, 3 SHtilBItCi III HntTBlJli mill MHBBMWIh B1RTILL 1 31 5 oo 2 3 1 3 a Ew PS BIT hMj.llfMeemht.
Beiim ffmitd (Uwffgfc fMemijgjto areh a (Davia), MatdL tjjWt Bom, a (BobinooiO. Bsohcotar. Tyim. (Bnrenl, Wow villa. Sewn Dees.
ObrahR-Sondor, (OmoomaM), BMgwatar. PorE and (CliUgay), Bridyncor. Duke uf rtilogtoa (Boar. maul. Driagwoior.
lEtorcfaCBoluM Haddna.s(Bowwri. Ohidiff. Vamex wuo Docx. Uaieh 8. Bjatou, a (Dunbar).
Loudon. Hunan. Ylahor. (BanntaUr), BaononA; MSTdrltasai. (Itaanld), Bt.
Buttre. BETTERED OU 1 IV A RDA JfMOb S. Bt. Votary, Agiwo Hltafi, Bnwdcn, lit, H. Jto sad tob St.
Xtxtf m. Boutin A OtetA TM. J. gMdACto Bon Prandioo, Biidore, B. Sonaldmn, IW, Shnpooa Bnifl Bahtoto' Wittoklnd, Mali w.
874. J-Wood Alto. ALirtolz Hiattatar, A WUeliMto-l. 4-Angil ACto Ouanuuy. tsuriumon, B.
ltdlU.P Mbamw Buornicy, Ikirtoo, Hail arrow uruw Oooau Uonareh, ifoituejBA Shaphare Dlsppto daorgoltt, Vanallii, STB, Bqdlrey Taylaa UiMlaa, IDraulaga, Dan.Pauiotn.OIT, haoup CLnARElto Vartll A Txltrv, Agnra Bilan. A 966 sail Nobles, wuuEind, 8, 1.10 eonl fioeriiaiy, Oeaaa llaiwioli, DLSOOaoal Kew Bsaur OBjr. A 130 gmuial ougo lUFOBTS. Haich 9. La Boehdlto Wrllxmu, id tons pltwood, W.
6. Iy IKPOIHU COABTWI8A-BehA Brtatul. XorMiuaii. to gowaiwt Qlxsgow. Sorer gttwral exports cOiennufr-HoNh a Butrarer, Oooao iloaarcii.
350 eool, A. Thmaaa HlahMdgto UW. Ml Ml, Oaraioathoaahfew OSMmy tal noo, Uytlety, 9 inpifphaaphxte, Vivian aad Brito, Vlgltaxt, 0 ooal, Tltha A Baas Rrittol, Hooreaan, gtaoml Hxiu OaOtoey Cnopuy NEATH AND BRITON FERRY. ARRIVALS. Hareh A Hosgnvo, to hA HkiteFito Wo ftniwi; aU.
lATTJNflj. Hareh S-StreUiaivy, Oftabao), WatneysisL Dama (WUtol, Bridgwater. PORTHCAWLv ARRIVALS. Ukrth 91 rr. 57, Birnslapit, brilut.
BhMqr, VA Milford, ballast. Delphi ua klliabokh, TA dalaya sUweod. UlaUttot, 46, CombesiarBha lxrt. Sari. 81.
Wasted. Ito. Baba, 77 Woxfad, GlVudwr, EA Haligimrd' hiUaM ffear dgnaa, SO, Bk Agaaa. billaat. Deux Flares, ArreOM, pilwood.
fJraula, 30, Vaiinca, pltwood. baiuvoi. Hareh A-Eongh Vlalianto UWfc.5IBaoal IH POSTS -Hareb 9. ArawjJDriplliaa Bllsabath. 183 urns pltwood, P.
B. Araaoiwii. Daoxyreiua 270 too pEtwood, V. B. VIvtox Fassas, Paste, 130 teas pltwood, p.
Vivian ACTION BY A CARDIFF CREW. AH UHSKAWORTHY VJES6BL, AI Fassags Wret (County Cask) Fatty Ssarioxs on Tkuafop six of the ersw of the tarque Iditfaslr summonea fobs Jonsa, master, for uovmgdls-diargad liiem without do notlcs or adaqum rmauoarattoa. Jsnuaiy 18 tbs mss svc artleks at Cardiff for ixonsn. They atiived at Qureniiown on Febnary 80 end the rasaal was inau found to bain such aatats that lbs Bosid of Trads inspector ordered bee to be property re paired before going to ms. TImi ea plain Cf charged the crew on the coot, only Pyi8 1ir wages np to Frbmary 80.
Tha Haglutsias sllowad ssdi plaiatiff 5 to cores btaiupponand puags bask to Cardiff. Hoilc of appeal we fflveu. STREET FOOTBALL AT NEWPORT. Tha magtetntM (Meun. A.
Stevens sni IT. Bsy non) at Hewpon Borough Pol loo-court on Wadney day hsd bafore ihem two sssesof footbsB pteytaf la Kswport ilroeti. Tlis flret of tiieM comprised Ith tad fifdnay Gatehauar, John PliUUpA W. Lee, Gra; GriUn, William RagasOO, and James Hunter (IT), who wm found on Sunday tact playing food-ban In Dnisn-atreefe Eaeli defendant was fined Is. The aeoond case Inofodod Jidin S41OartJ(yi Williams, VViUEan Uorgan, Arthur Raker, Xicefe Burton, and Predfriek Milo, far a timtlsr oifeoee la on Monday afternoon.
Tbsp wren aunilarty dealt wilh. AN A5ANDURED DRUNKARD AY BRWPOBT. Folleo-court on WadiMtdsy before Messrs. A. J.
Stevens end T.J. BbtscsI; (Diariss Ball maifa hi 84tti appearance. Lappariad the be had bsen Bring tar the past Bva yoaie brim Dorcas Gsony, who war, however, not hta tiar He rseently cametunue urunk and pushed her obs chair, Injuring her ina. 61m bad to goto tbs-Inflrntary to gat fa bound npFreeoeuUrix arid-he wanted to get rid of him. 8li did no -tops tha time of day witli liim.
tSiSM1? quiet, and did xot-prrea tha eburga. Whanhs-nob us drink be was 8 right, hat wh hehsa-, drink fn him site did not beliova be wu rig. -Ths Clerk i Bata been back and fore at this coort for naasty tworty ycsn-Tb Bench, lx vtaw thu serlaa taken by proeeouirix, only ordered fin of SOto, or fourtaan day. FAIRS FUR MARCH. St.
win iv HschyultaSb lfaroTiril. LtangyiaiMli, Honigomefy, iUy Bom BaynoUitona lTtftlHNaaMN Pox xnixww Csnllgsn gxiharth, INN4HHM4NH Iff 18 IT 19 IL IB 71 tl 8 Seirhridge-ou-Wyna Faxykaus Bhayadar LatUralnn. wbrluge a fa Sayn Mawcaaili nmmkmT WVIHflM si ifaauorery KffHOB MiiaotMiasseei Cftnton (Oudlff) Ufttueloriief ..9 0 YMMlrlim wremtewnu. KolgfUfiMl ccccctocesscasMce Jjiinpctor MHN.Ha II Lhuwiti lasasMCSCMiteaeeassk Ito LlaiiipidMk IA Taigaith Oh odarwen 14 Abavgarenny IS Hivarfordwaat 16 Kxrtaii. I Hanlblr gtneknii UlM4lMS ate (riaaSasrMJJUf btr Bowioarx Lnuolnater a Orvimnrsh yoxibrska.
Heath ifaahllfaUi IHHHHNHHMM faitt. Hntson's Ucxxrus Aciwre BttoMjtoed neJ kp dm IMtad.nariJ Ujrrejhore ffiiSaBagg: wMSsjasrsA" I JBhrBQ BUHODillia nilla Cardiff; Wiatud (prtmmed), fniai Etna burg for rtxlto, lid LVricar, pitwuad. New York; Clan Uncgrvgw, of Glasgow Brn vsuni. 'f Own London far Livetpaol Ajnx, from London for Glasgow Brilliant, of Qo-lamaDdt; Oom, of Botfwdom; Shagbrook, of Loudon; County of Bn lop, of Uverpoul, for Bwau- Hareh aJBMophllt Mix, 79, Hindi Ames. 44, BlddorJ, llglit.
41, Btoaioed, Jital. Domhioit, TU bon Date, Bristoi, Ugh. gauataL Awio, 136. Dark. aroUr 40, Uiddisaborouuii dg iron.
I'hu decision of Mr. Wolfe Barry on the claim brought by the exaouton of tha lata fib. T. A. Wqlkev against the Barry Railway aCSnSnSrenBy inoLiwwaaifiimwii Company baa had a depreciating effeot upon 'to tha stook of that company.
The sum whidh tha Barry Company have to pay will, it is' trne, be charged to capital aooount, but shareholders are beooming alarmed at the proportion which tha capital of the oompany is ssauminr, without any oor- tkrrrtMisanr naak reipatiding inoreaie in the trade of the dooh. I Sgfgjff gftfigg We are not iurp riled, therefore, to find that JiwoMn DarM the stook is 1 lower to-dar. hie company I AIH80-Ifcr have now oom manned to publish ihsir receipts, whioh for last week amounted to 8,496, As'FHOS. F. PEARSON.
STOCKBROKER n-blu to mak. any compar th KSBP1 tht aun period of lut year, tha information I msli i kk vRbvnTwr froa New Aoni afforded is not of very great value at present, to SIS but tha oompany have taken a etep in the right dirwotion, and aa time goes on we (ball I koiiiT be able to traoa (he progress of the oompany gE with greater aoouraay thsu was possible under Western oowitiooMapteasiyitoBrib. the old system of tonnage, Ptolannu, Uadload, Iiiylor, LlM Oar, Rail A Uo, Iqokiaa, Chilkui, Taylor. fO). J.
Pwek BoMsir.OharieiV. Jonas, Tbsaaa, lSL Jqa and Shomaa Ian Trauaiioo, 3byfltld, FEillllpii LtTM JmtM A Co. ftirortana. Loandw, B. gar.
910. qT. Bymi ACe. Port Said. MaKhj, BSlMrireod, 1JKB, X.
Kopnsr Oanw, CKavaden, a. B.Wllla. 1,013, M. Angd Mordeans, la Dammam, a. OlarKr, 761, kl oral Broi.
Bmnlatv. Arthur Baail, Darafayi UR lonnirtl. Hania A Co, (Unlladk Tauartlh, Daw Hill, 1,113, J. H. ami Ion Li, bon.
lUiyl, Kondriek, OIL I. Cory A Bona Havre, Baryi. Baitoy. tJB, W. Ay tor A Oo.
Port S.kl. AOono, to laJmworthjr, IifR a. Brake-wMiAUo. La kodiollo. Umtalalro, P.
Loykll.SST, A. Oapidla Ouo, Slip, Kwy. A Oo. Jiihoa, i aabow. Sor.
Eahial.lJl, Maatiu, Bwgt Ok. Sarnia, Ahioa Ttuiloa, Baa, Uutslai, IBcR A 3-MUUUptllb Allooute, Aognita, 8pn, Liorana, Uansaooa, Oriatehal (Ju. HavreTMaMioir, Biwwn. XS. Luasatw, Byior CLBAKED-VarehV Havre, Rhlo, i ,00 aaal Barartiuai.LoaiHlo, a.
A UVsmI Thteatmona, Slruailtiro, a. B.JU370 ooal Pert Sold, ttoranaito, 8, mol lqmquo, UhlUan.B.n'. fuel BoMoi, E. Oliorlowuad. B.
MOO soil Bortoaiix, la Buiaom, kUwaod Tent Onto Blue tur, fooi Aaoona, mHaa, to BAOOml DMNriffi, Hour Hill, sTA tiOSO eool Dakar. UVan, a. A 1,100 ooal Fork Bata. Draaeotou. to ujJOOto Havre, Jaau epelr, 1, 820 ooal Burt Bald.
XJrkby, Vulporalao, (Omsi.iara, lAOOeual In fioahaUto Abatuaire. to! ff. 1JN0 ooal l-aouoa, Hokona, a. Goa, 1,100 ooal Outre Drdbkoto Btnan, ballaat BartMua, Albert, gray, ballast niPOBTS-itiirti 8 and 0. Bsaito CeanuBWhakb, to eiutii oTIhrtto BmtM sad Bon iatvirpiillWi allfw Mitd.
Eurt A Oo. Aroudal.Lom, minini tlnbcraad pronto Oabrootarand Ooli woodonoauty kuuo, LiummA Oat Satoso, Ortyfa. Mr, Iplllaan Efakrn tiloucifwr. visffawport. Qnaan.
auiulriM, Baal land BoMoff, Waalajr, pototoao. H. RngUiid BARRY DOCK. A.1IR1YAL8, A Artlinr BmA, s. It7, Antwerp, light, dale, BAA KunboUs.
llatit. Stuart, 811, Dan- Iklla of Haiti badmuudloo, 730, Bi klft. so Hart, Aa amkk-baS Stuart, 811, bomuul), Uxllxit. toljaHMfaal, HgkS. fit.
Honan, 1,453, Answorp, ba lAiLixae. Harsh A-flimlsI, 643, uhatham. end. Avli, BUartu, XU. Atbortoo.4Sl.Bonca.ouol.
Boatsao 11., UU, Panaiig. ouaU Waanlalo, o. 13I. OoaasonU-uopto. ooal.
Jaiu. ti, Hi(iitridgo, ooal. finch A Hcrfx. to 8H. Huai, coal.
Bentxr, to 346, Hiwtvx. Voash Duron, i44A Bane, eoaL BoaA, to 1A9B, Mn(aport. WPURT RSI VALB, iuounu Book Horeli 9. Woo. Mi, Brtotol, ballaoto BaaptotolAtA Londsa, orator bollaiv.
Olo Don. Dowl Wyim. Bto Ayncto lupito Opaps, Mto Ootk, tollaxto Btaaano, reh Kred, ,149, Innw, antar btllut. Xiitloas, to 116. Watmord, watsr ballaito CxMaln Foray, to ML.
DiiMla, warn liallxat. S4orat Oom. tog. aao. aU.
Rflafiev, toUT, Oxnilff, all. Buparb, 61, Brlato), all. Dvr Pock. Hatch 14QL Dmikltfc watoa halfait. baildkm.
ALSSASDIA BOOK. Hareh 8, Xomoo (Boon), BMihml. TMmu (Btwuo). Baraotaplo.Bt. Vtoooatoo (MtorJ, Brioi, 8m.
(Hxmilton), Londomtofry. Bnaagreva, a ynUHpa), iouilianiptoo. Aluaixns. (Kojiuldi. Dlorp-.
4fcooy, (Anotyy), CHhaaStor. Jdaitisado, 1 (DorW), Sorlllo. OLO DOCK. I UMtfe liaXlTlll(l I (DlltoU); DcMllls KiikliM, a LfMant. gsnJsSib-): (Brtaudh Oonoarnaxu.
tpvnor(MialHu), Fan. Rivxs Wiusvxa. Hxreh 9. AnutlivaC (Ai idreira), Fiwty, lfintam (Luekx). Brldgwxlar.
firtma (Or at). BlSilarl. Calp (Thoona). Llvoraooi. Oxlcdenia (Uampoor), Waxtoni.
viam (Woodward), Htghixddgu. Uoorga (White). NrtvtvL SBTBRBD OimVASDI-Hxreh A Alxxxndrix. Hounilow, to II, Borman, 1,711, watu, Wnl 0 Da, DafeamM, CSxroExit, 541, Baonia, WUklo-voo A Co. Ftlarmo, Bairiogtsn, a Gnuigti, (SB, Pymtu, Wat-on Alto dutuoa Ayna, Alfalfa, Oiamhwfaia, 1,402, doom.
Hoard oOa, Savona. Wttliirby, Pitentn, lBI, gtaphooto Uhwaon A Born 331. A. F. saaTi." 7- BrsrttHsdir, OLgABID.
Mareh 0, Ooeoa, Aretes, 1300 aoal BardoaaxTbff, to I4M ooal Faterxre; Eanlngua, 1JOO ooal Idahoo, Utarvasa, bon, Bavoxa, Wrtfcarhy, to 1600 ooal uibox, WaoitofftuEto to B. IMsl Toodo aad floia, Etoouui firtxato ft lM tori Bisttb Badlr, 150 ooal ItlFOKTSMoreh 3. Bodon, Thoophlio Frtlx, 114 loada pitwood, A. Tipooa A Co. Ayr.
Iron pig ben UlddtoaPuruugti, Wnaan, to 470 Bothlua.lUHH A Oo. too pig Iron, B. lua.lun. Msltto llOLoodi pltwood, Ordor man, iiHMiqr BriaM, MxrqolOjia ooal, H. Akom Prialol, Thom.
150 ami Rlghkridato ffima, HOo at, W. H. Okambn PlyotettU, anal, foore FlymooUi, Haa Lark, SH0 ooal. Ran iiIo7WI1M noun amsilBri MHOIIIO. wiunaoui, rromlugtor, Dolphlu, 30 ooal, Donnie, Wllklnooa Flyauakb, Plnvirr, ill ooal, Bodd A Oo.
Ikrnotapla, Utotaar, 80 ooal, Clxpp A Oo. HrtoM, Won, 35 cool, j. fi. Aim S5S4 jyAjiffe-Wleial. J.
a. Ahare fcpwk.1 10 ooal H. Edward, xg3gtoU21.I.IM. DoliHn. Ooptifn Furry, 0,630 mi, I.
r. Thnamo A Oo, bndmulmy, OmlthoMMSO noal, J. F. Xhaarno Jt Oo. JTkto'Mw.
mHo Urey, 410 ooal. F. IlKMHi A (to. WatarEoM, Hirkhato viJO F.Shomao SCa, pisqiatew, Adm, UB oool, DhoaoxdJIaaiwft Oompoay Futta.Oxrre, js ooalDkMisnd-UantwIS Oomwony Badbrtdgo, Qlaamore, 440 Biot Irou ohalm, rotool Hat and Bulk Oompany gorth. ynnrta 73 aoal, Hapoxfaeya OriUevO.
SWANSEA-ARRIVALS, fa*gs Dow. Hareh g-gqabreL brutal. Parlay. Stok A-guol-ghltoTW ItoUredowi. BlL fiirab A -govern.
Steigow (eft Ouftff), Hlffil; HxretAr-Doraaoaan, IA Bdstal, gmaL Waltoaaa, 34A fa Bash alii, pit Farecx or Wane Does. Harsh Plymouth, hsllsiti gAIUVBA llBMi 'Hkreh gtimaa. sfBoOgwn), Chuxtoo. Batattao- IBtf 'll!) nut tmi 13 I IT 104 1M wi uy rij Ml MS test JbC.i KlliWAJC HUVUB. 8 Hi' 354 it Uff 16 6 11 4 Ui 1 1T li .3 iVi 4ii I 12 6 MA a ft 1 ii I I I I I I I I 3 11 100 ss.ssr1 llS Bitty ol (Mnksa OaoBlMk 1 urnnu OS All 11a 31 uam ONhH Bony DoUuxr itoia BovADoiaiaski xmothUad SB J.
W. UUURT16 ft OU, STOCK AYS IHAXI llQXIsa, AXK BUILmmiB, a. KARY-eCUR, OUkXinVff (IlnuM, -Broora, 0lniir4-Mktii Kol H4.I ignsL 5 Oastrsl Dre Doak Bhoias A Dario sadSoai llanai HOBdiaaiiaHithTtoantivCtofilhism XE00 Ikumr OrUaor- Ssfhl itoaiUff Pun III A aad I Bhstas IB BSUoaal Hank of Waloo iWZi 14k 10 OAUMI7 tOStoMMAAr mSSmSmSSL rlVIEGBRTHBN DUNN AND (. A BSIocxsm. Txxmnre.
OAKixrr.l,ToloxhoBo. Bx. 1HJ muOBAM IW ftAT.R. Whaaf Aim IX gflkrelh WUmPoUto Ml Baitri Msmk Btoifc I dJM JxnoRadrilffoto MlWtbteUrKIniiT I ee ifci 14 Biimnr SSe IMtmia Oouiare if omidlv. at Ware gormm Jar I (oto Ska no.
aktl MutldvAx4louonfliotu hatd. If*cktlTto teak FicsiMim 1 Fox ni Txxni tm Bkxatx. A fSvdrepaot dm Bqnld "FMihHrrerinktogao awte koato iiU ud i FintaitaMHl Iiwdofig Bouowtn Oamanr arc Putt. Cheat aod lareaih Owualalntto-ffbu iltBool ii IncarUv ol Iht dhwAaartjritojryAMk aad wuilorlxo Iklo goigSSio Oto napoopofiooSiaioreriallf oomuiklBla, Uror dtoentan, and MarMhor mokr diotoWhloh wore oom thabmakrisi dumra of mrekEad artahumauii In town ud ooatir. Ba diroariaaa toruaa SSMSK'SiSMteSM 3l Momefaar tMlmonkSillad' teirilaafawnabufe ftd UTItad to krr HoUmmifa aalakretod modtobM.
wUdi Olid earn ikoai. H.r lavltei to kry HoCownyX aalaSretaS miilelot. wblab I KIGlfALLBD OFF THE liUUBLK) HKAB. Mxreli fresh; wsalhcr, stiung snow squall sex, rougii. Fasocd Bnati tStnmare Goorgstta, of Dieppe Galatea, of London Ho renfng 0, of Oaponlwgoa barqoa Btto, of Swin-ea; Isirquentlnu Oeoan Sprite, nf Falmouth; brl-goulinao vivid, at Whiiby; Jeon Baptiste, of miy nouito nr irnmra aoirei, ra iiaromonwi Glyndwr, of Ohoatsr brieanUno Samuil Aaallna.
of Harennao; seboonon (Korge of Barrow Emily Burnrost, of Wliitehevas Siippty, of Dub Ills Batch Bo nil, of Mlifnrd Blue fltmm p.M.J iyMo lit. vjuJ TTnge 1 7 juiAnn Uvsrpool; Wcstbuir, of Brlatol; Exatar City, of Briotol lynq, of Howcastls Hario FI turn, of HoweasUo; Rosalia, of Wlilihy: SeMisby, of dwanoea; Orlingford Lough, of Kewry Cbariao UUaholl, of Cardiff. FOXliey ASR1VAIB AND VOVXHBffU OF LOCAL VKBSKLd. Dare paired Bnes 8th. Datao soalad at Qucoimown 8 til.
Lilli loft tha Tkiio to Lai, Aon 9th. Tintarn Ahboy airired eumitar Stk. HMrooa Aktey arrtrod Wore Hortfapool Mk Dolaooth sirired Im PxImxiWi. U. WilklMon arrlvoA London few Cardiff 8th, Toctla arrlrod Londun few (hidlff Itb, Brignaa arrlvod Duakirk 8U.
at paresd Hxlu (or Alexandria 8kh. nktond arrlrod Shugow Wi. OulttailUx arrlvod BlbreUar 9Ui. WiUhua gorklta toft AJgtare tor Uahon DWi. FMieltth arrM Ift lAhariii Mreiiy Mk, Oreoohlll Mk Bouon for Cxrdiff bh.
Staudatay arrlvod Dlbrelior from OortEiagsaa Ttlb Hattaro arrived 84. Efmxxlrx fth. Aotivity toft Bmot far JtoirvSilto CARDIFF. ARRIVALS. ItQAHT Pfiff, aa Friaoto to L212, Boadaanx, llti idrerpooh dght.
yfa mbon1, MSS Kieh8r-Oru dbajtej to Hliani fa Twieheiifaaa, 10L Halthv, to 1m Autwarp. Ugh. But Bum Xteox. Bbrah 3 Slgrlx, 139. ODDimoawoatlh, Uouun, plaxtar Firta.
Halloo, 383, Havre, Admiral Troop, 208. Irlatol, light, Dloniluo, 849, Wan BvraDoox. HsrA BaUes, hortey. LmyALOutel, Uahto Rarer, 127, Wwarfoad, UghS. Quau, 30, QUousmtar, ote Hawpore, oundrtca, Jttareh l-Jamu Spalr, 3SL Fnrtlaiid, light.
Wcatoy, 32, Bmutt. potetom. LaMar, 77. Fnaxrer Doox. ,349.
tad toot. Hxrob l-Aghloa Vtamlre, (CoitoloQ, Hull, light. BwUh, a (Wauter), London, light. Jaua Jnb, (RysxkFaxaathBiiiidtoUghS. RsesrtDteHgkFtyxreulfa, aImiouc Hareh Si-Btseosk, (lasuasr), PMirik Bonds, bght, BAiLurag.
BOOK, Hareh Hr- HsadlaW, o. BA Saar, i(M4shtUu-dnlito Haihatla, a (Vklteotina). Ltaboo. Hareh 9. Bnan, (Usarell), Darido.
Hareh 8 Xarla Hurt gaaUjgl; Onnua. (Frton), PooilgMu. Okm delta (Bomj, a gorvao. Dawl Xaaa (Sod-ilondan), For, ML Pkxaitb Uqox Htroh 8. loo, a (Mudd).
La Plate, soaL AUsa Blsk-man (Oppaa), ysnangTomd. ltaaah A-Bhla a (Bead). Bavtto amL Alreakoato OUTWARDS, Hirsh A JWHU41ID OUTWABDA Hareh A "B' to A A4te, S14, BaUlhna, lie, Oreaga Prissa to Hay, IRi, Ohrialli 1 1 I I liar silver declined -ft to Mexican dollar -EUd. Ruin bay rate of exohange Is. Cbioutta Is.
8 lioug hong Si. lla. Teudem for the filantffieiter Corporation Three per Cam. Loan for one million and a half amounted to 4,690,000, Tenders at 864 per oont. reoeive 94 par above in full.
The laria Dour wai steady. Private discount easier at cheque exchange on liondon lower at 36.19, Geruwn Hoarse firm. On the Stock dMters have bean ohiefiy mgignd in tfae adjustment of the aooount. thwrying-ovw rates were generally very light; and easier than last time for AmwiiKii Rails. Brighton Deferred contango, after bsiug Needed to j.
Quotations are for the New Account on the 18lh inst, Gosohuu (Jonsols eloaed a ahnde lower for the Aooount at 96; Rupee Fours improved bat Foar-aud-a-Malf Loan reoadadd Kn ohaatar Thraea improved I to 95, New Loan quoted the same prioe; Wait Australian and Cape Consolidated lfoare and Ctope Three and-1 apnit'o touai a-Half Loan up i Madras Railway Stocks A I S2225II1 to 1 higher. 1 Batomxno In Foruign Rood most Argentine Loans further advanced 1 to 2 par Oadulas A ditto 11 Euenns Arree gold premium ii quoted higjber at 34S per cent. I saw PxbEn aiwata Uruguay Thrae-end-a-Half Ijosn rose 1 I to SOf, Jeruvians to A while Coats Rios A I owana Load Ml 2 Spanish improved nearly Egyptians I law sxpiuawiluti (kuiinaSa.) i to Tribut-t Loans, Hungarian Fours, and Itai Ians, and lfortqgueie on favourable I sdvioea from the Ooutiuent Turkish and I thoMi aue Hurry Ruaian Four dull. hom*o Rails generally firm. Brighton Deferred advanced on the large trafflo, while South Eastern ditto and Uhatham Ordinary daolined 4 and 4 respaotiveiy 1 North Easterns receded but other beavy line improved Yletropolitaux and Districts I ew PtoiA.
a. North SSSTeSliaia. British Praf ditto Ordinary, howaverj jumpers receded Raster ns I Amenoan deeoriptioni opened generally I aHonar ami uwk dell, in sympathy with all-atrea qaotatians, wuim bat prieqa aomewhat improvqd, and closed gJJjJio goiui moat instances owing to batter advioas longiaagia Bowks' thia artvrnoon from the other side. Missouri-! Broken Hill Louieviiiee and Erie Shorea and some ThBksaotiL otturn to if Fennayl vanias. however, Jwr vworleff freshissne of stook, emioii Wui lork Osotrels down 1, Lake Shorai, XwsiisBoritiaUuiiOsiiiarisi and Milwaukees Ofcios i.
"irbi Do, 1st E2ruui ii. Do lad (I nail Do ini Biwnp Ito. 4IEi (Irmiii iliaOHLLAKROUIj OUtWHUi Jifc lUusi denW1U hirnKuay HilkuinilHIlINMIU1 GruiHMiy HitiM LViih. LoiMUMiri.UUihriiH,s l)lw. HlMMl WffiHrlwUffi PafriNNtinr rn4 (MmiIrI INK.
Du, ilalffrfwl OuimnlSUrniililp, A0 mid loB.HUniiiavIlklGiala Do. par (tout. Pref. Da. liar (tout.
ISU7 luelujlworloaH IM. Prof itoi Uu. OiiIIiiww -Dkoot Oallod Htolao Odria Uoatoni dlUu Baokoru gotoualuii VrexlllaiiHiilNiuirliiii allanal BMopliuttu Aithnr 8uIubmo Oidlnxrjr. lllicuia OnHnarv Bqrautanil Slay llnlliimry CouoaU Iron gbkw VxtoSt. A I'm Ob -Kadoeu'o Bay Bkwroo Hataliklao Dnaau louul MIAMI ton (tounl I MlloONiOtO: 30UTH WALI5S (SWANtiliA) MAUKR11 KcurelortHeiUliaT HA KB HTIIOKBgO KBB Huong.
THT 18l. 14)1 111 xd ura IIS 10 IS xd US U6 xd 70 rr 1E0 Id xd IM xd 111 IS UMUnd IDE 13 ii itS 113 A IB are ItaBww (to. lal Frrt. ltv Dto ito Ito IN HriuifcirotoirtLr. imi lea P.
MFsaf. IM 103 (kahtlM BtoUtoto if. Jto, Bo.a4p.to 5 1 USanillo fe Suaa. JESfl; A mmMriu.reato HI llC TxdVxiot v.a.Ooao. 1H Uf sSws ssw.a is I II us RAILWAY ABD OCHBR DXIUniTUUXS.
giak OaarvllaDanrSM Ml armo Mrttlur 'A4 p.a. Ui JM it. IP4m, goto Book Oaortrto.AjTto nrakVjrt.ml'i'..'.'. Baskh ud Droton 1x4 li BkoxAia 8to nay i totolO OklnillhLIItijaeSt LeiriwJir KjUiottft! Hi in xd 3 ill in ID IU IN IM US ll HB Eflff IB ll us ill IH IM UO IS iS 111 imfbif. jr 11 Ito.
BripsaftoSL IT oathfeluaU Swuk WxtaoT teniM (MfirtOi tiiAL Ml iftV.llimKtaik 1 iafcs'K; saftK.s0.. it ad 2 i. Dario ou I I.